path: root/training/callbacks/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-06-26Remove reconstruction wandb callbackGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-25Update checkpoint path in wandb callbackGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-25Update artifact name for checkpointsGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-25Rename config artifactGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-25Fix config path in wandb callbackGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-09Use predict in log text callbackGustaf Rydholm
2021-10-10Update wandb callbacksGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-30Replace table with image and caption for w&b callbackGustaf Rydholm
2021-09-18Update wandb reconsturction loggingGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-29Remove uploading of code to Wandb, upload config insteadGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-06Fix VQVAE into en/decoder, bug in wandb artifact code uploadingGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-04Add char htr experiment, rename from ocr to htr, vqvae loss collapsesGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-04New VQVAEGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-03Training working, multiple bug fixesGustaf Rydholm
2021-08-02Fixed wandb callback bug, add word_pieces arg to iam paragraphGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-28Reformatting with attrs, config for encoder and decoderGustaf Rydholm
2021-07-08Move callbacks to training folder, refactorGustaf Rydholm