path: root/.config/nvim/lua/barbar
diff options
authorGustaf Rydholm <>2021-03-15 23:26:50 +0100
committerGustaf Rydholm <>2021-03-15 23:26:50 +0100
commit855f4e4f0f22b35641f13614e46b9ab7f6818188 (patch)
tree9a776e07429c16e1df68f4b04c125c46185eed16 /.config/nvim/lua/barbar
parent8577c3b7cba714551d3537f3337ee2490bd20106 (diff)
Migration to lua
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/barbar')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/barbar/init.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/barbar/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4eb06b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/barbar/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<TAB>', ':BufferNext<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true })
+vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<S-TAB>', ':BufferPrevious<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true })
+--[[ nnoremap <silent> <A-,> :BufferPrevious<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <A-.> :BufferNext<CR> ]]
+--" These commands will sort buffers by directory, language, or a custom criteria
+--nnoremap <silent>be :BufferLineSortByExtension<CR>
+--nnoremap <silent>bd :BufferLineSortByDirectory<CR>
+--nnoremap <silent><mymap> :lua require'bufferline'.sort_buffers_by(function (buf_a, buf_b) return < end)<CR>
+-- colors for active , inactive buffer tabs
+--[[ require "bufferline".setup {
+ options = {
+ -- buffer_close_icon = "",
+ -- modified_icon = "●",
+ -- close_icon = "",
+ -- left_trunc_marker = "",
+ -- right_trunc_marker = "",
+ -- max_name_length = 14,
+ -- max_prefix_length = 13,
+ -- tab_size = 18,
+ -- enforce_regular_tabs = true,
+ -- view = "multiwindow",
+ -- show_buffer_close_icons = true,
+ -- separator_style = 'slant'
+ separator_style = "thin"
+ },
+ highlights = {
+ background = {
+ guifg = "#abb2bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34"
+ },
+ fill = {
+ guifg = "#282c34",
+ guibg = "#1e1e1e"
+ },
+ buffer_selected = {
+ guifg = "#abb2bf",
+ guibg = "#3A3E44",
+ gui = "bold"
+ },
+ buffer_selected = {
+ guifg = "#abb2bf",
+ guibg = "#3A3E44",
+ gui = "bold"
+ },
+ separator_visible = {
+ guifg = "#1e1e1e",
+ guibg = "#1e1e1e"
+ },
+ separator_selected = {
+ guifg = "#1e1e1e",
+ guibg = "#1e1e1e"
+ },
+ separator = {
+ guifg = "#1e1e1e",
+ guibg = "#1e1e1e"
+ },
+ indicator_selected = {
+ guifg = "#abb2bf",
+ guibg = "#3a3e44"
+ },
+ modified_selected = {
+ guifg = "#abb2bf",
+ guibg = "#3a3e44"
+ },
+ modified = {
+ guifg = "#abb2bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34"
+ },
+ modified_visible = {
+ guifg = "#abb2bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34"
+ },
+ duplicate_selected = {
+ guifg = "#abb3bf",
+ guibg = "#3a3e44",
+ -- gui = "italic"
+ },
+ duplicate_visible = {
+ guifg = "#abb3bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34",
+ -- gui = "italic"
+ },
+ duplicate = {
+ guifg = "#abb3bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34",
+ -- gui = "italic"
+ },
+ tab = {
+ guifg = "#abb3bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34",
+ },
+ tab_selected = {
+ guifg = "#abb3bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34",
+ },
+ tab_close = {
+ guifg = "#abb3bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34",
+ },
+ pick_selected = {
+ guifg = "#abb3bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34",
+ gui = "bold,italic"
+ },
+ pick_visible = {
+ guifg = "#abb3bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34",
+ gui = "bold,italic"
+ },
+ pick = {
+ guifg = "#abb3bf",
+ guibg = "#282c34",
+ gui = "bold,italic"
+ }
+ }
+} ]]