path: root/.config/nvim/lua/utils
diff options
authorGustaf Rydholm <>2021-07-22 00:08:36 +0200
committerGustaf Rydholm <>2021-07-22 00:08:36 +0200
commitb51f1ae28924a752258e7607fbc3210f9b18eaac (patch)
tree8c8c095528990b3f6eb499dbcca15e9720e636d1 /.config/nvim/lua/utils
parentda936b0ed9ac4c171d3c7908e41af1875a82b08b (diff)
Updates based on Chris's lunarvim
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/utils')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/utils/init.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/utils/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bad55ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/utils/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+local utils = {}
+-- recursive Print (structure, limit, separator)
+local function r_inspect_settings(structure, limit, separator)
+ limit = limit or 100 -- default item limit
+ separator = separator or "." -- indent string
+ if limit < 1 then
+ print "ERROR: Item limit reached."
+ return limit - 1
+ end
+ if structure == nil then
+ io.write("-- O", separator:sub(2), " = nil\n")
+ return limit - 1
+ end
+ local ts = type(structure)
+ if ts == "table" then
+ for k, v in pairs(structure) do
+ -- replace non alpha keys wih ["key"]
+ if tostring(k):match "[^%a_]" then
+ k = '["' .. tostring(k) .. '"]'
+ end
+ limit = r_inspect_settings(v, limit, separator .. "." .. tostring(k))
+ if limit < 0 then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return limit
+ end
+ if ts == "string" then
+ -- escape sequences
+ structure = string.format("%q", structure)
+ end
+ separator = separator:gsub("%.%[", "%[")
+ if type(structure) == "function" then
+ -- don't print functions
+ io.write("-- O", separator:sub(2), " = function ()\n")
+ else
+ io.write("O", separator:sub(2), " = ", tostring(structure), "\n")
+ end
+ return limit - 1
+function utils.generate_settings()
+ -- Opens a file in append mode
+ local file ="settings.lua", "w")
+ -- sets the default output file as test.lua
+ io.output(file)
+ -- write all `O` related settings to `settings.lua` file
+ r_inspect_settings(O, 10000, ".")
+ -- closes the open file
+ io.close(file)
+function utils.reload_config()
+ vim.cmd "source ~/.config/nvim/config.lua"
+ vim.cmd "source ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins.lua"
+ local plugins = require "plugins"
+ local plugin_loader = require("plugin-loader").init()
+ plugin_loader:load { plugins, O.user_plugins }
+ vim.cmd "source ~/.config/nvim/lua/settings.lua"
+ vim.cmd "source ~/.config/nvim/lua/core/formatter.lua"
+ vim.cmd ":PackerCompile"
+ vim.cmd ":PackerInstall"
+ -- vim.cmd ":PackerClean"
+function utils.check_lsp_client_active(name)
+ local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients()
+ for _, client in pairs(clients) do
+ if == name then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function utils.add_keymap(mode, opts, keymaps)
+ for _, keymap in ipairs(keymaps) do
+ vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, keymap[1], keymap[2], opts)
+ end
+function utils.add_keymap_normal_mode(opts, keymaps)
+ utils.add_keymap("n", opts, keymaps)
+function utils.add_keymap_visual_mode(opts, keymaps)
+ utils.add_keymap("v", opts, keymaps)
+function utils.add_keymap_visual_block_mode(opts, keymaps)
+ utils.add_keymap("x", opts, keymaps)
+function utils.add_keymap_insert_mode(opts, keymaps)
+ utils.add_keymap("i", opts, keymaps)
+function utils.add_keymap_term_mode(opts, keymaps)
+ utils.add_keymap("t", opts, keymaps)
+function utils.define_augroups(definitions) -- {{{1
+ -- Create autocommand groups based on the passed definitions
+ --
+ -- The key will be the name of the group, and each definition
+ -- within the group should have:
+ -- 1. Trigger
+ -- 2. Pattern
+ -- 3. Text
+ -- just like how they would normally be defined from Vim itself
+ for group_name, definition in pairs(definitions) do
+ vim.cmd("augroup " .. group_name)
+ vim.cmd "autocmd!"
