AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-17Update plugin lazy loadingGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-17Update which-keyGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-17Update autocmd and fix loadingGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-17Fix loading of telescope extensionsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Update which-key with colorizerGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Update autocmd spell, remove legacy stuff in minibarGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Add undotree and remove lirGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Remove util import in autocmdGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Remove colon for util autoloadGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Remove telescope file browserGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Add frecency, fix plenaryGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Remove commentsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Fix orgmodeGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Update READMEGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Update diff keymapsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16SortGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Refactor loading of plugins with packerGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-14Update which key with diff and diagnosticsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-14Add new words to spellGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-13Remove spellsitter, add spell supportGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-11Add dropdown theme on most telescope commandsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-11Update neovim versionGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-11Remap neogit to mmappingsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-11Remove more nvim-tree configGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-11Refactor synchronizedGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-10Remove nvim-tree command in which-keyGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-10Remove insane refresh on lualineGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-10Remove nvim-treeGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-10Replace hop with leap and flitGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-05Add diffviewGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-04Add keymap for saving sessionGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-04Add size to toggletermGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-29Add telescope diagnosticsGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-28Remove aerialGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-28Remove legacy lsp keymapsGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-28Add Trouble pluginGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-27Add faster text and file search keymapsGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-24Remove height in nvim-treeGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-24Update to only lang icon in filetypeGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-19Remove FixCursorHoldGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-19Update mason-null-lsGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-18Add keymap for closing windowsGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-18Add mason-null-lsp pluginGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-18Add stabilize pluginGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-04Move buffer list to mGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-31Update no hl keymapGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-31Revert auto-sess configGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-30Update auto-session configGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-30Update spellGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-20Add new spellingsGustaf Rydholm