-- For navigating source files. local status_ok, lightspeed = pcall(require, "lightspeed") if not status_ok then return end lightspeed.setup({ ignore_case = false, exit_after_idle_msecs = { unlabeled = 1000, labeled = nil }, --- s/x --- jump_to_unique_chars = { safety_timeout = 400 }, match_only_the_start_of_same_char_seqs = true, force_beacons_into_match_width = false, -- Display characters in a custom way in the highlighted matches. substitute_chars = { ["\r"] = "¬" }, -- Leaving the appropriate list empty effectively disables "smart" mode, -- and forces auto-jump to be on or off. safe_labels = { ... }, labels = { ... }, -- These keys are captured directly by the plugin at runtime. special_keys = { next_match_group = "", prev_match_group = "", }, --- f/t --- limit_ft_matches = 4, repeat_ft_with_target_char = false, })