local M = {} local Log = require "core.log" M.config = function() local status_ok, octo = pcall(require, "octo") if not status_ok then Log:get_default().error "Failed to load octo" return end octo.setup { default_remote = { "upstream", "origin" }, -- order to try remotes reaction_viewer_hint_icon = "", -- marker for user reactions user_icon = " ", -- user icon timeline_marker = "", -- timeline marker timeline_indent = "2", -- timeline indentation right_bubble_delimiter = "", -- Bubble delimiter left_bubble_delimiter = "", -- Bubble delimiter github_hostname = "", -- GitHub Enterprise host snippet_context_lines = 4, -- number or lines around commented lines file_panel = { size = 10, -- changed files panel rows use_icons = true, -- use web-devicons in file panel }, mappings = { issue = { close_issue = "ic", -- close issue reopen_issue = "io", -- reopen issue list_issues = "il", -- list open issues on same repo reload = "", -- reload issue open_in_browser = "", -- open issue in browser copy_url = "", -- copy url to system clipboard add_assignee = "aa", -- add assignee remove_assignee = "ad", -- remove assignee create_label = "lc", -- create label add_label = "la", -- add label remove_label = "ld", -- remove label goto_issue = "gi", -- navigate to a local repo issue add_comment = "ca", -- add comment delete_comment = "cd", -- delete comment next_comment = "]c", -- go to next comment prev_comment = "[c", -- go to previous comment react_hooray = "rp", -- add/remove 🎉 reaction react_heart = "rh", -- add/remove ❤️ reaction react_eyes = "re", -- add/remove 👀 reaction react_thumbs_up = "r+", -- add/remove 👍 reaction react_thumbs_down = "r-", -- add/remove 👎 reaction react_rocket = "rr", -- add/remove 🚀 reaction react_laugh = "rl", -- add/remove 😄 reaction react_confused = "rc", -- add/remove 😕 reaction }, pull_request = { checkout_pr = "po", -- checkout PR merge_pr = "pm", -- merge PR list_commits = "pc", -- list PR commits list_changed_files = "pf", -- list PR changed files show_pr_diff = "pd", -- show PR diff add_reviewer = "va", -- add reviewer remove_reviewer = "vd", -- remove reviewer request close_issue = "ic", -- close PR reopen_issue = "io", -- reopen PR list_issues = "il", -- list open issues on same repo reload = "", -- reload PR open_in_browser = "", -- open PR in browser copy_url = "", -- copy url to system clipboard add_assignee = "aa", -- add assignee remove_assignee = "ad", -- remove assignee create_label = "lc", -- create label add_label = "la", -- add label remove_label = "ld", -- remove label goto_issue = "gi", -- navigate to a local repo issue add_comment = "ca", -- add comment delete_comment = "cd", -- delete comment next_comment = "]c", -- go to next comment prev_comment = "[c", -- go to previous comment react_hooray = "rp", -- add/remove 🎉 reaction react_heart = "rh", -- add/remove ❤️ reaction react_eyes = "re", -- add/remove 👀 reaction react_thumbs_up = "r+", -- add/remove 👍 reaction react_thumbs_down = "r-", -- add/remove 👎 reaction react_rocket = "rr", -- add/remove 🚀 reaction react_laugh = "rl", -- add/remove 😄 reaction react_confused = "rc", -- add/remove 😕 reaction }, review_thread = { goto_issue = "gi", -- navigate to a local repo issue add_comment = "ca", -- add comment add_suggestion = "sa", -- add suggestion delete_comment = "cd", -- delete comment next_comment = "]c", -- go to next comment prev_comment = "[c", -- go to previous comment select_next_entry = "]q", -- move to previous changed file select_prev_entry = "[q", -- move to next changed file close_review_tab = "", -- close review tab react_hooray = "rp", -- add/remove 🎉 reaction react_heart = "rh", -- add/remove ❤️ reaction react_eyes = "re", -- add/remove 👀 reaction react_thumbs_up = "r+", -- add/remove 👍 reaction react_thumbs_down = "r-", -- add/remove 👎 reaction react_rocket = "rr", -- add/remove 🚀 reaction react_laugh = "rl", -- add/remove 😄 reaction react_confused = "rc", -- add/remove 😕 reaction }, submit_win = { approve_review = "", -- approve review comment_review = "", -- comment review request_changes = "", -- request changes review close_review_tab = "", -- close review tab }, review_diff = { add_review_comment = "ca", -- add a new review comment add_review_suggestion = "sa", -- add a new review suggestion focus_files = "e", -- move focus to changed file panel toggle_files = "b", -- hide/show changed files panel next_thread = "]t", -- move to next thread prev_thread = "[t", -- move to previous thread select_next_entry = "]q", -- move to previous changed file select_prev_entry = "[q", -- move to next changed file close_review_tab = "", -- close review tab toggle_viewed = "", -- toggle viewer viewed state }, file_panel = { next_entry = "j", -- move to next changed file prev_entry = "k", -- move to previous changed file select_entry = "", -- show selected changed file diffs refresh_files = "R", -- refresh changed files panel focus_files = "e", -- move focus to changed file panel toggle_files = "b", -- hide/show changed files panel select_next_entry = "]q", -- move to previous changed file select_prev_entry = "[q", -- move to next changed file close_review_tab = "", -- close review tab toggle_viewed = "", -- toggle viewer viewed state }, }, } end return M