path: root/.config/nvim/lua/settings.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/settings.lua')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/settings.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/settings.lua
index 27b1682..0639643 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/settings.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/settings.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
vim.cmd('set iskeyword+=-') -- treat dash separated words as a word text object"
vim.cmd('set shortmess+=c') -- Don't pass messages to |ins-completion-menu|.
vim.cmd('set inccommand=split') -- Make substitution work in realtime
-vim.cmd('setlocal indentkeys-=:')
-vim.cmd('setlocal indentkeys-=:')
vim.o.hidden = O.hidden_files -- Required to keep multiple buffers open multiple buffers
vim.o.title = true
TERMINAL = vim.fn.expand('$TERMINAL')
@@ -15,15 +13,15 @@ vim.o.pumheight = 10 -- Makes popup menu smaller
vim.o.fileencoding = "utf-8" -- The encoding written to file
vim.o.cmdheight = 2 -- More space for displaying messages
vim.cmd('set colorcolumn=99999') -- fix indentline for now
-vim.o.mouse = "a" -- Enable your mouse
+vim.o.mouse = "r" -- Enable your mouse
vim.o.splitbelow = true -- Horizontal splits will automatically be below
vim.o.termguicolors = true -- set term gui colors most terminals support this
vim.o.splitright = true -- Vertical splits will automatically be to the right
-vim.o.t_Co = "256" -- Support 256 colors
+-- vim.o.t_Co = "256" -- Support 256 colors
vim.o.conceallevel = 0 -- So that I can see `` in markdown files
vim.cmd('set ts=4') -- Insert 2 spaces for a tab
vim.cmd('set sw=4') -- Change the number of space characters inserted for indentation = true -- Converts tabs to spaces
+vim.cmd('set expandtab') -- Converts tabs to spaces = true -- Makes indenting smart
vim.wo.number = O.number -- set numbered lines
vim.wo.relativenumber = O.relative_number -- set relative number
@@ -34,6 +32,9 @@ vim.o.backup = false -- This is recommended by coc
vim.o.writebackup = false -- This is recommended by coc
vim.wo.signcolumn = "yes" -- Always show the signcolumn, otherwise it would shift the text each time
vim.o.updatetime = 300 -- Faster completion
-vim.o.timeoutlen = 500 -- By default timeoutlen is 1000 ms
+vim.o.timeoutlen = O.timeoutlen -- By default timeoutlen is 1000 ms
vim.o.clipboard = "unnamedplus" -- Copy paste between vim and everything else
+vim.g.nvim_tree_disable_netrw = O.nvim_tree_disable_netrw -- enable netrw for remote gx gf support (must be set before plugin's packadd)
+vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 -- needed for netrw gx command to open remote links in browser
+vim.cmd('filetype plugin on') -- filetype detection
vim.o.guifont = "SpaceMono Nerd Font:h17"