--- title: "Pork Chop Normandy" date: 2023-12-03 00:59:53+01:00 tags: ["pork", "apple"] draft: false --- # Ingredients ### Groceries - 4 Pork Chops - 150 ml Apple Cider - 100 ml Heavy Cream - 1 or 2 tsp Calvados - 1 Apple (Royal Gala or similar) - Butter - Shallots (Optional) - Leek (Optional) - Dijon Mustard (Optional) - Chicken Stock (Optional) ### Side Dish Suggestion - Mashed Potato - Pan Fried Potatoes # Directions 1. Prepare side dish, e.g. peel potatoes 2. Turn on the oven and set it to ~80°C ### Mise en Place #### Sauce Ingredients: - 1 Apple - Shallots (Optional) - Leek (Optional) 1. Peel the **apple** and chop it into thin slices 2. Optionally chop the **shallots** and **leek** ### Cooking #### Pork Cooking time: ~15 min Ingredients: - Pork Chops - Salt 1. Preseason the **pork chops** with salt 2. Turn the pan to 6/9 3. When hot, add **clarified butter** or **olive oil** and place the **chops** in the pan 4. Cook the **chops** for 4 min on each side and turn 3 times 5. Place the **chops** on a rack an into to the oven ### Sauce Ingredients: - Chopped apple - Chopped shallots, leek (all optional) - 150 ml Apple Cider - 100 ml Heavy Cream - 1 or 2 tsp Calvados - 1 tsp Dijon Mustard (Optional) - Chicken Stock (Optional) 1. Add butter to the pan 2. Add chopped **apples** (**shallots** and **leek**) and fry until cooked nicely 3. Deglaze with the **cider** and cook for a couple of min 4. Add the **cream** (and optionally a small amount of chicken stock, e.g. 100 ml), cook for a couple of min. 5. Add **calvados** 6. Optionally add **Dijon** 7. Season to taste 8. Add back the **pork chops** # Source Most of recipe stolen from this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6885ZmOdgNA).