;; Language aware commenting. (local opts {:toggler {;; Line-comment toggle keymap :line :mpc ;; Block-comment toggle keymap :block :mbc} ;; LHS of operator-pending mappings in NORMAL and VISUAL mode :opleader {;; Line-comment keymap :line :mp ;; Block-comment keymap :block :mb} ;; LHS of extra mappings :extra {;; Add comment on the line above :above :mpO ;; Add comment on the line below :below :mpo ;; Add comment at the end of line :eol :mpA}}) (local user-cmds [[:CommentNormal (lambda [] (let [comment-api (require :Comment.api)] (comment-api.toggle.linewise.current))) {:nargs 0}] [:CommentVisual (lambda [] (let [comment-api (require :Comment.api)] (comment-api.toggle.linewise (vim.fn.visualmode)))) {:nargs 0}]]) (fn init [] (let [cmds (require :util.cmds)] (cmds.create-user-cmds user-cmds))) {1 :numToStr/Comment.nvim :event :BufReadPost : inti : opts}