path: root/.config/nvim/lua/core/galaxyline.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/core/galaxyline.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/galaxyline.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/galaxyline.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f7fa8c9..0000000
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/galaxyline.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
--- if not package.loaded['galaxyline'] then
--- return
--- end
-local Log = require "core.log"
-local status_ok, gl = pcall(require, "galaxyline")
-if not status_ok then
- Log:get_default().error "Failed to load galaxyline"
- return
--- NOTE: if someone defines colors but doesn't have them then this will break
-local palette_status_ok, colors = pcall(require, options.colorscheme .. ".palette")
-if not palette_status_ok then
- colors = options.builtin.galaxyline.colors
-local condition = require "galaxyline.condition"
-local gls = gl.section
-gl.short_line_list = { "NvimTree", "vista", "dbui", "packer" }
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- ViMode = {
- provider = function()
- local alias = {
- n = "NORMAL",
- i = "INSERT",
- c = "COMMAND",
- V = "VISUAL",
- [""] = "VISUAL",
- v = "VISUAL",
- R = "REPLACE",
- }
- local alias_mode = alias[vim.fn.mode()]
- if alias_mode == nil then
- alias_mode = vim.fn.mode()
- end
- return alias_mode .. " "
- end,
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-vim.fn.getbufvar(0, "ts")
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- GitIcon = {
- provider = function()
- return " "
- end,
- condition = condition.check_git_workspace,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- GitBranch = {
- provider = "GitBranch",
- condition = condition.check_git_workspace,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- DiffAdd = {
- provider = "DiffAdd",
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- DiffModified = {
- provider = "DiffModified",
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- icon = " 柳",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- DiffRemove = {
- provider = "DiffRemove",
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- Filler = {
- provider = function()
- return " "
- end,
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
--- get output from shell command
-function os.capture(cmd, raw)
- local f = assert(io.popen(cmd, "r"))
- local s = assert(f:read "*a")
- f:close()
- if raw then
- return s
- end
- s = string.gsub(s, "^%s+", "")
- s = string.gsub(s, "%s+$", "")
- s = string.gsub(s, "[\n\r]+", " ")
- return s
--- cleanup virtual env
-local function env_cleanup(venv)
- if string.find(venv, "/") then
- local final_venv = venv
- for w in venv:gmatch "([^/]+)" do
- final_venv = w
- end
- venv = final_venv
- end
- return venv
-local PythonEnv = function()
- if == "python" then
- local venv = os.getenv "CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
- if venv ~= nil then
- return "  (" .. env_cleanup(venv) .. ")"
- end
- venv = os.getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV"
- if venv ~= nil then
- return "  (" .. env_cleanup(venv) .. ")"
- end
- return ""
- end
- return ""
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- VirtualEnv = {
- provider = PythonEnv,
- event = "BufEnter",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- DiagnosticError = {
- provider = "DiagnosticError",
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- DiagnosticWarn = {
- provider = "DiagnosticWarn",
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- DiagnosticInfo = {
- provider = "DiagnosticInfo",
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = { colors.yellow, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- DiagnosticHint = {
- provider = "DiagnosticHint",
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- TreesitterIcon = {
- provider = function()
- if next( ~= nil then
- return " "
- end
- return ""
- end,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-local function get_attached_provider_name(msg)
- msg = msg or "LSP Inactive"
- local buf_clients = vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()
- if next(buf_clients) == nil then
- return msg
- end
- local buf_client_names = {}
- for _, client in pairs(buf_clients) do
- if ~= "null-ls" then
- table.insert(buf_client_names,
- end
- end
- local null_ls = require "lsp.null-ls"
- local null_ls_providers = null_ls.list_supported_provider_names(
- vim.list_extend(buf_client_names, null_ls_providers)
- return table.concat(buf_client_names, ", ")
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- ShowLspClient = {
- provider = get_attached_provider_name,
- condition = function()
- local tbl = { ["dashboard"] = true, [" "] = true }
- if tbl[] then
- return false
- end
- return true
- end,
- icon = " ",
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- LineInfo = {
- provider = "LineColumn",
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- PerCent = {
- provider = "LinePercent",
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- Tabstop = {
- provider = function()
- local label = "Spaces: "
- if not vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "expandtab") then
- label = "Tab size: "
- end
- return label .. vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "shiftwidth") .. " "
- end,
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- BufferType = {
- provider = "FileTypeName",
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- FileEncode = {
- provider = "FileEncode",
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- Space = {
- provider = function()
- return " "
- end,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.short_line_left, {
- BufferType = {
- provider = "FileTypeName",
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.alt_bg, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.short_line_left, {
- SFileName = {
- provider = "SFileName",
- condition = condition.buffer_not_empty,
- highlight = { colors.alt_bg, colors.alt_bg },
- },