path: root/training/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'training/')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/training/ b/training/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faafea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training/
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+"""Script to run experiments."""
+from datetime import datetime
+from glob import glob
+import importlib
+import json
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import re
+from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type
+import warnings
+import click
+from loguru import logger
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from torchsummary import summary
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from training.gpu_manager import GPUManager
+from training.trainer.callbacks import CallbackList
+from training.trainer.train import Trainer
+import wandb
+import yaml
+import text_recognizer.models
+from text_recognizer.models import Model
+import text_recognizer.networks
+from text_recognizer.networks.loss import loss as custom_loss_module
+EXPERIMENTS_DIRNAME = Path(__file__).parents[0].resolve() / "experiments"
+def _get_level(verbose: int) -> int:
+ """Sets the logger level."""
+ levels = {0: 40, 1: 20, 2: 10}
+ verbose = verbose if verbose <= 2 else 2
+ return levels[verbose]
+def _create_experiment_dir(
+ experiment_config: Dict, checkpoint: Optional[str] = None
+) -> Path:
+ """Create new experiment."""
+ EXPERIMENTS_DIRNAME.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ experiment_dir = EXPERIMENTS_DIRNAME / (
+ f"{experiment_config['model']}_"
+ + f"{experiment_config['dataset']['type']}_"
+ + f"{experiment_config['network']['type']}"
+ )
+ if checkpoint is None:
+ experiment ="%m%d_%H%M%S")
+ logger.debug(f"Creating a new experiment called {experiment}")
+ else:
+ available_experiments = glob(str(experiment_dir) + "/*")
+ available_experiments.sort()
+ if checkpoint == "last":
+ experiment = available_experiments[-1]
+ logger.debug(f"Resuming the latest experiment {experiment}")
+ else:
+ experiment = checkpoint
+ if not str(experiment_dir / experiment) in available_experiments:
+ raise FileNotFoundError("Experiment does not exist.")
+ logger.debug(f"Resuming the from experiment {checkpoint}")
+ experiment_dir = experiment_dir / experiment
+ # Create log and model directories.
+ log_dir = experiment_dir / "log"
+ model_dir = experiment_dir / "model"
+ return experiment_dir, log_dir, model_dir
+def _load_modules_and_arguments(experiment_config: Dict,) -> Tuple[Callable, Dict]:
+ """Loads all modules and arguments."""
+ # Load the dataset module.
+ dataset_args = experiment_config.get("dataset", {})
+ dataset_ = dataset_args["type"]
+ # Import the model module and model arguments.
+ model_class_ = getattr(text_recognizer.models, experiment_config["model"])
+ # Import metrics.
+ metric_fns_ = (
+ {
+ metric: getattr(text_recognizer.networks, metric)
+ for metric in experiment_config["metrics"]
+ }
+ if experiment_config["metrics"] is not None
+ else None
+ )
+ # Import network module and arguments.
+ network_fn_ = experiment_config["network"]["type"]
+ network_args = experiment_config["network"].get("args", {})
+ # Criterion
+ if experiment_config["criterion"]["type"] in custom_loss_module.__all__:
+ criterion_ = getattr(custom_loss_module, experiment_config["criterion"]["type"])
+ else:
+ criterion_ = getattr(torch.nn, experiment_config["criterion"]["type"])
+ criterion_args = experiment_config["criterion"].get("args", {}) or {}
+ # Optimizers
+ optimizer_ = getattr(torch.optim, experiment_config["optimizer"]["type"])
+ optimizer_args = experiment_config["optimizer"].get("args", {})
+ # Learning rate scheduler
+ lr_scheduler_ = None
+ lr_scheduler_args = None
+ if "lr_scheduler" in experiment_config:
+ lr_scheduler_ = getattr(
+ torch.optim.lr_scheduler, experiment_config["lr_scheduler"]["type"]
+ )
+ lr_scheduler_args = experiment_config["lr_scheduler"].get("args", {}) or {}
+ # SWA scheduler.
