from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple from einops import rearrange from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange import torch from torch import nn from torch import Tensor from text_recognizer.networks.util import configure_backbone class Encoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, embedding_dim: int, encoder_dim: int, decoder_dim: int, dropout_rate: float = 0.1) -> None: super().__init__() self.rnn = nn.GRU(input_size=embedding_dim, hidden_size=encoder_dim, bidirectional=True) self.fc = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(in_features=2*encoder_dim, out_features=decoder_dim), nn.Tanh()) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate) def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Encodes a sequence of tensors with a bidirectional GRU. Args: x (Tensor): A input sequence. Shape: - x: :math:`(T, N, E)`. - output[0]: :math:`(T, N, 2 * E)`. - output[1]: :math:`(T, N, D)`. where T is the sequence length, N is the batch size, E is the embedding/encoder dimension, and D is the decoder dimension. Returns: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: The encoder output and the hidden state of the encoder. """ output, hidden = self.rnn(x) # Get the hidden state from the forward and backward rnn. hidden_state =[-2,:,:], hidden[-1,:,:]), dim = 1)) # Apply fully connected layer and tanh activation. hidden_state = self.fc(hidden_state) return output, hidden_state class Attention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, encoder_dim: int, decoder_dim: int) -> None: super().__init__() self.atten = nn.Linear(in_features=2*encoder_dim + decoder_dim, out_features=decoder_dim) self.value = nn.Linear(in_features=decoder_dim, out_features=1, bias=False) def forward(self, hidden_state: Tensor, encoder_outputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Short summary. Args: hidden_state (Tensor): Description of parameter `h`. encoder_outputs (Tensor): Description of parameter `enc_out`. Shape: - x: :math:`(T, N, E)`. - output[0]: :math:`(T, N, 2 * E)`. - output[1]: :math:`(T, N, D)`. where T is the sequence length, N is the batch size, E is the embedding/encoder dimension, and D is the decoder dimension. Returns: Tensor: Description of returned object. """ t, b = enc_out.shape[:2] #repeat decoder hidden state src_len times hidden_state = hidden_state.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, t, 1) encoder_outputs = rearrange(encoder_outputs, "t b e2 -> b t e2") # Calculate the energy between the decoders previous hidden state and the # encoders hidden states. energy = torch.tanh(self.attn(, encoder_outputs), dim = 2))) attention = self.value(energy).squeeze(2) # Apply softmax on the attention to squeeze it between 0 and 1. attention = F.softmax(attention, dim=1) return attention class Decoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, embedding_dim: int, encoder_dim: int, decoder_dim: int, output_dim: int, dropout_rate: float = 0.1) -> None: super().__init__() self.output_dim = output_dim self.embedding = nn.Embedding(output_dim, embedding_dim) self.attention = Attention(encoder_dim, decoder_dim) self.rnn = nn.GRU(input_size=2*encoder_dim + embedding_dim, hidden_size=decoder_dim) self.head = nn.Linear(in_features=2*encoder_dim+embedding_dim+decoder_dim, out_features=output_dim) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout_rate) def forward(self, trg: Tensor, hidden_state: Tensor, encoder_outputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: #input = [batch size] #hidden = [batch size, dec hid dim] #encoder_outputs = [src len, batch size, enc hid dim * 2] trg = trg.unsqueeze(0) trg_embedded = self.dropout(self.embedding(trg)) a = self.attention(hidden_state, encoder_outputs) weighted = torch.bmm(a, encoder_outputs) # Permutate the tensor. weighted = rearrange(weighted, "b a e2 -> a b e2") rnn_input =, weighted), dim = 2) output, hidden = self.rnn(rnn_input, hidden.unsqueeze(0)) #seq len, n layers and n directions will always be 1 in this decoder, therefore: #output = [1, batch size, dec hid dim] #hidden = [1, batch size, dec hid dim] #this also means that output == hidden assert (output == hidden).all() trg_embedded = trg_embedded.squeeze(0) output = output.squeeze(0) weighted = weighted.squeeze(0) logits = self.fc_out(, weighted, trg_embedded), dim = 1)) #prediction = [batch size, output dim] return logits, hidden.squeeze(0) class NeuralMachineReader(nn.Module): def __init__(self, embedding_dim: int, encoder_dim: int, decoder_dim: int, output_dim: int, backbone: Optional[str] = None, backbone_args: Optional[Dict] = None, patch_size: Tuple[int, int] = (28, 28), stride: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 14), dropout_rate: float = 0.1, teacher_forcing_ratio: float = 0.5) -> None: super().__init__() self.patch_size = patch_size self.stride = stride self.sliding_window = self._configure_sliding_window() self.backbone = self.encoder = Encoder(embedding_dim, encoder_dim, decoder_dim, dropout_rate) self.decoder = Decoder(embedding_dim, encoder_dim, decoder_dim, output_dim, dropout_rate) self.teacher_forcing_ratio = teacher_forcing_ratio def _configure_sliding_window(self) -> nn.Sequential: return nn.Sequential( nn.Unfold(kernel_size=self.patch_size, stride=self.stride), Rearrange( "b (c h w) t -> b t c h w", h=self.patch_size[0], w=self.patch_size[1], c=1, ), ) def forward(self, x: Tensor, trg: Tensor) -> Tensor: #x = [batch size, height, width] #trg = [trg len, batch size] # Create image patches with a sliding window kernel. x = self.sliding_window(x) # Rearrange from a sequence of patches for feedforward network. b, t = x.shape[:2] x = rearrange(x, "b t c h w -> (b t) c h w", b=b, t=t) x = self.backbone(x) x = rearrange(x, "(b t) h -> t b h", b=b, t=t)