#!/bin/bash SCRIPTPATH="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )" #down the last running theme if [ -f "/tmp/leftwm-theme-down" ]; then /tmp/leftwm-theme-down rm /tmp/leftwm-theme-down fi ln -s $SCRIPTPATH/down /tmp/leftwm-theme-down #boot compton or picom if it exists if [ -x "$(command -v compton)" ]; then compton &> /dev/null & elif [ -x "$(command -v picom)" ]; then picom &> /dev/null & fi #set the theme.toml config echo "LoadTheme $SCRIPTPATH/theme.toml" > $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/leftwm/commands.pipe #set background if [ -x "$(command -v feh)" ]; then feh --bg-scale $SCRIPTPATH/background.jpg fi #boot lemonbar and pipe the status of left into it sizes=( $(leftwm-state -q -n -t $SCRIPTPATH/sizes.liquid | sed -r '/^\s*$/d') ) index=0 for size in "${sizes[@]}" do leftwm-state -w $index -t $SCRIPTPATH/template.liquid | lemonbar -g $size -F#FFFFFFFF -B#AA222222& let index=index+1 done