+ if "swa_args" in experiment_config:
+ swa_args = experiment_config.get("swa_args", {}) or {}
+ else:
+ swa_args = None
+ model_args = {
+ "dataset": dataset_,
+ "dataset_args": dataset_args,
+ "metrics": metric_fns_,
+ "network_fn": network_fn_,
+ "network_args": network_args,
+ "criterion": criterion_,
+ "criterion_args": criterion_args,
+ "optimizer": optimizer_,
+ "optimizer_args": optimizer_args,
+ "lr_scheduler": lr_scheduler_,
+ "lr_scheduler_args": lr_scheduler_args,
+ "swa_args": swa_args,
+ }
+ return model_class_, model_args
+def _configure_callbacks(experiment_config: Dict, model_dir: Path) -> CallbackList:
+ """Configure a callback list for trainer."""
+ if "Checkpoint" in experiment_config["callback_args"]:
+ experiment_config["callback_args"]["Checkpoint"]["checkpoint_path"] = str(
+ model_dir
+ )
+ # Initializes callbacks.
+ callback_modules = importlib.import_module("training.trainer.callbacks")
+ callbacks = []
+ for callback in experiment_config["callbacks"]:
+ args = experiment_config["callback_args"][callback] or {}
+ callbacks.append(getattr(callback_modules, callback)(**args))
+ return callbacks
+def _configure_logger(log_dir: Path, verbose: int = 0) -> None:
+ """Configure the loguru logger for output to terminal and disk."""
+ # Have to remove default logger to get tqdm to work properly.
+ logger.remove()
+ # Fetch verbosity level.
+ level = _get_level(verbose)
+ logger.add(lambda msg: tqdm.write(msg, end=""), colorize=True, level=level)
+ logger.add(
+ str(log_dir / "train.log"),
+ format="{time:YYYY-MM-DD at HH:mm:ss} | {level} | {message}",
+ )
+def _save_config(experiment_dir: Path, experiment_config: Dict) -> None:
+ """Copy config to experiment directory."""
+ config_path = experiment_dir / "config.yml"
+ with open(str(config_path), "w") as f:
+ yaml.dump(experiment_config, f)
+def _load_from_checkpoint(
+ model: Type[Model], model_dir: Path, pretrained_weights: str = None,
+) -> None:
+ """If checkpoint exists, load model weights and optimizers from checkpoint."""
+ # Get checkpoint path.
+ if pretrained_weights is not None:
+"Loading weights from {pretrained_weights}.")
+ checkpoint_path = (
+ EXPERIMENTS_DIRNAME / Path(pretrained_weights) / "model" / ""
+ )
+ else:
+"Loading weights from {model_dir}.")
+ checkpoint_path = model_dir / ""
+ if checkpoint_path.exists():
+"Loading and resuming training from checkpoint.")
+ model.load_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_path)
+def evaluate_embedding(model: Type[Model]) -> Dict:
+ """Evaluates the embedding space."""
+ from pytorch_metric_learning import testers
+ from pytorch_metric_learning.utils.accuracy_calculator import AccuracyCalculator
+ accuracy_calculator = AccuracyCalculator(
+ include=("mean_average_precision_at_r",), k=10
+ )
+ def get_all_embeddings(model: Type[Model]) -> Tuple:
+ tester = testers.BaseTester()
+ return tester.get_all_embeddings(model.test_dataset,
+ embeddings, labels = get_all_embeddings(model)
+"Computing embedding accuracy")
+ accuracies = accuracy_calculator.get_accuracy(
+ embeddings, embeddings, np.squeeze(labels), np.squeeze(labels), True
+ )
+ f"Test set accuracy (MAP@10) = {accuracies['mean_average_precision_at_r']}"
+ )
+ return accuracies
+def run_experiment(
+ experiment_config: Dict,
+ save_weights: bool,
+ device: str,
+ use_wandb: bool,
+ train: bool,
+ test: bool,
+ verbose: int = 0,
+ checkpoint: Optional[str] = None,
+ pretrained_weights: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> None:
+ """Runs an experiment."""
+"Experiment config: {json.dumps(experiment_config)}")
+ # Create new experiment.
