return { leader = "space", colorscheme = "dark", line_wrap_cursor_movement = true, transparent_window = false, format_on_save = { ---@usage pattern string pattern used for the autocommand (Default: '*') pattern = "*", ---@usage timeout number timeout in ms for the format request (Default: 1000) timeout = 1000, }, keys = {}, builtin = {}, plugins = { -- use config.lua for this not put here }, autocommands = {}, lang = {}, log = { ---@usage can be { "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal" }, level = "warn", viewer = { ---@usage this will fallback on "less +F" if not found cmd = "lnav", layout_config = { ---@usage direction = 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'window' | 'float', direction = "horizontal", open_mapping = "", size = 40, float_opts = {}, }, }, -- currently disabled due to instabilities override_notify = false, }, }