path: root/.config/nvim/lua/impatient.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/impatient.lua')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/impatient.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/impatient.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d924d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/impatient.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+-- modified version from
+local vim = vim
+local uv = vim.loop
+local impatient_start = uv.hrtime()
+local api = vim.api
+local ffi = require "ffi"
+local get_option, set_option = api.nvim_get_option, api.nvim_set_option
+local get_runtime_file = api.nvim_get_runtime_file
+local home_dir = uv.os_homedir()
+local impatient_dur
+local M = {
+ cache = {},
+ profile = nil,
+ dirty = false,
+ path = home_dir .. "/.local/share/nvim/cache",
+ log = {},
+_G.__luacache = M
+local cachepack = {}
+-- using double for packing/unpacking numbers has no conversion overhead
+local c_double = ffi.typeof "double[1]"
+local sizeof_c_double = ffi.sizeof "double"
+local out_buf = {}
+function out_buf.write_number(buf, num)
+ buf[#buf + 1] = ffi.string(c_double(num), sizeof_c_double)
+function out_buf.write_string(buf, str)
+ out_buf.write_number(buf, #str)
+ buf[#buf + 1] = str
+function out_buf.to_string(buf)
+ return table.concat(buf)
+local in_buf = {}
+function in_buf.read_number(buf)
+ if buf.size < buf.pos then
+ error "buffer access violation"
+ end
+ local res = ffi.cast("double*", buf.ptr + buf.pos)[0]
+ buf.pos = buf.pos + sizeof_c_double
+ return res
+function in_buf.read_string(buf)
+ local len = in_buf.read_number(buf)
+ local res = ffi.string(buf.ptr + buf.pos, len)
+ buf.pos = buf.pos + len
+ return res
+function cachepack.pack(cache)
+ local total_keys = vim.tbl_count(cache)
+ local buf = {}
+ out_buf.write_number(buf, total_keys)
+ for k, v in pairs(cache) do
+ out_buf.write_string(buf, k)
+ out_buf.write_string(buf, v[1] or "")
+ out_buf.write_number(buf, v[2] or 0)
+ out_buf.write_string(buf, v[3] or "")
+ end
+ return out_buf.to_string(buf)
+function cachepack.unpack(str, raw_buf_size)
+ if raw_buf_size == 0 or str == nil or (raw_buf_size == nil and #str == 0) then
+ return {}
+ end
+ local buf = {
+ ptr = raw_buf_size and str or"const char[?]", #str, str),
+ pos = 0,
+ size = raw_buf_size or #str,
+ }
+ local cache = {}
+ local total_keys = in_buf.read_number(buf)
+ for _ = 1, total_keys do
+ local k = in_buf.read_string(buf)
+ local v = {
+ in_buf.read_string(buf),
+ in_buf.read_number(buf),
+ in_buf.read_string(buf),
+ }
+ cache[k] = v
+ end
+ return cache
+local function log(...)
+ M.log[#M.log + 1] = table.concat({ string.format(...) }, " ")
+function M.print_log()
+ for _, l in ipairs(M.log) do
+ print(l)
+ end
+function M.enable_profile()
+ M.profile = {}
+ M.print_profile = function()
+ M.profile["impatient"] = {
+ resolve = 0,
+ load = impatient_dur,
+ loader = "standard",
+ }
+ require("impatient.profile").print_profile(M.profile)
+ end
+ vim.cmd [[command! LuaCacheProfile lua _G.__luacache.print_profile()]]
+local function is_cacheable(path)
+ -- Don't cache files in /tmp since they are not likely to persist.
+ -- Note: Appimage versions of Neovim mount $VIMRUNTIME in /tmp in a unique
+ -- directory on each launch.
