books.gitMy reading list and summaries Gustaf Rydholm12 years
cv.gitMy curriculum vitae Gustaf Rydholm14 months
dmenu.gitmy rice of dmenu Gustaf Rydholm3 years
dotfiles.gitmy dotfiles Gustaf Rydholm44 hours
draupner.gitStonk Gustaf Rydholm
dwm.gitmy rice of dwm Gustaf Rydholm8 months
dwmblocks.gitmy rice of dwmblocks Gustaf Rydholm16 months
emailwiz.gitBootstrap script for email server on arch Gustaf Rydholm3 years
githome.gitHelper scripts for self-hosted git server Gustaf Rydholm5 months personal website. Gustaf Rydholm2 months
jax-optimization-tutorial.gitLearning optimization with jax Gustaf Rydholm2 years
keymaps.gitMy qmk keymap configuration for the ferris sweep keyboard Gustaf Rydholm20 hours
mystic.gitMonitor Gustaf Rydholm4 weeks
no-clown-fiesta.nvim.gitMy neovim colorscheme Gustaf Rydholm3 weeks
nvim.gitMy neovim config Gustaf Rydholm21 hours
org.gitMy orgmode files Gustaf Rydholm12 years
rag.gitRetrieval Augmented Generation with ollama Gustaf Rydholm6 weeks
slock.gitMy rice of slock Gustaf Rydholm3 years
st.gitmy rice of st Gustaf Rydholm14 months
text-recognizer.gitA neural network that reads handwritten paragraphs. Gustaf Rydholm5 months