path: root/.config/nvim/lua/config/init.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/config/init.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/config/init.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/config/init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 63f4d0f..0000000
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/config/init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-local utils = require "utils"
-local Log = require "core.log"
-local M = {}
-local user_config_dir = get_config_dir()
-local user_config_file = utils.join_paths(user_config_dir, "config.lua")
-local function apply_defaults(configs, defaults)
- configs = configs or {}
- return vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", configs, defaults)
----Get the full path to the user configuration file
----@return string
-function M:get_user_config_path()
- return user_config_file
---- Initialize nvim default configuration
--- Define options global variable
-function M:init()
- if vim.tbl_isempty(nvim or {}) then
- options = vim.deepcopy(require "config.defaults")
- local home_dir = vim.loop.os_homedir()
- options.vsnip_dir = utils.join_paths(home_dir, ".config", "snippets")
- options.database = {
- save_location = utils.join_paths(home_dir, ".config", "lunarvim_db"),
- auto_execute = 1,
- }
- end
- local builtins = require "core.builtins"
- builtins.config { user_config_file = user_config_file }
- local settings = require "config.settings"
- settings.load_options()
- local default_keymaps = require("keymappings").get_defaults()
- options.keys = apply_defaults(options.keys, default_keymaps)
- local autocmds = require "core.autocmds"
- options.autocommands = apply_defaults(options.autocommands, autocmds.load_augroups())
- local lsp_config = require "lsp.config"
- options.lsp = apply_defaults(options.lsp, vim.deepcopy(lsp_config))
- local supported_languages = require "config.supported_languages"
- require("lsp.manager").init_defaults(supported_languages)
-local function handle_deprecated_settings()
- local function deprecation_notice(setting)
- local in_headless = #vim.api.nvim_list_uis() == 0
- if in_headless then
- return
- end
- local msg = string.format(
- "Deprecation notice: [%s] setting is no longer supported. See",
- setting
- )
- vim.schedule(function()
- Log:warn(msg)
- end)
- end
- for lang, entry in pairs(options.lang) do
- local deprecated_config = entry.formatters or entry.linters or {}
- if not vim.tbl_isempty(deprecated_config) then
- deprecation_notice(string.format("lang.%s", lang))
- end
- end
---- Override the configuration with a user provided one
--- @param config_path The path to the configuration overrides
-function M:load(config_path)
- local autocmds = require "core.autocmds"
- config_path = config_path or self.get_user_config_path()
- local ok, err = pcall(dofile, config_path)
- if not ok then
- if utils.is_file(user_config_file) then
- Log:warn("Invalid configuration: " .. err)
- else
- Log:warn(string.format("Unable to find configuration file [%s]", config_path))
- end
- end
- handle_deprecated_settings()
- autocmds.define_augroups(options.autocommands)
- vim.g.mapleader = (options.leader == "space" and " ") or options.leader
- require("keymappings").load(options.keys)
- local settings = require "config.settings"
- settings.load_commands()
---- Override the configuration with a user provided one
--- @param config_path The path to the configuration overrides
-function M:reload()
- local core_modules = {}
- for module, _ in pairs(package.loaded) do
- if module:match "core" then
- package.loaded[module] = nil
- table.insert(core_modules, module)
- end
- end
- M:init()
- M:load()
- local plugins = require "plugins"
- local autocmds = require "core.autocmds"
- autocmds.configure_format_on_save()
- local plugin_loader = require "plugin-loader"
- plugin_loader.cache_clear()
- plugin_loader.load { plugins, options.plugins }
- vim.cmd ":PackerInstall"
- vim.cmd ":PackerCompile"
- -- vim.cmd ":PackerClean"
- require("lsp").setup()
- Log:info "Reloaded configuration"
-return M