path: root/.config/zathura/zathurarc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/zathura/zathurarc')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/.config/zathura/zathurarc b/.config/zathura/zathurarc
index b0ab3dc..452e116 100644
--- a/.config/zathura/zathurarc
+++ b/.config/zathura/zathurarc
@@ -1,58 +1,15 @@
-set window-title-basename "true"
-set selection-clipboard "clipboard"
-map <C-i> recolor
-# Dracula color theme for Zathura
-# Swaps Foreground for Background to get a light version if the user prefers
-# Dracula color theme
-set notification-error-bg "#ff5555" # Red
-set notification-error-fg "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
-set notification-warning-bg "#ffb86c" # Orange
-set notification-warning-fg "#44475a" # Selection
-set notification-bg "#282a36" # Background
-set notification-fg "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
-set completion-bg "#282a36" # Background
-set completion-fg "#6272a4" # Comment
-set completion-group-bg "#282a36" # Background
-set completion-group-fg "#6272a4" # Comment
-set completion-highlight-bg "#44475a" # Selection
-set completion-highlight-fg "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
-set index-bg "#282a36" # Background
-set index-fg "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
-set index-active-bg "#44475a" # Current Line
-set index-active-fg "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
-set inputbar-bg "#282a36" # Background
-set inputbar-fg "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
-set statusbar-bg "#282a36" # Background
-set statusbar-fg "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
-set highlight-color "#ffb86c" # Orange
-set highlight-active-color "#ff79c6" # Pink
-set default-bg "#282a36" # Background
-set default-fg "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
-set render-loading true
-set render-loading-fg "#282a36" # Background
-set render-loading-bg "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
-# Recolor mode settings
-set recolor-lightcolor "#282a36" # Background
-set recolor-darkcolor "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
-# Startup options
-set adjust-open width
-set recolor true
+set sandbox none
+set statusbar-h-padding 0
+set statusbar-v-padding 0
+set page-padding 1
+set selection-clipboard clipboard
+map u scroll half-up
+map d scroll half-down
+map D toggle_page_mode
+map r reload
+map R rotate
+map K zoom in
+map J zoom out
+map i recolor
+map p print
+map g goto top