# Neovim Most of my config is stolen from https://github.com/ChristianChiarulli/LunarVim ## Requirements Must have neovim >= 0.5 ## Installation ### Lazy git macOS: ``` brew install lazygit ``` Arch: ``` https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lazygit/ ``` ### Ranger ``` pip3 install ranger-fm pynvim ``` ### fzf macOS: `brew install fzf` `sudo apt install fzf` `sudo pacman -S fzf` ### Treesitter `:TSInstall {language}` ### LSP ``` :LspInstall ``` ### Programs ``` ranger ueberzug ripgrep pynvim neovim-remote ``` ### EFM server Need to install `efm-langserver` for linters and formatters to work. ``` :LspInstall efm ``` ### Formatters and Linters *Python* ``` black flake8 ``` *Lua* `luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/dev luaformatter` *Yaml, json, js, html, css* `npm install -g prettier`