+ experiment_dir, log_dir, model_dir = _create_experiment_dir(
+ experiment_config, checkpoint
+ )
+ # Make sure the log/model directory exists.
+ log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ model_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ # Load the modules and model arguments.
+ model_class_, model_args = _load_modules_and_arguments(experiment_config)
+ # Initializes the model with experiment config.
+ model = model_class_(**model_args, device=device)
+ callbacks = _configure_callbacks(experiment_config, model_dir)
+ # Setup logger.
+ _configure_logger(log_dir, verbose)
+ # Load from checkpoint if resuming an experiment.
+ resume = False
+ if checkpoint is not None or pretrained_weights is not None:
+ # resume = True
+ _load_from_checkpoint(model, model_dir, pretrained_weights)
+"The class mapping is {model.mapping}")
+ # Initializes Weights & Biases
+ if use_wandb:
+ wandb.init(project="text-recognizer", config=experiment_config, resume=resume)
+ # Lets W&B save the model and track the gradients and optional parameters.
+ experiment_config["experiment_group"] = experiment_config.get(
+ "experiment_group", None
+ )
+ experiment_config["device"] = device
+ # Save the config used in the experiment folder.
+ _save_config(experiment_dir, experiment_config)
+ # Prints a summary of the network in terminal.
+ model.summary(experiment_config["train_args"]["input_shape"])
+ # Load trainer.
+ trainer = Trainer(
+ max_epochs=experiment_config["train_args"]["max_epochs"],
+ callbacks=callbacks,
+ transformer_model=experiment_config["train_args"]["transformer_model"],
+ max_norm=experiment_config["train_args"]["max_norm"],
+ freeze_backbone=experiment_config["train_args"]["freeze_backbone"],
+ )
+ # Train the model.
+ if train:
+ # Run inference over test set.
+ if test:
+"Loading checkpoint with the best weights.")
+ if "checkpoint" in experiment_config["train_args"]:
+ model.load_from_checkpoint(
+ model_dir / experiment_config["train_args"]["checkpoint"]
+ )
+ else:
+ model.load_from_checkpoint(model_dir / "")
+"Running inference on test set.")
+ if experiment_config["criterion"]["type"] == "EmbeddingLoss":
+"Evaluating embedding.")
+ score = evaluate_embedding(model)
+ else:
+ score = trainer.test(model)
+"Test set evaluation: {score}")
+ if use_wandb:
+ wandb.log(
+ {
+ experiment_config["test_metric"]: score[
+ experiment_config["test_metric"]
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ if save_weights:
+ model.save_weights(model_dir)
+@click.option("--gpu", type=int, default=0, help="Provide the index of the GPU to use.")
+ "--save",
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="If set, the final weights will be saved to a canonical, version-controlled location.",
+ "--nowandb", is_flag=False, help="If true, do not use wandb for this run."
+@click.option("--test", is_flag=True, help="If true, test the model.")
+@click.option("-v", "--verbose", count=True)
+@click.option("--checkpoint", type=str, help="Path to the experiment.")
+ "--pretrained_weights", type=str, help="Path to pretrained model weights."
+ "--notrain", is_flag=False, help="Do not train the model.",
+def run_cli(
+ experiment_config: str,
+ gpu: int,
+ save: bool,
+ nowandb: bool,
+ notrain: bool,
+ test: bool,
+ verbose: int,
+ checkpoint: Optional[str] = None,
+ pretrained_weights: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> None:
+ """Run experiment."""
+ if gpu < 0:
+ gpu_manager = GPUManager(True)
+ gpu = gpu_manager.get_free_gpu()
+ device = "cuda:" + str(gpu)
+ experiment_config = json.loads(experiment_config)
+ os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = f"{gpu}"
+ run_experiment(
+ experiment_config,
+ save,
+ device,
+ use_wandb=not nowandb,
+ train=not notrain,
+ test=test,
+ verbose=verbose,
+ checkpoint=checkpoint,
+ pretrained_weights=pretrained_weights,
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ run_cli()