\vspace{0.1cm} \smallsubsection{Programming} \vspace{0.2cm} \programming{Python -- Fluent}{ Go-to language for most development, both at work and at home. } \programming{Rust -- Familiar}{ Really exciting language that I am currently picking up. } \programming{Haskell -- Familiar}{ Together with Rust, I find Haskell and functional programming really appealing and something I am striving to become an expert in. } \programming{sh -- Intermediate}{ Developed a lot of scripts. } \programming{lua -- Familiar}{ Used for configuring my nvim \href{https://gitlab.com/aktersnurra/dotfiles/-/tree/master/.config/nvim}{config}. } \programming{Kotlin -- Intermediate}{ Used at work. } \programming{Git -- Proficient}{ Used all the time. } \programming{Kafka -- Intermediate}{ Used both at home and at work. } \programming{NoSQL -- Intermediate}{ Used both at home and at work. } \programming{SQL -- Intermediate}{ Used both at home and at work. } \programming{Kubernetes -- Intermediate}{ Used extensively at work together with \textbf{helm} and \textbf{docker}. } \programming{Docker -- Proficient}{ Used extensively at work and at home. } \vspace{0.1cm} \smallsubsection{Machine Learning Frameworks} \vspace{0.2cm} \programming{PyTorch -- Proficient}{ Used extensively for $+4$ years. } \programming{PyTorch Lightning -- Proficient}{ Used with PyTorch for $+1$ years. }