+ for _, def in pairs(definition) do
+ local command = table.concat(vim.tbl_flatten { "autocmd", def }, " ")
+ vim.cmd(command)
+ end
+ vim.cmd "augroup END"
+ end
+function utils.unrequire(m)
+ package.loaded[m] = nil
+ _G[m] = nil
+utils.define_augroups {
+ _general_settings = {
+ {
+ "TextYankPost",
+ "*",
+ "lua require('vim.highlight').on_yank({higroup = 'Search', timeout = 200})",
+ },
+ {
+ "BufWinEnter",
+ "*",
+ "setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o",
+ },
+ {
+ "BufWinEnter",
+ "dashboard",
+ "setlocal cursorline signcolumn=yes cursorcolumn number",
+ },
+ {
+ "BufRead",
+ "*",
+ "setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o",
+ },
+ {
+ "BufNewFile",
+ "*",
+ "setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o",
+ },
+ { "BufWritePost", "config.lua", "lua require('utils').reload_config()" },
+ -- { "VimLeavePre", "*", "set title set titleold=" },
+ },
+ _solidity = {
+ { "BufWinEnter", ".tf", "setlocal filetype=hcl" },
+ { "BufRead", "*.tf", "setlocal filetype=hcl" },
+ { "BufNewFile", "*.tf", "setlocal filetype=hcl" },
+ },
+ -- _solidity = {
+ -- {'BufWinEnter', '.sol', 'setlocal filetype=solidity'}, {'BufRead', '*.sol', 'setlocal filetype=solidity'},
+ -- {'BufNewFile', '*.sol', 'setlocal filetype=solidity'}
+ -- },
+ -- _gemini = {
+ -- {'BufWinEnter', '.gmi', 'setlocal filetype=markdown'}, {'BufRead', '*.gmi', 'setlocal filetype=markdown'},
+ -- {'BufNewFile', '*.gmi', 'setlocal filetype=markdown'}
+ -- },
+ _markdown = {
+ { "FileType", "markdown", "setlocal wrap" },
+ { "FileType", "markdown", "setlocal spell" },
+ },
+ _buffer_bindings = {
+ { "FileType", "floaterm", "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :q<CR>" },
+ },
+ _auto_resize = {
+ -- will cause split windows to be resized evenly if main window is resized
+ { "VimResized", "*", "wincmd =" },
+ },
+ _packer_compile = {
+ -- will cause split windows to be resized evenly if main window is resized
+ { "BufWritePost", "plugins.lua", "PackerCompile" },
+ },
+ -- _fterm_lazygit = {
+ -- -- will cause esc key to exit lazy git
+ -- {"TermEnter", "*", "call LazyGitNativation()"}
+ -- },
+ -- _mode_switching = {
+ -- -- will switch between absolute and relative line numbers depending on mode
+ -- {'InsertEnter', '*', 'if &relativenumber | let g:ms_relativenumberoff = 1 | setlocal number norelativenumber | endif'},
+ -- {'InsertLeave', '*', 'if exists("g:ms_relativenumberoff") | setlocal relativenumber | endif'},
+ -- {'InsertEnter', '*', 'if &cursorline | let g:ms_cursorlineoff = 1 | setlocal nocursorline | endif'},
+ -- {'InsertLeave', '*', 'if exists("g:ms_cursorlineoff") | setlocal cursorline | endif'},
+ -- },
+ _user_autocommands = O.user_autocommands,
+function utils.gsub_args(args)
+ if args == nil or type(args) ~= "table" then
+ return args
+ end
+ local buffer_filepath = vim.fn.fnameescape(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0))
+ for i = 1, #args do
+ args[i] = string.gsub(args[i], "${FILEPATH}", buffer_filepath)
+ end
+ return args
+vim.cmd [[
+ function! QuickFixToggle()
+ if empty(filter(getwininfo(), 'v:val.quickfix'))
+ copen
+ else
+ cclose
+ endif
+return utils
+-- TODO: find a new home for these autocommands"