--- title: "CV" --- ### About me I like to tinker with computers/software, learning about good software architecture, and mathematics. I am captivated by the beauty of functional programming and I am going down the rabbit hole of learning some category theory for the sake of it. My current long term goal is to finish developing/deploy my stock trading system. In the mean time, I am looking for work where I can enhance my functional programming skills and generate value for the shareholders of the company. ### Technical Skills A short summery of some of my most relevant technical skills. #### Programming | Language | Level | | -------- | ------------ | | Haskell | Intermediate | | Python | Fluent | | Fennel | Fluent | | Lua | Fluent | | Shell | Fluent | | Rust | Basic | | VHDL | Basic | | C | Superficial | #### Markup | Language | Level | | -------- | ------------ | | LaTeX | Fluent | | markdown | Fluent | | HTML | Proficient | #### Databases | Type | Implementation | | ------------ | --------------------- | | NoSQL | MongoDB | | SQL | Postgres, TimescaleDB | | Memory Cache | Redis | | Message bus | Kafka, SQS, Nats | #### Software Here is a list some software that might be worth mentioning that I have interacted with. | Name | Level | | ---------- | ------------ | | Git | Fluent | | Kubernetes | Proficient | | Helm | Proficient | | Terraform | Intermediate | | CircleCI | Proficient | | Tekton | Proficient | | Docker | Fluent | | Neovim | Fluent | | tmux | Proficient | | neomutt | Proficient | I have plans on learning [Nomad](https://www.nomadproject.io), as this seems to be a better copy of k8s. I am also moving to [podman](https://podman.io/) next time I work with containers in my spare time. I am also keen working more with service meshes, to improve my knowledge of their capabilities. #### Machine Learning tbc #### Operating Systems I use Artix Linux as my daily OS. However, I would like to transition to OpenBSD soon. But, I am a bit afraid of the lack of support for Nvidia GPUs. Unfortunately, I use macOS for work. #### Workflow I use neovim for all my development, together with dwm as a tiling window manager, and st as the terminal of choice. I am very happy with this setup, but would like to improve the workflow with increased tmux usage and git worktrees, à la [ThePrimeagen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXxvxSlzJdI). I use a ferris sweep keyboard with Colemak Mod-DH layout. I moved on from qwerty as I do not believe that you should go through life using suboptimal solutions from the past, just because you cannot bother learning something new. #### Architecture Good software is like physics, it should avoid too much complexity, like von Neumann famously stated, *"With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk"*. I adhere by the [unix philosophy](http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/taoup/html/ch01s06.html), as well as the [suckless philosophy](https://suckless.org/philosophy/). I truly believe that you develop better software by following these principles. For designing and implementing distributed web service systems, I really like the framework presented in the book *The Tao of Microservices*. Web services should almost be provocatively small, most communication between services should be asynchronous. You should at all cost avoid building a distributed monolith with entangled dependencies. #### Miscellaneous | What | Level | | --------- | ------------ | | Soldering | Intermediate | ### Experience - Nexure AB. - Software Engineer. Aug 2021 -- Present I develop and maintain backend web services (microservices) in the payments/subscription domain. From time to time I also do some infrastructure work in k8s and AWS with terraform. - Saab AB. - Machine Learning Engineer. Aug 2018 -- Aug 2021 blablabla ### Institutions - M.Sc., Electrical Engineering. Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. 2013 -- 2018 - Major in Machine Learning - Exchange Year. Imperial College London. 2016 -- 2017 - Summer course in Chinese Culture and Language. Dalian University of Technology. 2014 - Economics I. Stockholms universitet. 2013 - Political Science I. Stockholms universitet. 2011