local M = {} M.config = function() O.plugin["zen"] = { window = { backdrop = 1, height = 0.85, -- height of the Zen window options = { signcolumn = "no", -- disable signcolumn number = false, -- disable number column relativenumber = false, -- disable relative numbers -- cursorline = false, -- disable cursorline -- cursorcolumn = false, -- disable cursor column -- foldcolumn = "0", -- disable fold column -- list = false, -- disable whitespace characters }, }, plugins = { gitsigns = { enabled = false }, -- disables git signs -- your configuration comes here -- or leave it empty to use the default settings -- refer to the configuration section below }, } end M.setup = function() local status_ok, zen_mode = pcall(require, "zen-mode") if not status_ok then return end zen_mode.setup(O.plugin.zen) end return M