path: root/fnl/config/which-key.fnl
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-01-07Replace session manager to persistence.nvimGustaf Rydholm
2023-01-06Update which keyGustaf Rydholm
2023-01-05Update lspGustaf Rydholm
2023-01-04Move window picker keymapGustaf Rydholm
2023-01-03Fix loading of telescopeGustaf Rydholm
2022-12-31Remove duplicate key bindingGustaf Rydholm
2022-12-27Add telescope orgmode pluginGustaf Rydholm
2022-12-22Replace bbye with nvim-bufdelGustaf Rydholm
2022-12-21Replace packer with lazyGustaf Rydholm
2022-12-18Replace ivy with dropdown theme for text searchGustaf Rydholm
2022-11-13Add mason shortcutGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-30Add preview for ff file searchGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-30Add better netrw navsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-17Add cmds for plugins to lazy load themGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-17Update which-keyGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Update which-key with colorizerGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Add undotree and remove lirGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Remove colon for util autoloadGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Fix orgmodeGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Update diff keymapsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-16Refactor loading of plugins with packerGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-14Update which key with diff and diagnosticsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-11Add dropdown theme on most telescope commandsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-11Remap neogit to mmappingsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-10Remove nvim-tree command in which-keyGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-05Add diffviewGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-04Add keymap for saving sessionGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-29Add telescope diagnosticsGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-28Remove aerialGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-28Remove legacy lsp keymapsGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-28Add Trouble pluginGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-27Add faster text and file search keymapsGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-04Move buffer list to mGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-20Update which-key with new comment apiGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-12Update buffer keymapGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-08Remove lazygit keymapGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-08Add harpoonGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-06Replace aerial group with toggle onlyGustaf Rydholm
2022-08-06Update which-keyGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-27Replace lsp-installer with masonGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-24Replace no highlight with c-hGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-19Add util fun for loading most plugin optsGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-19Add leader keymap for telescope commandsGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-17Improve util importGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-17Update which-key format and switch winGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-17Set tab to leader sGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-17Move telescope keymapsGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-13Add lir and change split keymapsGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-06Add aerial pluginGustaf Rydholm
2022-07-06Add neogit to which-keyGustaf Rydholm