From b51f1ae28924a752258e7607fbc3210f9b18eaac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gustaf Rydholm Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 00:08:36 +0200 Subject: Updates based on Chris's lunarvim --- .config/nvim/lua/cfg/themes/dark.lua | 367 ----------------------------------- 1 file changed, 367 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .config/nvim/lua/cfg/themes/dark.lua (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/cfg/themes') diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/cfg/themes/dark.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/cfg/themes/dark.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 935b2be..0000000 --- a/.config/nvim/lua/cfg/themes/dark.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,367 +0,0 @@ -local lush = require "lush" -local hsl = lush.hsl - -local theme = lush(function() - local c = { - bg = hsl "#0A0A0A", - bg1 = hsl "#0D0D0D", - bg2 = hsl "#202020", - - white = hsl "#f5f5f5", - - gray = hsl "#505050", - light_gray = hsl "#D0D0D0", - - error_red = hsl "#AC4142", - warning_orange = hsl "#F4BF75", - info_yellow = hsl "#F4BF75", - hint_blue = hsl "#A5D6FF", - - red = hsl "#AC4142", - - blue = hsl "#A5D6FF", - gray_blue = hsl "#A5D6FF", - - yellow = hsl "#F4BF75", - - orange = hsl "#FFA657", - - green = hsl "#A1B56C", - light_green = hsl "#A1B56C", - - aqua = hsl "#A5D6FF", - - purple = hsl "#AA759F", - pale_purple = hsl "#A5D6FF", - - sign_add = hsl "#A1B56C", - sign_change = hsl "#A5D6FF", - sign_delete = hsl "#AC4142", - } - return { - Normal { bg =, fg = c.white, gui = "NONE" }, -- used for the columns set with 'colorcolumn' - SignColumn { Normal }, - ModeMsg { Normal }, - MsgArea { Normal }, - MsgSeparator { Normal }, - SpellBad { bg = "NONE", fg = c.white, gui = "underline", sp = }, - SpellCap { bg = "NONE", fg = c.white, gui = "underline", sp = c.yellow }, - SpellLocal { bg = "NONE", fg = c.white, gui = "underline", sp = }, - SpellRare { bg = "NONE", fg = c.white, gui = "underline", sp = }, - NormalNC { Normal }, - Pmenu { bg = c.bg2, fg = c.white, gui = "NONE" }, - PmenuSel { bg = c.gray_blue, fg = c.bg1.da(5), gui = "NONE" }, - WildMenu { PmenuSel }, -- Non Defaults - CursorLineNr { bg = "NONE", fg = c.light_gray, gui = "bold" }, - Comment { bg = "NONE", fg = c.gray, gui = "italic" }, -- any comment - Folded { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.gray, gui = "NONE" }, - FoldColumn { Normal, fg = c.gray, gui = "NONE" }, - LineNr { bg = "NONE", fg = c.gray, gui = "NONE" }, - FloatBorder { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.gray, gui = "NONE" }, - Whitespace { bg = "NONE", fg = c.gray.da(35), gui = "NONE" }, - VertSplit { bg = "NONE", fg = c.bg2, gui = "NONE" }, - CursorLine { bg = c.bg1, fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - CursorColumn { CursorLine }, - ColorColumn { CursorLine }, - NormalFloat { bg = c.bg2.da(30), fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - Visual { bg = c.bg2.da(25), fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - VisualNOS { Visual }, - WarningMsg { bg = "NONE", fg =, gui = "NONE" }, - DiffText { bg = "NONE", fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - DiffAdd { bg = c.sign_add, fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - DiffChange { bg = c.sign_change, fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - DiffDelete { bg = c.sign_delete, fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - QuickFixLine { CursorLine }, - PmenuSbar { bg =, fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - PmenuThumb { bg = c.white, fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - MatchParen { CursorLine, fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - Cursor { fg = "NONE", bg = "NONE", gui = "reverse" }, - lCursor { Cursor }, - CursorIM { Cursor }, - TermCursor { Cursor }, - TermCursorNC { Cursor }, - Conceal { bg = "NONE", fg =, gui = "NONE" }, - Directory { bg = "NONE", fg =, gui = "NONE" }, - SpecialKey { bg = "NONE", fg =, gui = "bold" }, - Title { bg = "NONE", fg =, gui = "bold" }, - ErrorMsg { bg = "NONE", fg = c.error_red, gui = "NONE" }, - Search { bg = c.gray_blue, fg = c.white }, - IncSearch { Search }, - Substitute { Search }, - MoreMsg { bg = "NONE", fg = c.aqua, gui = "NONE" }, - Question { MoreMsg }, - EndOfBuffer { bg = "NONE", fg =, gui = "NONE" }, - NonText { EndOfBuffer }, - - String { fg = }, - Character { fg = c.light_green }, - Constant { fg = }, - Number { fg = }, - Boolean { fg = }, - Float { fg = }, - - Identifier { fg = c.white }, - Function { fg = c.purple }, - Operator { fg = }, - - Type { fg = c.white }, - StorageClass { fg = c.yellow }, - Structure { fg = }, - Typedef { fg = c.purple }, - - Keyword { fg = }, - Statement { Keyword }, - Conditional { Keyword }, - Repeat { Keyword }, - Label { Keyword }, - Exception { Keyword }, - - Include { Keyword }, - PreProc { fg = }, - Define { PreProc }, - Macro { PreProc }, - PreCondit { PreProc }, - - Special { fg = }, - SpecialChar { Character }, - Tag { fg = c.pale_purple }, - Debug { fg = }, - Delimiter { fg = c.white.da(25) }, - SpecialComment { fg = c.gray }, - Underlined { fg = "NONE", gui = "underline" }, - Bold { fg = "NONE", gui = "bold" }, - Italic { fg = "NONE", gui = "italic" }, - - -- Todo - -- ("Ignore", below, may be invisible...) - Ignore { fg = c.white }, - Todo { bg = "NONE", fg =, gui = "bold" }, - Error { fg = c.error_red }, - - -- Treesitter - TSComment { Comment }, -- comment blocks. - luaTSConstructor { bg = "NONE", fg = c.white.da(25) }, -- override Lua curly braces - TSAnnotation { bg = "NONE", fg = c.aqua }, -- For C++/Dart attributes, annotations that can be attached to the code to denote some kind of meta information. - TSAttribute { bg = "NONE", fg = c.aqua }, -- (unstable) TODO: docs - TSConstructor { Type }, -- For constructor calls and definitions: `{ }` in Lua, and Java constructors. - TSType { Type }, -- types. - TSTypeBuiltin { Type }, -- builtin types. - TSConditional { Conditional }, -- keywords related to conditionnals. - TSException { Exception }, -- exception related keywords. - TSInclude { Include }, -- includes: `#include` in C, `use` or `extern crate` in Rust, or `require` in Lua. - TSKeyword { Keyword }, -- keywords that don't fall in previous categories. - TSKeywordFunction { Keyword }, -- keywords used to define a fuction. - TSLabel { Label }, -- labels: `label:` in C and `:label:` in Lua. - TSNamespace { bg = "NONE", fg = }, -- For identifiers referring to modules and namespaces. - TSRepeat { Repeat }, -- keywords related to loops. - TSConstant { Constant }, -- constants - TSConstBuiltin { Constant }, -- constant that are built in the language: `nil` in Lua. - TSFloat { Float }, -- floats. - TSNumber { Number }, -- all numbers - TSBoolean { Boolean }, -- booleans. - TSCharacter { Character }, -- characters. - TSError { bg = "NONE", fg = "NONE" }, -- For syntax/parser errors. - TSFunction { Function }, -- function (calls and definitions). - TSFuncBuiltin { Function }, -- builtin functions: `table.insert` in Lua. - TSMethod { Function }, -- method calls and definitions. - TSConstMacro { Macro }, -- constants that are defined by macros: `NULL` in C. - TSFuncMacro { Macro }, -- macro defined fuctions (calls and definitions): each `macro_rules` in Rust. - TSVariableBuiltin { bg = "NONE", fg = c.aqua }, -- Variable names that are defined by the languages, like `this` or `self`. - TSProperty { fg = c.aqua }, - TSOperator { Operator }, -- any operator: `+`, but also `->` and `*` in C. - TSVariable { bg = "NONE", fg = c.white }, -- Any variable name that does not have another highlight. - TSField { bg = "NONE", fg = c.white }, -- For fields. - TSParameter { TSField }, -- parameters of a function. - TSParameterReference { TSParameter }, -- references to parameters of a function. - TSSymbol { Identifier }, -- identifiers referring to symbols or atoms. - TSText { fg = c.white }, -- strings considered text in a markup language. - TSPunctDelimiter { Delimiter }, -- delimiters ie: `.