AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-10-03Fix rotary embeddingGustaf Rydholm
2021-10-03Lint filesGustaf Rydholm
2021-10-03Update notebooksGustaf Rydholm
2021-10-01Update config of IAM linesGustaf Rydholm
2021-10-01Update Makefile with installGustaf Rydholm
2021-10-01Update README with installationGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Lint emnist linesGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Update to effnet notebookGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Add word piece mapping to IAM linesGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Update run script with torchinfoGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Update dependenciesGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Add Makefile for downloading and generating datasetsGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Updates to notebooksGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Add new config filesGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Delete legacy notebooksGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Add new notebooksGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Update READMEGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Add new dependenciesGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Major bug fix in attention layerGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Updates to config filesGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Add new variables to w&b callbacksGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Replace table with image and caption for w&b callbackGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Bug fix for loading pretrained vq encoderGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Set leaky relu inplace to falseGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Rename context to trg in transformerGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Rename vqloss to commitment loss in vqvae networkGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Refactor residual blockGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Add num res blocks as a variableGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Rename to commitment lossGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Bug fix transformer dim, comment CER/WER metricsGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Lint sentence_generatorGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Lint emnist mapping importsGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Rename vqloss to commitment lossGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Update GAN loss with sigmoid fnGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Remove tasksGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Update notebooksGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Linting of Base modelGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Add loading of encoder in vq transformer networkGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Add save of config to runs directoryGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Update to experiments configsGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Add ability to set use norm in vqvaeGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Add weight for commitment loss in vq transformerGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Linting of iam paragraphs and preprocessorGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Linting of eminst and iam linesGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Linting of vqgan lossGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Remove normalization in a hope to fix instabilitiesGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-19Add more detailed description of label smoothingGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-18Add comment for quantizationGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-18Remove TODO in conv transformerGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-18Add Vq transfomer modelGustaf Rydholm