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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 359 deletions
diff --git a/text_recognizer/datasets/ b/text_recognizer/datasets/
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index 1992446..0000000
--- a/text_recognizer/datasets/
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-"""Emnist Lines dataset: synthetic handwritten lines dataset made from Emnist characters."""
-from collections import defaultdict
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-import click
-import h5py
-from loguru import logger
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from torch import Tensor
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
-from text_recognizer.datasets.dataset import Dataset
-from text_recognizer.datasets.emnist_dataset import EmnistDataset, Transpose
-from text_recognizer.datasets.sentence_generator import SentenceGenerator
-from text_recognizer.datasets.util import (
- EmnistMapper,
-DATA_DIRNAME = DATA_DIRNAME / "processed" / "emnist_lines"
-MAX_WIDTH = 952
-class EmnistLinesDataset(Dataset):
- """Synthetic dataset of lines from the Brown corpus with Emnist characters."""
- def __init__(
- self,
- train: bool = False,
- transform: Optional[Callable] = None,
- target_transform: Optional[Callable] = None,
- subsample_fraction: float = None,
- max_length: int = 34,
- min_overlap: float = 0,
- max_overlap: float = 0.33,
- num_samples: int = 10000,
- seed: int = 4711,
- init_token: Optional[str] = None,
- pad_token: Optional[str] = None,
- eos_token: Optional[str] = None,
- lower: bool = False,
- ) -> None:
- """Set attributes and loads the dataset.
- Args:
- train (bool): Flag for the filename. Defaults to False. Defaults to None.
- transform (Optional[Callable]): The transform of the data. Defaults to None.
- target_transform (Optional[Callable]): The transform of the target. Defaults to None.
- subsample_fraction (float): The fraction of the dataset to use for training. Defaults to None.
- max_length (int): The maximum number of characters. Defaults to 34.
- min_overlap (float): The minimum overlap between concatenated images. Defaults to 0.
- max_overlap (float): The maximum overlap between concatenated images. Defaults to 0.33.
- num_samples (int): Number of samples to generate. Defaults to 10000.
- seed (int): Seed number. Defaults to 4711.
- init_token (Optional[str]): String representing the start of sequence token. Defaults to None.
- pad_token (Optional[str]): String representing the pad token. Defaults to None.
- eos_token (Optional[str]): String representing the end of sequence token. Defaults to None.
- lower (bool): If True, convert uppercase letters to lowercase. Otherwise, use both upper and lowercase.
- """
- self.pad_token = "_" if pad_token is None else pad_token
- super().__init__(
- train=train,
- transform=transform,
- target_transform=target_transform,
- subsample_fraction=subsample_fraction,
- init_token=init_token,
- pad_token=self.pad_token,
- eos_token=eos_token,
- lower=lower,
- )
- # Extract dataset information.
- self._input_shape = self._mapper.input_shape
- self.num_classes = self._mapper.num_classes
- self.max_length = max_length
- self.min_overlap = min_overlap
- self.max_overlap = max_overlap
- self.num_samples = num_samples
- self._input_shape = (
- self.input_shape[0],
- self.input_shape[1] * self.max_length,
- )
- self._output_shape = (self.max_length, self.num_classes)
- self.seed = seed
- # Placeholders for the dataset.
- self._data = None
- self._target = None
- def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, Tensor]) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
- """Fetches data, target pair of the dataset for a given and index or indices.
- Args:
- index (Union[int, Tensor]): Either a list or int of indices/index.
- Returns:
- Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: Data target pair.
- """
- if torch.is_tensor(index):
- index = index.tolist()
- data =[index]
- targets = self.targets[index]
- if self.transform:
- data = self.transform(data)
- if self.target_transform:
- targets = self.target_transform(targets)
- return data, targets
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- """Returns information about the dataset."""
- return (
- "EMNIST Lines Dataset\n" # pylint: disable=no-member
- f"Max length: {self.max_length}\n"
- f"Min overlap: {self.min_overlap}\n"
- f"Max overlap: {self.max_overlap}\n"
- f"Num classes: {self.num_classes}\n"
- f"Input shape: {self.input_shape}\n"
- f"Data: {}\n"
- f"Tagets: {self.targets.shape}\n"
- )
- @property
- def data_filename(self) -> Path:
- """Path to the h5 file."""
- filename = "" if self.train else ""
- return DATA_DIRNAME / filename
- def load_or_generate_data(self) -> None:
- """Loads the dataset, if it does not exist a new dataset is generated before loading it."""
- np.random.seed(self.seed)
- if not self.data_filename.exists():
- self._generate_data()
- self._load_data()
- self._subsample()
- def _load_data(self) -> None:
- """Loads the dataset from the h5 file."""
- logger.debug("EmnistLinesDataset loading data from HDF5...")
- with h5py.File(self.data_filename, "r") as f:
- self._data = f["data"][()]
- self._targets = f["targets"][()]
- def _generate_data(self) -> str:
- """Generates a dataset with the Brown corpus and Emnist characters."""
- logger.debug("Generating data...")
- sentence_generator = SentenceGenerator(self.max_length)
- # Load emnist dataset.
- emnist = EmnistDataset(
- train=self.train, sample_to_balance=True, pad_token=self.pad_token
- )
- emnist.load_or_generate_data()
- samples_by_character = get_samples_by_character(
-, emnist.targets.numpy(), self.mapper.mapping,
- )
- DATA_DIRNAME.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with h5py.File(self.data_filename, "a") as f:
- data, targets = create_dataset_of_images(
- self.num_samples,
- samples_by_character,
- sentence_generator,
- self.min_overlap,
- self.max_overlap,
- )
- targets = convert_strings_to_categorical_labels(
- targets, emnist.inverse_mapping
- )
- f.create_dataset("data", data=data, dtype="u1", compression="lzf")
- f.create_dataset("targets", data=targets, dtype="u1", compression="lzf")
-def get_samples_by_character(
- samples: np.ndarray, labels: np.ndarray, mapping: Dict
-) -> defaultdict:
- """Creates a dictionary with character as key and value as the list of images of that character.
