local M = {} local null_ls = require "null-ls" local services = require "lsp.null-ls.services" local Log = require "core.log" local METHOD = null_ls.methods.CODE_ACTION local is_registered = function(name) local query = { name = name, method = METHOD, } return require("null-ls.sources").is_registered(query) end function M.list_registered_providers(filetype) local registered_providers = services.list_registered_providers_names(filetype) return registered_providers[METHOD] or {} end function M.list_available(filetype) local availables = require("null-ls.sources").get_available(filetype, METHOD) local actors = vim.tbl_map(function(src) return src.name end, availables) table.sort(actors) return actors end function M.list_configured(actions_configs) local actors, errors = {}, {} for _, config in ipairs(actions_configs) do vim.validate { ["config.name"] = { config.name, "string" }, } local name = config.name:gsub("-", "_") local actor = null_ls.builtins.code_actions[name] if not actor then Log:error("Not a valid code_actions: " .. config.name) errors[name] = {} -- Add data here when necessary elseif is_registered(config.name) then Log:trace "Skipping registering the source more than once" else local command if actor._opts.command then command = services.find_command(actor._opts.command) end if not command and actor._opts.command ~= nil then Log:warn("Not found: " .. actor._opts.command) errors[name] = {} -- Add data here when necessary else Log:debug("Using code_actions: " .. (command or config.name)) table.insert( actors, actor.with { command = command, -- could be nil extra_args = config.args, filetypes = config.filetypes, } ) end end end return { supported = actors, unsupported = errors } end function M.setup(actions_configs) if vim.tbl_isempty(actions_configs) then return end local actions = M.list_configured(actions_configs) null_ls.register { sources = actions.supported } end return M