# @package _global_ defaults: - callbacks: wandb_htr - criterion: label_smoothing - datamodule: iam_extended_paragraphs - hydra: default - logger: wandb - lr_schedulers: - cosine_annealing - mapping: characters # word_piece - model: lit_transformer - network: conv_transformer - optimizers: - madgrad - trainer: default seed: 4711 tune: false train: true test: true logging: INFO # datamodule: # word_pieces: false # model: # max_output_len: 682 # path to original working directory # hydra hijacks working directory by changing it to the current log directory, # so it's useful to have this path as a special variable # learn more here: https://hydra.cc/docs/next/tutorials/basic/running_your_app/working_directory work_dir: ${hydra:runtime.cwd} # use `python run.py debug=true` for easy debugging! # this will run 1 train, val and test loop with only 1 batch # equivalent to running `python run.py trainer.fast_dev_run=true` # (this is placed here just for easier access from command line) debug: False # pretty print config at the start of the run using Rich library print_config: false # disable python warnings if they annoy you ignore_warnings: true summary: null # [1, 576, 640]