;; Leap through text. (local dependencies [{1 :ggandor/flit.nvim :event [:BufReadPost :BufNewFile] :opts {:keys {:f :f :F :F :t :t :T :T} :labeled_modes :v :multiline true :opts {}}} {1 :ggandor/leap-spooky.nvim :event [:BufReadPost :BufNewFile] :opts {;; Additional text objects, to be merged with the default ones. ;; E.g.: {'iq', 'aq'} :extra_text_objects [:iq :aq] ;; Mappings will be generated corresponding to all native text objects, ;; like: (ir|ar|iR|aR|im|am|iM|aM){obj}. ;; Special line objects will also be added, by repeating the affixes. ;; E.g. `yrr` and `ymm` will yank a line in the current ;; window. :affixes {;; The cursor moves to the targeted object, and stays there. :magnetic {:window :m :cross_window :M} ;; The operation is executed seemingly remotely (the cursor boomerangs ;; back afterwards). :remote {:window :r :cross_window :R}} ;; Defines text objects like `riw`, `raw`, etc., instead of ;; targets.vim-style `irw`, `arw`. (Note: prefix is forced if a custom ;; text object does not start with "a" or "i".) :prefix true ;; The yanked text will automatically be pasted at the cursor position ;; if the unnamed register is in use. :paste_on_remote_yank false}}]) (λ config [] (let [leap (require :leap)] (leap.setup {}) (leap.create_default_mappings) (vim.keymap.set [:n :x :o] :gs "(leap-from-window)"))) {1 :ggandor/leap.nvim : dependencies :event [:BufReadPost :BufNewFile] : config}