- Args:
- samples (np.ndarray): Dataset of images of characters.
- labels (np.ndarray): The labels for each image.
- mapping (Dict): The Emnist mapping dictionary.
- Returns:
- defaultdict: A dictionary with characters as keys and list of images as values.
- """
- samples_by_character = defaultdict(list)
- for sample, label in zip(samples, labels.flatten()):
- samples_by_character[mapping[label]].append(sample)
- return samples_by_character
-def select_letter_samples_for_string(
- string: str, samples_by_character: Dict
-) -> List[np.ndarray]:
- """Randomly selects Emnist characters to use for the senetence.
- Args:
- string (str): The word or sentence.
- samples_by_character (Dict): The dictionary of emnist images of each character.
- Returns:
- List[np.ndarray]: A list of emnist images of the string.
- """
- zero_image = np.zeros((28, 28), np.uint8)
- sample_image_by_character = {}
- for character in string:
- if character in sample_image_by_character:
- continue
- samples = samples_by_character[character]
- sample = samples[np.random.choice(len(samples))] if samples else zero_image
- sample_image_by_character[character] = sample.reshape(28, 28).swapaxes(0, 1)
- return [sample_image_by_character[character] for character in string]
-def construct_image_from_string(
- string: str, samples_by_character: Dict, min_overlap: float, max_overlap: float
-) -> np.ndarray:
- """Concatenates images of the characters in the string.
- The concatination is made with randomly selected overlap so that some portion of the character will overlap.
- Args:
- string (str): The word or sentence.
- samples_by_character (Dict): The dictionary of emnist images of each character.
- min_overlap (float): Minimum amount of overlap between Emnist images.
- max_overlap (float): Maximum amount of overlap between Emnist images.
- Returns:
- np.ndarray: The Emnist image of the string.
- """
- overlap = np.random.uniform(min_overlap, max_overlap)
- sampled_images = select_letter_samples_for_string(string, samples_by_character)
- length = len(sampled_images)
- height, width = sampled_images[0].shape
- next_overlap_width = width - int(overlap * width)
- concatenated_image = np.zeros((height, width * length), np.uint8)
- x = 0
- for image in sampled_images:
- concatenated_image[:, x : (x + width)] += image
- x += next_overlap_width
- if concatenated_image.shape[-1] > MAX_WIDTH:
- concatenated_image = Tensor(concatenated_image).unsqueeze(0)
- concatenated_image = F.interpolate(
- concatenated_image, size=MAX_WIDTH, mode="nearest"
- )
- concatenated_image = concatenated_image.squeeze(0).numpy()
- return np.minimum(255, concatenated_image)
-def create_dataset_of_images(
- length: int,
- samples_by_character: Dict,
- sentence_generator: SentenceGenerator,
- min_overlap: float,
- max_overlap: float,
-) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[str]]:
- """Creates a dataset with images and labels from strings generated from the SentenceGenerator.
- Args:
- length (int): The number of characters for each string.
- samples_by_character (Dict): The dictionary of emnist images of each character.
- sentence_generator (SentenceGenerator): A SentenceGenerator objest.
- min_overlap (float): Minimum amount of overlap between Emnist images.
- max_overlap (float): Maximum amount of overlap between Emnist images.
- Returns:
- Tuple[np.ndarray, List[str]]: A list of Emnist images and a list of the strings (labels).
- Raises:
- RuntimeError: If the sentence generator is not able to generate a string.
- """
- sample_label = sentence_generator.generate()
- sample_image = construct_image_from_string(sample_label, samples_by_character, 0, 0)
- images = np.zeros((length, sample_image.shape[0], sample_image.shape[1]), np.uint8)
- labels = []
- for n in range(length):
- label = None
- # Try several times to generate before actually throwing an error.
- for _ in range(10):
- try:
- label = sentence_generator.generate()
- break
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- pass
- if label is None:
- raise RuntimeError("Was not able to generate a valid string.")
- images[n] = construct_image_from_string(
- label, samples_by_character, min_overlap, max_overlap
- )
- labels.append(label)
- return images, labels
-def convert_strings_to_categorical_labels(
- labels: List[str], mapping: Dict
-) -> np.ndarray:
- """Translates a string of characters in to a target array of class int."""
- return np.array([[mapping[c] for c in label] for label in labels])
- "--max_length", type=int, default=34, help="Number of characters in a sentence."
- "--min_overlap", type=float, default=0.0, help="Min overlap between characters."
- "--max_overlap", type=float, default=0.33, help="Max overlap between characters."
-@click.option("--num_train", type=int, default=10_000, help="Number of train examples.")
-@click.option("--num_test", type=int, default=1_000, help="Number of test examples.")
-def create_datasets(
- max_length: int = 34,
- min_overlap: float = 0,
- max_overlap: float = 0.33,
- num_train: int = 10000,
- num_test: int = 1000,
-) -> None:
- """Creates a training an validation dataset of Emnist lines."""
- num_samples = [num_train, num_test]
- for num, train in zip(num_samples, [True, False]):
- emnist_lines = EmnistLinesDataset(
- train=train,
- max_length=max_length,
- min_overlap=min_overlap,
- max_overlap=max_overlap,
- num_samples=num,
- )
- emnist_lines.load_or_generate_data()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- create_datasets()