"""Callback for W&B.""" from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Type import numpy as np from torchvision.transforms import Compose, ToTensor from training.trainer.callbacks import Callback import wandb from text_recognizer.datasets import Transpose from text_recognizer.models.base import Model class WandbCallback(Callback): """A custom W&B metric logger for the trainer.""" def __init__(self, log_batch_frequency: int = None) -> None: """Short summary. Args: log_batch_frequency (int): If None, metrics will be logged every epoch. If set to an integer, callback will log every metrics every log_batch_frequency. """ super().__init__() self.log_batch_frequency = log_batch_frequency def _on_batch_end(self, batch: int, logs: Dict) -> None: if self.log_batch_frequency and batch % self.log_batch_frequency == 0: wandb.log(logs, commit=True) def on_train_batch_end(self, batch: int, logs: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None: """Logs training metrics.""" if logs is not None: self._on_batch_end(batch, logs) def on_validation_batch_end(self, batch: int, logs: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None: """Logs validation metrics.""" if logs is not None: self._on_batch_end(batch, logs) def on_epoch_end(self, epoch: int, logs: Dict) -> None: """Logs at epoch end.""" wandb.log(logs, commit=True) class WandbImageLogger(Callback): """Custom W&B callback for image logging.""" def __init__( self, example_indices: Optional[List] = None, num_examples: int = 4, transfroms: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> None: """Initializes the WandbImageLogger with the model to train. Args: example_indices (Optional[List]): Indices for validation images. Defaults to None. num_examples (int): Number of random samples to take if example_indices are not specified. Defaults to 4. transfroms (Optional[Callable]): Transforms to use on the validation images, e.g. transpose. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__() self.example_indices = example_indices self.num_examples = num_examples self.transfroms = transfroms if self.transfroms is None: self.transforms = Compose([Transpose()]) def set_model(self, model: Type[Model]) -> None: """Sets the model and extracts validation images from the dataset.""" self.model = model data_loader = self.model.data_loaders["val"] if self.example_indices is None: self.example_indices = np.random.randint( 0, len(data_loader.dataset.data), self.num_examples ) self.val_images = data_loader.dataset.data[self.example_indices] self.val_targets = data_loader.dataset.targets[self.example_indices].numpy() def on_epoch_end(self, epoch: int, logs: Dict) -> None: """Get network predictions on validation images.""" images = [] for i, image in enumerate(self.val_images): image = self.transforms(image) pred, conf = self.model.predict_on_image(image) ground_truth = self.model.mapper(int(self.val_targets[i])) caption = f"Prediction: {pred} Confidence: {conf:.3f} Ground Truth: {ground_truth}" images.append(wandb.Image(image, caption=caption)) wandb.log({"examples": images}, commit=False)