"""Builds transition graph. Most code stolen from here: https://github.com/facebookresearch/gtn_applications/blob/master/scripts/build_transitions.py """ import collections import itertools from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional import click import gtn from loguru import logger START_IDX = -1 END_IDX = -2 WORDSEP = "▁" def build_graph(ngrams: List, disable_backoff: bool = False) -> gtn.Graph: """Returns a gtn Graph based on the ngrams.""" graph = gtn.Graph(False) ngram = len(ngrams) state_to_node = {} def get_node(state: Optional[List]) -> Any: node = state_to_node.get(state, None) if node is not None: return node start = state == tuple([START_IDX]) if ngram > 1 else True end = state == tuple([END_IDX]) if ngram > 1 else True node = graph.add_node(start, end) state_to_node[state] = node if not disable_backoff and not end: # Add back off when adding node. for n in range(1, len(state) + 1): backoff_node = state_to_node.get(state[n:], None) # Epsilon transition to the back-off state. if backoff_node is not None: graph.add_arc(node, backoff_node, gtn.epsilon) break return node for grams in ngrams: for gram in grams: istate, ostate = gram[:-1], gram[len(gram) - ngram + 1 :] inode = get_node(istate) if END_IDX not in gram[1:] and gram[1:] not in state_to_node: raise ValueError( "Ill formed counts: if (x, y_1, ..., y_{n-1}) is above" "the n-gram threshold, then (y_1, ..., y_{n-1}) must be" "above the (n-1)-gram threshold" ) if END_IDX in ostate: # Merge all state having into one as final graph generated # will be similar. ostate = tuple([END_IDX]) onode = get_node(ostate) # p(gram[-1] | gram[:-1]) graph.add_arc( inode, onode, gtn.epsilon if gram[-1] == END_IDX else gram[-1] ) return graph def count_ngrams(lines: List, ngram: List, tokens_to_index: Dict) -> List: """Counts the number of ngrams.""" counts = [collections.Counter() for _ in range(ngram)] for line in lines: # Prepend implicit start token. token_line = [START_IDX] for t in line: token_line.append(tokens_to_index[t]) token_line.append(END_IDX) for n, counter in enumerate(counts): start_offset = n == 0 end_offset = ngram == 1 for e in range(n + start_offset, len(token_line) - end_offset): counter[tuple(token_line[e - n : e + 1])] += 1 return counts def prune_ngrams(ngrams: List, prune: List) -> List: """Prunes ngrams.""" pruned_ngrams = [] for n, grams in enumerate(ngrams): grams = grams.most_common() pruned_grams = [gram for gram, c in grams if c > prune[n]] pruned_ngrams.append(pruned_grams) return pruned_ngrams def add_blank_grams(pruned_ngrams: List, num_tokens: int, blank: str) -> List: """Adds blank token to grams.""" all_grams = [gram for grams in pruned_ngrams for gram in grams] maxorder = len(pruned_ngrams) blank_grams = {} if blank == "forced": pruned_ngrams = [pruned_ngrams[0] if i == 0 else [] for i in range(maxorder)] pruned_ngrams[0].append(tuple([num_tokens])) blank_grams[tuple([num_tokens])] = True for gram in all_grams: # Iterate over all possibilities by using a vector of 0s, 1s to # denote whether a blank is being used at each position. if blank == "optional": # Given a gram ab.. if order n, we have n + 1 positions # available whether to use blank or not. onehot_vectors = itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=len(gram) + 1) elif blank == "forced": # Must include a blank token in between. onehot_vectors = [[1] * (len(gram) + 1)] else: raise ValueError( "Invalid value specificed for blank. Must be in |optional|forced|none|" ) for j in onehot_vectors: new_array = [] for idx, oz in enumerate(j[:-1]): if oz == 1 and gram[idx] != START_IDX: new_array.append(num_tokens) new_array.append(gram[idx]) if j[-1] == 1 and gram[-1] != END_IDX: new_array.append(num_tokens) for