path: root/.config/nvim/lua/core/treesitter.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/core/treesitter.lua')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/treesitter.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/treesitter.lua
index 2b7a2d5..ba70b70 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/treesitter.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/treesitter.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
local M = {}
+local Log = require "core.log"
M.config = function()
- O.treesitter = {
+ options.builtin.treesitter = {
ensure_installed = {}, -- one of "all", "maintained" (parsers with maintainers), or a list of languages
ignore_install = {},
matchup = {
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ M.config = function()
-- indent = {enable = true, disable = {"python", "html", "javascript"}},
-- TODO seems to be broken
- indent = { enable = { "javascriptreact" } },
+ indent = { enable = true, disable = { "yaml" } },
autotag = { enable = false },
textobjects = {
swap = {
@@ -59,129 +60,16 @@ M.config = function()
max_file_lines = 1000, -- Do not enable for files with more than 1000 lines, int
- -- -- TODO refactor treesitter
- -- -- @usage pass a table with your desired languages
- -- treesitter = {
- -- ensure_installed = "all",
- -- ignore_install = { "haskell" },
- -- highlight = { enabled = true },
- -- -- The below are for treesitter-textobjects plugin
- -- textobj_prefixes = {
- -- goto_next = "]", -- Go to next
- -- goto_previous = "[", -- Go to previous
- -- inner = "i", -- Select inside
- -- outer = "a", -- Selct around
- -- swap = "<leader>a", -- Swap with next
- -- },
- -- textobj_suffixes = {
- -- -- Start and End respectively for the goto keys
- -- -- for other keys it only uses the first
- -- ["function"] = { "f", "F" },
- -- ["class"] = { "m", "M" },
- -- ["parameter"] = { "a", "A" },
- -- ["block"] = { "k", "K" },
- -- ["conditional"] = { "i", "I" },
- -- ["call"] = { "c", "C" },
- -- ["loop"] = { "l", "L" },
- -- ["statement"] = { "s", "S" },
- -- ["comment"] = { "/", "?" },
- -- },
- -- -- The below is for treesitter hint textobjects plugin
- -- hint_labels = { "h", "j", "f", "d", "n", "v", "s", "l", "a" },
- -- },
M.setup = function()
- -- TODO: refacor this whole file and treesitter in general
- -- if not package.loaded['nvim-treesitter'] then return end
- --
- -- Custom parsers
- -- local parser_config = require("nvim-treesitter.parsers").get_parser_configs()
- -- parser_config.make = {
- -- install_info = {
- -- url = "", -- local path or git repo
- -- files = {"src/parser.c"},
- -- requires_generate_from_grammar = true
- -- }
- -- }
- -- parser_config.just = {
- -- install_info = {
- -- url = "~/dev/tree-sitter-just", -- local path or git repo
- -- files = {"src/parser.c"}
- -- }
- -- -- filetype = "just", -- if filetype does not agrees with parser name
- -- -- used_by = {"bar", "baz"} -- additional filetypes that use this parser
- -- }
- -- Custom text objects
- -- local textobj_prefixes = O.treesitter.textobj_prefixes
- -- local textobj_suffixes = O.treesitter.textobj_suffixes
- -- local textobj_sel_keymaps = {}
- -- local textobj_swap_keymaps = {}
- -- local textobj_move_keymaps = {
- -- enable = O.plugin.ts_textobjects,
- -- set_jumps = true, -- whether to set jumps in the jumplist
- -- goto_next_start = {},
- -- goto_next_end = {},
- -- goto_previous_start = {},
- -- goto_previous_end = {},
- -- }
- -- for obj, suffix in pairs(textobj_suffixes) do
- -- if textobj_prefixes["goto_next"] ~= nil then
- -- textobj_move_keymaps["goto_next_start"][textobj_prefixes["goto_next"] .. suffix[1]] = "@" .. obj .. ".outer"
- -- textobj_move_keymaps["goto_next_end"][textobj_prefixes["goto_next"] .. suffix[2]] = "@" .. obj .. ".outer"
- -- end
- -- if textobj_prefixes["goto_previous"] ~= nil then
- -- textobj_move_keymaps["goto_previous_start"][textobj_prefixes["goto_previous"] .. suffix[2]] = "@" .. obj .. ".outer"
- -- textobj_move_keymaps["goto_previous_end"][textobj_prefixes["goto_previous"] .. suffix[1]] = "@" .. obj .. ".outer"
- -- end
- --
- -- if textobj_prefixes["inner"] ~= nil then
- -- textobj_sel_keymaps[textobj_prefixes["inner"] .. suffix[1]] = "@" .. obj .. ".inner"
- -- end
- -- if textobj_prefixes["outer"] ~= nil then
- -- textobj_sel_keymaps[textobj_prefixes["outer"] .. suffix[1]] = "@" .. obj .. ".outer"
- -- end
- --
- -- if textobj_prefixes["swap"] ~= nil then
- -- textobj_swap_keymaps[textobj_prefixes["swap"] .. suffix[1]] = "@" .. obj .. ".outer"
- -- end
- -- end
- -- vim.g.ts_hint_textobject_keys = O.treesitter.hint_labels -- Requires
- --
- -- -- Add which key menu entries
- -- local status, wk = pcall(require, "which-key")
- -- if status then
- -- local normal = {
- -- mode = "n", -- Normal mode
- -- }
- -- local operators = {
- -- mode = "o", -- Operator mode
- -- }
- -- wk.register(textobj_sel_keymaps, operators)
- -- wk.register({
- -- ["m"] = "Hint Objects",
- -- ["."] = "Textsubject",
- -- [";"] = "Textsubject-big",
- -- }, operators)
- -- wk.register(textobj_swap_keymaps, normal)
- -- wk.register({
- -- [textobj_prefixes["swap"]] = "Swap",
- -- -- [textobj_prefixes["goto_next"]] = "Jump [",
- -- -- [textobj_prefixes["goto_previous"]] = "Jump ]"
- -- }, normal)
- -- wk.register(textobj_move_keymaps["goto_next_start"], normal)
- -- wk.register(textobj_move_keymaps["goto_next_end"], normal)
- -- wk.register(textobj_move_keymaps["goto_previous_start"], normal)
- -- wk.register(textobj_move_keymaps["goto_previous_end"], normal)
- -- end
local status_ok, treesitter_configs = pcall(require, "nvim-treesitter.configs")
if not status_ok then
+ Log:get_default().error "Failed to load nvim-treesitter.configs"
- treesitter_configs.setup(O.treesitter)
+ treesitter_configs.setup(options.builtin.treesitter)
return M