+ return not vim.startswith(path, "/tmp/")
+local function hash(modpath)
+ local stat = uv.fs_stat(modpath)
+ if stat then
+ return stat.mtime.sec
+ end
+local function hrtime()
+ if M.profile then
+ return uv.hrtime()
+ end
+local function load_package_with_cache(name, loader)
+ local resolve_start = hrtime()
+ local basename = name:gsub("%.", "/")
+ local paths = { "lua/" .. basename .. ".lua", "lua/" .. basename .. "/init.lua" }
+ for _, path in ipairs(paths) do
+ local modpath = get_runtime_file(path, false)[1]
+ if modpath then
+ local load_start = hrtime()
+ local chunk, err = loadfile(modpath)
+ if M.profile then
+ M.profile[name] = {
+ resolve = load_start - resolve_start,
+ load = hrtime() - load_start,
+ loader = loader or "standard",
+ }
+ end
+ if chunk == nil then
+ return err
+ end
+ if is_cacheable(modpath) then
+ log("Creating cache for module %s", name)
+ M.cache[name] = { modpath, hash(modpath), string.dump(chunk) }
+ M.dirty = true
+ else
+ log("Unable to cache module %s", name)
+ end
+ return chunk
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+local reduced_rtp
+-- Speed up non-cached loads by reducing the rtp path during requires
+function M.update_reduced_rtp()
+ local luadirs = get_runtime_file("lua/", true)
+ for i = 1, #luadirs do
+ luadirs[i] = luadirs[i]:sub(1, -6)
+ end
+ reduced_rtp = table.concat(luadirs, ",")
+local function load_package_with_cache_reduced_rtp(name)
+ local orig_rtp = get_option "runtimepath"
+ local orig_ei = get_option "eventignore"
+ if not reduced_rtp then
+ M.update_reduced_rtp()
+ end
+ set_option("eventignore", "all")
+ set_option("rtp", reduced_rtp)
+ local found = load_package_with_cache(name, "reduced")
+ set_option("rtp", orig_rtp)
+ set_option("eventignore", orig_ei)
+ return found
+local function load_from_cache(name)
+ local resolve_start = hrtime()
+ if M.cache[name] == nil then
+ log("No cache for module %s", name)
+ return "No cache entry"
+ end
+ local modpath, mhash, codes = unpack(M.cache[name])
+ if mhash ~= hash(modpath) then
+ log("Stale cache for module %s", name)
+ M.cache[name] = nil
+ M.dirty = true
+ return "Stale cache"
+ end
+ local load_start = hrtime()
+ local chunk = loadstring(codes)
+ if M.profile then
+ M.profile[name] = {
+ resolve = load_start - resolve_start,
+ load = hrtime() - load_start,
+ loader = "cache",
+ }
+ end
+ if not chunk then
+ M.cache[name] = nil
+ M.dirty = true
+ log("Error loading cache for module. Invalidating", name)
+ return "Cache error"
+ end
+ return chunk
+function M.save_cache()
+ if M.dirty then
+ log("Updating cache file: %s", M.path)
+ local f =, "w+b")
+ f:write(cachepack.pack(M.cache))
+ f:flush()
+ M.dirty = false
+ end
+function M.clear_cache()
+ M.cache = {}
+ os.remove(M.path)
+local function setup()
+ local stat = uv.fs_stat(M.path)
+ if stat then
+ log("Loading cache file %s", M.path)
+ local ok
+ -- Linux/macOS lets us easily mmap the cache file for faster reads without passing to Lua
+ if jit.os == "Linux" or jit.os == "OSX" then
+ local size = stat.size
+ local C = ffi.C
+ local O_RDONLY = 0x00
+ local PROT_READ = 0x01
+ local MAP_PRIVATE = 0x02
+ ffi.cdef [[
+ int open(const char *pathname, int flags);
+ int close(int fd);
+ void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, long int offset);
+ int munmap(void *addr, size_t length);
+ ]]
+ local f =, O_RDONLY)
+ local addr = C.mmap(nil, size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, f, 0)
+ ok = ffi.cast("intptr_t", addr) ~= -1
+ if ok then
+ M.cache = cachepack.unpack(ffi.cast("char *", addr), size)
+ C.munmap(addr, size)
+ end
+ C.close(f)
+ else
+ local f =, "rb")
+ ok, M.cache = pcall(function()
+ return cachepack.unpack(f:read "*a")
+ end)
+ end
+ if not ok then
+ log("Corrupted cache file, %s. Invalidating...", M.path)
+ os.remove(M.path)
+ M.cache = {}
+ end
+ M.dirty = not ok
+ end
+ local insert = table.insert
+ local package = package
+ -- Fix the position of the preloader. This also makes loading modules like 'ffi'
+ -- and 'bit' quicker
+ if package.loaders[1] == vim._load_package then
+ -- Move vim._load_package to the second position
+ local vim_load = table.remove(package.loaders, 1)
+ insert(package.loaders, 2, vim_load)
+ end
+ insert(package.loaders, 2, load_from_cache)
+ insert(package.loaders, 3, load_package_with_cache_reduced_rtp)
+ insert(package.loaders, 4, load_package_with_cache)
+ vim.cmd [[
+ augroup impatient
+ autocmd VimEnter,VimLeave * lua _G.__luacache.save_cache()
+ autocmd OptionSet runtimepath lua _G.__luacache.update_reduced_rtp(true)
+ augroup END
+ command! LuaCacheClear lua _G.__luacache.clear_cache()
+ command! LuaCacheLog lua _G.__luacache.print_log()
+ ]]
+impatient_dur = uv.hrtime() - impatient_start
+return M