# Text Recognizer Implementing the text recognizer project from the course ["Full Stack Deep Learning Course"](https://fullstackdeeplearning.com/march2019) in PyTorch in order to learn best practices when building a deep learning project. I have expanded on this project by adding additional feature and ideas given by Claudio Jolowicz in ["Hypermodern Python"](https://cjolowicz.github.io/posts/hypermodern-python-01-setup/). ## Setup TBC ## Todo - [x] subsampling - [x] Be able to run experiments - [x] Train models - [x] Fix input size in base model - [x] Fix s.t. the best weights are saved - [x] Implement total training time - [x] Fix tqdm and logging output - [x] Fix basic test to load model - [x] Fix loading previous experiments - [ ] Check how to pass arguments to unittest (remove B009 then) - [x] Able to set verbosity level on the logger to terminal output - [ ] Implement Callbacks for training - [ ] Implement early stopping - [ ] Implement wandb - [ ] Implement lr scheduler as a callback - [ ] Continuing reimplementing labs - [ ] New models and datasets - [ ] Check that dataset exists, otherwise download it form the web. Do this in run_experiment.py. - [ ] Create repr func for data loaders - [ ] Be able to restart with lr scheduler - [ ] Implement Bayesian hyperparameter search - [ ] Try to fix shell cmd security issues S404, S602