# No Clown Fiesta An attempt at a color scheme that does not look like a clown puked up the source code. ![image](https://gustafrydholm.xyz/images/no-clown-fiesta.png?) ## Setup The default configuration is: ```lua { transparent_background = palette.bg, comments = "NONE", keywords = "NONE", functions = "NONE", variables = "NONE", type = "NONE", } ``` These can be overridden when activating the plugin, e.g.: ```lua require("no-clown-fiesta").setup({ type = "bold,italic" }) ``` ## Supported Plugins - Alpha - Git - Hop - Lir - LSP - Lualine - Markdown - Neogit - NvimCmp - NvimTree - Telescope - Treesitter - StatusLine (the default non custom one) - WhichKey