path: root/.config
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-09-06Updates to nvim from lvimGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-05Fix pane splitting to correct keybindingsGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-01Fix hl colors in spectreGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-01Change status bar styleGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-01Add lighter dark bgGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-30Add Luke's zathura configGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-26Bug fix, add nvim-compe to pluginsGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-25Updates from lvim, remove legacyGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-18Remove twilightGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-15Add updates to colorschemeGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-15Add cargo/bin to Path for cli exeGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-15Updates to nvim lspGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-14Loading of xresources colorscheme for stGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-12Remove alacritty, st ftwGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-10Add linter and formatter for python, json, luaGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-10Major refactor of nvimGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-23Fix colorscheme in python for if, for, and commetsGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-22Fix colorscheme in pythonGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-22Remove old colorschemesGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-22Add new colorsGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-22Status bar color change, remove bold on current windowGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-22Updates based on Chris's lunarvimGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-08Remove gitblame, not necessaryGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-08Add vim-rooterGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-08Neoformat loaded on startupGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-08Updates to lang stuffGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-08Remove colors for ViMode, replace with textGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-08Tinker with colorscheme, purple functions in pythonGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-08Latest updates from LunarVim, new handrolled colorschemeGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-08Update to colorschemeGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-07Fix colorizer plugin loadsGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-07Removed stale content from READMEGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-07Add ability to search command historyGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-07Add language support for linting and diagnosticsGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-07Updated config again after Chris's updatesGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-07Enable dashboard, fixed typo in init.lua for dashboardGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-07Updated config based on Chris LunarVim releaseGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-24nvim remove hl working, other fixesGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-21No boarders on alacrittyGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20Fix equal spacing in alacrittyGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20Fix spacing for branch nameGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20Add larger boarder around the terminalGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20Fix better color scheme on vcs in propmtGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20Add pyenv init to zshrcGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20Add % as prompt symbolGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20Add new zsh promptGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20Renamed tmux config so that it will autoloadGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20Add new env for jupyter, pyenv, and ipythonGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20updates to nvimGustaf Rydholm
2021-06-20Smaller font in alacrittyGustaf Rydholm