n in range(maxorder): for e in range(n, len(new_array)): cur_gram = tuple(new_array[e - n : e + 1]) if num_tokens in cur_gram and cur_gram not in blank_grams: pruned_ngrams[n].append(cur_gram) blank_grams[cur_gram] = True return pruned_ngrams def add_self_loops(pruned_ngrams: List) -> List: """Adds self loops to the ngrams.""" maxorder = len(pruned_ngrams) # Use dict for fast search. all_grams = set([gram for grams in pruned_ngrams for gram in grams]) for o in range(1, maxorder): for gram in pruned_ngrams[o - 1]: # Repeat one of the tokens. for pos in range(len(gram)): if gram[pos] == START_IDX or gram[pos] == END_IDX: continue new_gram = gram[:pos] + (gram[pos],) + gram[pos:] if new_gram not in all_grams: pruned_ngrams[o].append(new_gram) all_grams.add(new_gram) return pruned_ngrams def parse_lines(lines: List, lexicon: Path) -> List: """Parses lines with a lexicon.""" with (lexicon).open("r") as f: lex = (line.strip().split() for line in f) lex = {line[0]: line[1:] for line in lex} return [[t for w in line.split(WORDSEP) for t in lex[w]] for line in lines if line] @click.command() @click.option("--data_dir", type=str, default=None, help="Path to dataset root.") @click.option( "--tokens", type=str, default="iamdb_1kwp_tokens_1000.txt", help="Path to token list (in order used with training).", ) @click.option( "--lexicon", type=str, default="iamdb_1kwp_lex_1000.txt", help="Path to lexicon" ) @click.option( "--prune", nargs=2, type=int, help="Threshold values for prune unigrams, bigrams, etc.", ) @click.option( "--blank", default=click.Choice(["none", "optional", "forced"]), help="Specifies the usage of blank token" "'none' - do not use blank token " "'optional' - allow an optional blank inbetween tokens" "'forced' - force a blank inbetween tokens (also referred to as garbage token)", ) @click.option("--self_loops", is_flag=True, help="Add self loops for tokens") @click.option("--disable_backoff", is_flag=True, help="Disable backoff transitions") @click.option("--save_path", default=None, help="Path to save transition graph.") def cli( data_dir: str, tokens: str, lexicon: str, prune: List[int], blank: str, self_loops: bool, disable_backoff: bool, save_path: str, ) -> None: """CLI for creating the transitions.""" logger.info(f"Building {len(prune)}-gram transition models.") if data_dir is None: data_dir = ( Path(__file__).resolve().parents[3] / "data" / "processed" / "iam_lines" ) logger.debug(f"Using data dir: {data_dir}") if not data_dir.exists(): raise RuntimeError(f"Could not locate iamdb directory at {data_dir}") else: data_dir = Path(data_dir) # Build table of counts and the back-off if below threshold. with (data_dir / "train.txt").open("r") as f: lines = [line.strip() for line in f] with (data_dir / tokens).open("r") as f: tokens = [line.strip() for line in f] if lexicon is not None: lexicon = data_dir / lexicon lines = parse_lines(lines, lexicon) tokens_to_idx = {t: e for e, t in enumerate(tokens)} ngram = len(prune) logger.info("Counting data...") ngrams = count_ngrams(lines, ngram, tokens_to_idx) pruned_ngrams = prune_ngrams(ngrams, prune) for n in range(ngram): logger.info(f"Kept {len(pruned_ngrams[n])} of {len(ngrams[n])} {n + 1}-grams") if blank == "none": pruned_ngrams = add_blank_grams(pruned_ngrams, len(tokens_to_idx), blank) if self_loops: pruned_ngrams = add_self_loops(pruned_ngrams) logger.info("Building graph from pruned ngrams...") graph = build_graph(pruned_ngrams, disable_backoff) logger.info(f"Graph has {graph.num_arcs()} arcs and {graph.num_nodes()} nodes.") save_path = str(data_dir / save_path) logger.info(f"Saving graph to {save_path}") gtn.save(save_path, graph) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()