#!/bin/sh # Use neovim for vim if present. [ -x "$(command -v nvim)" ] && alias vim="nvim" vimdiff="nvim -d" # Use XINITRC variable if file exists. [ -f "$XINITRC" ] && alias startx="startx $XINITRC" # sudo not required for some system commands. for x in mount unmount sv pacman updatedb su reboot ; do alias $x="sudo $x" done # Verbosity and settings that you pretty much just always are going to want. alias \ cp="cp -iv" \ mv="mv -iv" \ rm="rm -viI" \ bc="bc -ql" \ mkd="mkdir -pv" \ ffmpeg="ffmpeg -hide_banner" alias \ ls="ls -ahlN --color=auto --group-directories-first" \ grep="grep --color=auto" \ diff="diff --color=auto" # ccat="highlight --out-format=ansi" # My aliases for different programs alias \ lg="lazygit" \ gpuwatch="watch -n1 nvidia-smi" \ zshconfig="nvim ~/.zshrc" \ zrc="nvim ~/.zshrc" \ zsource="source $HOME/.config/zsh/.zshrc" \ sdn="sudo shutdown -h now" \ e="$EDITOR" \ v="$EDITOR" \ p="sudo pacman" \ config="/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME" \ z="zathura" # Pushing to multiple git repositories alias gua="git remote | xargs -L1 git push --all" alias cua="config remote | xargs -L1 config push --all" # Doas smooth transition alias sudo="doas"