` - TSTagDelimiter { Delimiter }, -- Tag delimiter like `<` `>` `/` - TSPunctBracket { Delimiter }, -- brackets and parens. - TSPunctSpecial { Delimiter }, -- special punctutation that does not fall in the catagories before. - TSString { String }, -- strings. - TSStringRegex { TSString }, -- regexes. - TSStringEscape { Character }, -- escape characters within a string. - TSWarning { Todo }, -- Variable names that are defined by the languages, like `this` or `self`. - TSTag { Tag }, -- Tags like html tag names. - TSEmphasis { gui = "italic" }, -- text to be represented with emphasis. - TSUnderline { gui = "underline" }, -- text to be represented with an underline. - TSStrike { gui = "strikethrough" }, -- strikethrough text. - TSTitle { Title }, -- Text that is part of a title. - TSLiteral { String }, -- Literal text. - TSURI { fg = c.aqua }, -- Any URI like a link or email. - -- TSNone { }, -- TODO: docs - - -- These groups are for the native LSP client. Some other LSP clients may - -- use these groups, or use their own. Consult your LSP client's - -- documentation. - - LspDiagnosticsDefaultError { bg = "NONE", fg = c.error_red, gui = "NONE" }, - LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning { bg = "NONE", fg = c.warning_orange, gui = "NONE" }, - LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation { bg = "NONE", fg = c.info_yellow, gui = "NONE" }, - LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint { bg = "NONE", fg = c.hint_blue, gui = "NONE" }, - - LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError { LspDiagnosticsDefaultError }, - LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning { LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning }, - LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation { LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation }, - LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint { LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint }, - - LspDiagnosticsFloatingError { fg = c.error_red, gui = "NONE" }, - LspDiagnosticsFloatingWarning { fg = c.warning_orange, gui = "NONE" }, - LspDiagnosticsFloatingInformation { fg = c.info_yellow, gui = "NONE" }, - LspDiagnosticsFloatingHint { fg = c.hint_blue, gui = "NONE" }, - - LspDiagnosticsSignError { fg = c.error_red, gui = "NONE" }, - LspDiagnosticsSignWarning { fg = c.warning_orange, gui = "NONE" }, - LspDiagnosticsSignInformation { fg = c.info_yellow, gui = "NONE" }, - LspDiagnosticsSignHint { fg = c.hint_blue, gui = "NONE" }, -- Tree-Sitter - - LspDiagnosticsError { LspDiagnosticsSignError }, - LspDiagnosticsWarning { LspDiagnosticsSignWarning }, - LspDiagnosticsInformation { LspDiagnosticsSignInformation }, - LspDiagnosticsHint { LspDiagnosticsSignHint }, - - -- LspReferenceText {bg = c.bg1, fg = "NONE", gui = "underline"}, - -- LspReferenceRead {bg = c.bg1, fg = "NONE", gui = "underline"}, - -- LspReferenceWrite {bg = c.bg1, fg = "NONE", gui = "underline"}, - - LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError { fg = "NONE", gui = "underline", sp = }, - LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning { fg = "NONE", gui = "underline", sp = c.yellow }, - LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation { fg = "NONE", gui = "underline", sp = }, - LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint { fg = "NONE", gui = "underline", sp = }, - - -- gitsigns.nvim - SignAdd { fg = c.sign_add }, - SignChange { fg = c.sign_change }, - SignDelete { fg = c.sign_delete }, -- Any URI like a link or email. - GitSignsAdd { fg = c.sign_add }, - GitSignsChange { fg = c.sign_change }, - GitSignsDelete { fg = c.sign_delete }, - - -- telescope.nvim - TelescopeSelection { bg = "NONE", fg = c.aqua }, - TelescopeMatching { bg = "NONE", fg =, gui = "bold" }, - TelescopeBorder { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.gray }, -- nvim-tree.lua - - -- Nvimtree - NvimTreeFolderIcon { fg = }, - NvimTreeIndentMarker { fg = c.gray }, - NvimTreeNormal { fg = c.white.da(10), bg = c.bg1 }, - NvimTreeFolderName { fg = }, - NvimTreeOpenedFolderName { fg = c.aqua.da(10), gui = "italic" }, - NvimTreeOpenedFile { NvimTreeOpenedFolderName }, - NvimTreeRootFolder { fg = }, - NvimTreeExecFile { fg = }, - NvimTreeImageFile { fg = c.purple }, - NvimTreeSpecialFile { fg = c.aqua }, - - NvimTreeGitStaged { fg = c.sign_add }, - NvimTreeGitNew { fg = c.sign_add }, - NvimTreeGitDirty { fg = c.sign_add }, - NvimTreeGitRenamed { fg = c.sign_change }, - NvimTreeGitMerge { fg = c.sign_change }, - NvimTreeGitDelete { fg = c.sign_delete }, - NvimTreeVertSplit { fg = c.bg1, bg = c.bg1 }, - - -- BarBar - TabLine { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.white, gui = "NONE" }, - TabLineFill { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.gray, gui = "NONE" }, - TabLineSel { bg = c.white, fg = c.bg1, gui = "NONE" }, - - BufferCurrent { fg = c.fg, bg = }, - BufferCurrentIndex { fg = c.aqua, bg = }, - BufferCurrentMod { fg = c.info_yellow, bg = }, - BufferCurrentSign { fg = c.aqua, bg = }, - BufferCurrentTarget { fg =, bg =, gui = "bold" }, - - BufferVisible { fg = c.fg, bg = }, - BufferVisibleIndex { fg = c.fg, bg = }, - BufferVisibleMod { fg = c.info_yellow, bg = }, - BufferVisibleSign { fg = c.info_yellow, bg = }, - BufferVisibleTarget { fg =, bg =, gui = "bold" }, - - BufferInactive { fg = c.gray, bg = c.bg1 }, - BufferInactiveIndex { fg = c.gray, bg = c.bg1 }, - BufferInactiveMod { fg = c.info_yellow, bg = c.bg1 }, - BufferInactiveSign { fg = c.gray, bg = c.bg1 }, - BufferInactiveTarget { fg =, bg = c.bg1 }, - - -- some fix for html related stuff - htmlH1 { Title }, -- markdown stuff - mkdLink { fg = c.aqua, gui = "underline" }, - mkdLineBreak { bg = "NONE", fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" }, - mkdHeading { fg = c.white }, - mkdInlineURL { mkdLink }, - mkdUnderline { fg = c.gray }, - markdownUrl { mkdLink }, - markdownCode { fg =, bg = "NONE" }, - markdownLinkTextDelimiter { Delimiter }, - markdownLinkDelimiter { Delimiter }, - markdownIdDelimiter { Delimiter }, - markdownLinkText { fg = c.aqua }, - markdownItalic { fg = "NONE", gui = "italic" }, -- flutter-tools.nvim - FlutterWidgetGuides { fg = }, -- statusline - - StatusLine { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.white }, -- status line of current window - StatusLineNC { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.light_gray }, -- status lines of not-current windows Note: if this is equal to "StatusLine" Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window. - StatusLineSeparator { bg = c.bg1, fg = "NONE" }, - StatusLineGit { bg = c.bg1, fg = }, - StatusLineGitAdd { bg = c.bg1, fg = }, - StatusLineGitChange { bg = c.bg1, fg = }, - StatusLineGitDelete { bg = c.bg1, fg = }, - StatusLineLspDiagnosticsError { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.error_red, gui = "NONE" }, - StatusLineLspDiagnosticsWarning { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.warning_orange, gui = "NONE" }, - StatusLineLspDiagnosticsInformation { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.info_yellow, gui = "NONE" }, - StatusLineLspDiagnosticsHint { bg = c.bg1, fg = c.hint_blue, gui = "NONE" }, - StatusLineTreeSitter { bg = c.bg1, fg = }, - - -- StatusLineMode {bg = c.gray, fg =, gui = "bold"}, - -- StatusLineDeco {bg = c.bg2, fg = c.yellow}, - -- StatusLineLCol {bg = c.bg2, fg = c.white}, - -- StatusLineLColAlt {bg = c.bg1, fg = c.white}, - -- StatusLineFT {bg = c.bg2, fg = c.white}, - -- StatusLineFTAlt {bg = c.bg2, fg = c.white}, - -- StatusLineGitAlt {bg = c.gray, fg =}, - -- StatusLineLSP {bg = c.bg1, fg =}, - -- StatusLineFileName {bg = c.bg1, fg = c.white, gui = "bold"}, - - -- lsp-trouble.nvim - LspTroubleIndent { fg = }, -- tabline stuff - - -- tabline diagnostic - TabLineError { LspDiagnosticsSignError }, - TabLineWarning { LspDiagnosticsSignWarning }, - TabLineHint { LspDiagnosticsSignHint }, - TabLineInformation { LspDiagnosticsSignInformation }, -- which-key.nvim - - WhichKey { fg = c.white }, -- nvim-compe - WhichKeySeperator { fg = c.gray }, -- nvim-compe - WhichKeyGroup { fg = }, -- nvim-compe - WhichKeyDesc { fg = c.aqua }, -- nvim-compe - WhichKeyFloat { bg = c.bg1 }, -- nvim-compe - - CompeDocumentation { Pmenu, fg = "NONE" }, -- diffview - - DiffviewNormal { NvimTreeNormal }, - DiffviewStatusAdded { SignAdd }, - DiffviewStatusModified { SignChange }, - DiffviewStatusRenamed { SignChange }, - DiffviewStatusDeleted { SignDelete }, - DiffviewFilePanelInsertion { SignAdd }, - DiffviewFilePanelDeletion { SignDelete }, - DiffviewVertSplit { fg = c.gray, bg = }, - - DashboardHeader { fg = }, - DashboardCenter { fg = c.purple }, - DashboardFooter { fg = c.aqua }, - - IndentBlanklineContextChar { fg = c.gray.da(20) }, - - CodiVirtualText { fg = c.hint_blue }, - } -end) - --- return our parsed theme for extension or use else where. -return theme - --- vi:nowrap -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2