--- title: "Mashed Potatoes" date: 2023-12-10 tags: ["recipes", "potatoes"] draft: false --- - Prep time: ~5 min - Cook time: ~20-30 min - Servings: 4 # Ingredients ### Groceries - Browned butter (Optional) - Butter - Floury Potatoes - Garlic - Heavy cream - Olive Oil - Parmesan (Optional) - Pepper (white or black) - Rosemary - Salt - Thyme # Directions ### Mise en Place Ingredients: - 5 potatoes 1. Peel and dice ### Cooking Ingredients: - Butter - Crushed garlic - Heavy cream - Olive oil - Parmesan (Optional) - Peeled and diced potatoes - Rosemary - Salt - Thyme 1. Place **potatoes**, **thyme**, and **garlic** in a pot with water 2. Cook for 10-12 min 3. Optional: make **browned butter** 4. Pour out the water, remove the **garlic** and **thyme** 5. Warm the **butter** and **cream** with **garlic**, **thyme**, **rosemary** 5. Remove the herbs and garlic and mash the potatoes into the liquid 6. Add seasoning to taste # Source Most of recipe stolen from this [video](https://youtu.be/skzx7EUPpck?si=wgCFImXMySyFCKP1&t=1396).