local M = {} M.config = function() O.lang.latex = { filetypes = { "tex", "bib" }, aux_directory = nil, bibtex_formatter = "texlab", diagnostics_delay = 300, formatter_line_length = 80, latex_formatter = "latexindent", lsp = { path = DATA_PATH .. "/lspinstall/latex/texlab", }, build = { executable = "latexmk", args = { "-pdf", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-synctex=1", "%f" }, on_save = false, forward_search_after = false, }, chktex = { on_open_and_save = false, on_edit = false, }, forward_search = { executable = nil, args = {}, }, latexindent = { ["local"] = nil, modify_line_breaks = false, }, diagnostics = { virtual_text = { spacing = 0, prefix = "" }, signs = true, underline = true, }, linters = { "chktex" }, auto_save = false, ignore_errors = {}, } end M.format = function() -- TODO: implement formatter for language return "No formatter available!" end M.lint = function() require("lint").linters_by_ft = { tex = O.lang.latex.linters, } end M.lsp = function() if require("utils").check_lsp_client_active "texlab" then return end local preview_settings = {} local sumatrapdf_args = { "-reuse-instance", "%p", "-forward-search", "%f", "%l" } local evince_args = { "-f", "%l", "%p", '"code -g %f:%l"' } local okular_args = { "--unique", "file:%p#src:%l%f" } local zathura_args = { "--synctex-forward", "%l:1:%f", "%p" } local qpdfview_args = { "--unique", "%p#src:%f:%l:1" } local skim_args = { "%l", "%p", "%f" } if O.lang.latex.forward_search.executable == "C:/Users/{User}/AppData/Local/SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF.exe" then preview_settings = sumatrapdf_args elseif O.lang.latex.forward_search.executable == "evince-synctex" then preview_settings = evince_args elseif O.lang.latex.forward_search.executable == "okular" then preview_settings = okular_args elseif O.lang.latex.forward_search.executable == "zathura" then preview_settings = zathura_args elseif O.lang.latex.forward_search.executable == "qpdfview" then preview_settings = qpdfview_args elseif O.lang.latex.forward_search.executable == "/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline" then preview_settings = skim_args end require("lspconfig").texlab.setup { cmd = { O.lang.latex.lsp.path }, on_attach = require("lsp").common_on_attach, handlers = { ["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, { virtual_text = O.lang.latex.diagnostics.virtual_text, signs = O.lang.latex.diagnostics.signs, underline = O.lang.latex.diagnostics.underline, update_in_insert = true, }), }, filetypes = { "tex", "bib" }, settings = { texlab = { auxDirectory = O.lang.latex.aux_directory, bibtexFormatter = O.lang.latex.bibtex_formatter, build = { args = O.lang.latex.build.args, executable = O.lang.latex.build.executable, forwardSearchAfter = O.lang.latex.build.forward_search_after, onSave = O.lang.latex.build.on_save, }, chktex = { onEdit = O.lang.latex.chktex.on_edit, onOpenAndSave = O.lang.latex.chktex.on_open_and_save, }, diagnosticsDelay = O.lang.latex.diagnostics_delay, formatterLineLength = O.lang.latex.formatter_line_length, forwardSearch = { args = preview_settings, executable = O.lang.latex.forward_search.executable, }, latexFormatter = O.lang.latex.latex_formatter, latexindent = { modifyLineBreaks = O.lang.latex.latexindent.modify_line_breaks, }, }, }, } vim.g.vimtex_compiler_method = "latexmk" vim.g.vimtex_view_method = "zathura" vim.g.vimtex_fold_enabled = 0 vim.g.vimtex_quickfix_ignore_filters = O.lang.latex.ignore_errors O.plugin.which_key.mappings["t"] = { name = "+Latex", c = { "VimtexCompile", "Toggle Compilation Mode" }, f = { "call vimtex#fzf#run()", "Fzf Find" }, i = { "VimtexInfo", "Project Information" }, s = { "VimtexStop", "Stop Project Compilation" }, t = { "VimtexTocToggle", "Toggle Table Of Content" }, v = { "VimtexView", "View PDF" }, b = { "TexlabBuild", "Build with Texlab" }, p = { "TexlabForward", "Preview with Texlab" }, } -- Compile on initialization, cleanup on quit vim.api.nvim_exec( [[ augroup vimtex_event_1 au! au User VimtexEventQuit call vimtex#compiler#clean(0) au User VimtexEventInitPost call vimtex#compiler#compile() augroup END ]], false ) if O.lang.latex.auto_save then vim.api.nvim_exec([[au FocusLost * :wa]], false) end end M.dap = function() -- TODO: implement dap return "No DAP configured!" end return M