CONFIG_PATH = vim.fn.stdpath "config" DATA_PATH = vim.fn.stdpath "data" CACHE_PATH = vim.fn.stdpath "cache" TERMINAL = vim.fn.expand "$TERMINAL" O = { format_on_save = true, auto_close_tree = 0, auto_complete = true, colorscheme = "lunar", hidden_files = true, wrap_lines = false, number = true, relative_number = true, cursorline = true, shell = "zsh", timeoutlen = 100, nvim_tree_disable_netrw = 0, ignore_case = true, smart_case = true, lushmode = false, hl_search = false, document_highlight = false, transparent_window = false, leader_key = "space", vnsip_dir = vim.fn.stdpath "config" .. "/snippets", -- @usage pass a table with your desired languages treesitter = { ensure_installed = "all", ignore_install = { "haskell" }, highlight = { enabled = true }, -- The below are for treesitter-textobjects plugin textobj_prefixes = { goto_next = "]", -- Go to next goto_previous = "[", -- Go to previous inner = "i", -- Select inside outer = "a", -- Selct around swap = "a", -- Swap with next }, textobj_suffixes = { -- Start and End respectively for the goto keys -- for other keys it only uses the first ["function"] = { "f", "F" }, ["class"] = { "m", "M" }, ["parameter"] = { "a", "A" }, ["block"] = { "k", "K" }, ["conditional"] = { "i", "I" }, ["call"] = { "c", "C" }, ["loop"] = { "l", "L" }, ["statement"] = { "s", "S" }, ["comment"] = { "/", "?" }, }, -- The below is for treesitter hint textobjects plugin hint_labels = { "h", "j", "f", "d", "n", "v", "s", "l", "a" }, }, lsp = { popup_border = "single", }, database = { save_location = "~/.config/nvcode_db", auto_execute = 1 }, plugin = { -- Builtins dashboard = { active = false }, colorizer = { active = false }, zen = { active = false }, ts_context_commentstring = { active = false }, ts_hintobjects = { active = false }, ts_autotag = { active = false }, ts_textobjects = { active = false }, ts_playground = { active = false }, ts_textsubjects = { active = false }, telescope_fzy = { active = false }, telescope_project = { active = false }, indent_line = { active = false }, symbol_outline = { active = false }, debug = { active = false }, lazygit = { active = false }, lush = { active = false }, diffview = { active = false }, floatterm = { active = false }, trouble = { active = false }, sanegx = { active = false }, vim_rooter = { active = false }, hop = { active = false }, }, user_which_key = {}, user_plugins = { -- use config.lua for this not put here }, user_autocommands = { { "FileType", "qf", "set nobuflisted" }, }, lang = { python = { linter = "", isort = false, diagnostics = { virtual_text = { spacing = 0, prefix = "" }, signs = true, underline = true, }, analysis = { type_checking = "basic", auto_search_paths = true, use_library_code_types = true, }, }, dart = { sdk_path = "/usr/lib/dart/bin/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot", }, lua = { diagnostics = { virtual_text = { spacing = 0, prefix = "" }, signs = true, underline = true, }, }, sh = { -- @usage can be 'shellcheck' linter = "", -- @usage can be 'shfmt' diagnostics = { virtual_text = { spacing = 0, prefix = "" }, signs = true, underline = true, }, }, tsserver = { -- @usage can be 'eslint' linter = "", diagnostics = { virtual_text = { spacing = 0, prefix = "" }, signs = true, underline = true, }, }, json = { diagnostics = { virtual_text = { spacing = 0, prefix = "" }, signs = true, underline = true, }, }, tailwindcss = { filetypes = { "html", "css", "scss", "javascript", "javascriptreact", "typescript", "typescriptreact", }, }, clang = { diagnostics = { virtual_text = { spacing = 0, prefix = "" }, signs = true, underline = true, }, cross_file_rename = true, header_insertion = "never", }, go = {}, elixir = {}, vim = {}, yaml = {}, terraform = {}, rust = { rust_tools = { active = false, }, linter = "", diagnostics = { virtual_text = { spacing = 0, prefix = "" }, signs = true, underline = true, }, }, latex = {}, kotlin = {}, html = {}, elm = {}, emmet = { active = true }, graphql = {}, efm = {}, docker = {}, cmake = {}, css = { virtual_text = true, }, }, dashboard = { custom_header = { ' ##############..... ############## ', ' ##############......############## ', ' ##########..........########## ', ' ##########........########## ', ' ##########.......########## ', ' ##########.....##########.. ', ' ##########....##########..... ', ' ..##########..##########......... ', ' ....##########.#########............. ', ' ..################JJJ............ ', ' ################............. ', ' ##############.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJ ', ' ############...JJ...JJ..JJ JJ ', ' ##########....JJ...JJ..JJ JJ ', ' ########......JJJ..JJJ JJJ JJJ ', ' ###### ......... ', ' ..... ', ' . ', }, }, }