\section{Technical Skills} \vspace{-0.25em} \subsection{Programming} \vspace{-0.25em} \programming{Haskell -- Familiar}{ I find functional programming really inspiring, and I have just started to picking up Haskell. } \programming{Rust -- Familiar}{ Limited experience, but my future language of choice. } \programming{Python -- Fluent}{ Used it for almost a decade; web services, scientific computing, you name it. } \vspace{-1em} \subsection{Scripting} \vspace{-0.25em} \programming{shell -- Proficient}{ Used it for various small task such as bootstrapping an email server, add functionality to my operating system, etc. } \programming{lua -- Intermediate}{ I used it to configure my \href{https://git.gustafrydholm.xyz/nvim/files.html}{nvim config}. } \programming{fennel -- Intermediate}{ I used it to reconfigure my \href{https://git.gustafrydholm.xyz/nvim/files.html}{nvim config}. I am completely sold on the Lisp syntax and macro system. } \vspace{-1em} \subsection{Markup} \vspace{-0.25em} \programming{\LaTeX -- Fluent}{ Mastered it while studying to become an electrical engineer. } \programming{HTML -- Familiar}{ Working knowledge, use it for my personal website. } \vspace{-1em} \subsection{Databases \& Message Brokers} \vspace{-0.25em} \programming{NoSQL -- Intermediate}{ I have experience with both mongodb and redis. } \programming{SQL -- Intermediate}{ I have experience working with postgres and timescaledb. } \programming{Kafka -- Intermediate}{ Deployed and maintained a kafka instance in a private cloud. } \vspace{-1em} \subsection{Machine Learning} \vspace{-0.25em} \programming{PyTorch -- Proficient}{ Used extensively for $+5$ years. } \programming{PyTorch Lightning -- Proficient}{ Used with PyTorch for $+2$ years. } \vspace{-1em} \subsection{Miscellaneous} \vspace{-0.25em} \programming{Git -- Proficient}{ I host my own \href{https://git.gustafrydholm.xyz}{git server}, I have used git for +7 years. } \programming{Kubernetes -- Experienced}{ I have worked with Kubernetes since 2019, self-hosted and at cloud provider. } \programming{Terraform -- Intermediate}{ Used it to deploy k8s to azure. } \programming{Containers -- Proficient}{ I have in depth knowledge of the concept. I work with Docker daily, and I enjoy building the most efficient Dockerfiles possible, e.g. multi-stage builds. } % \programming{Service Mesh -- Familiar}{ % Used extensively at work and at home. % } \programming{CI/CD pipelines -- Proficient}{ Experience with Tekton, CircleCI, GitHub actions. } \programming{Architecture}{ I adhere by the \href{http://www.linfo.org/unix_philosophy.html}{unix} and \href{https://suckless.org/philosophy/}{suckless} philosophy. I found the book \textit{Tao of Microservices} to be really inspiring, as he presents a framework to design microservices from first principles. } \programming{Operating Systems}{ I use Artix Linux. } \vspace{-0.9em}