path: root/fnl/config/telescope.fnl
diff options
authorGustaf Rydholm <>2022-04-11 18:52:34 +0200
committerGustaf Rydholm <>2022-04-11 18:52:34 +0200
commitb74c9dd22e632bbe720587db92966c4d6811b766 (patch)
treef68e5bb862fd5a800f86852e535d29984f461cb3 /fnl/config/telescope.fnl
parent274648011686b1c822e63b03bdcc6f2ce8e9b41e (diff)
style: format with fnlfmt
Diffstat (limited to 'fnl/config/telescope.fnl')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/fnl/config/telescope.fnl b/fnl/config/telescope.fnl
index 86f5f5c..90a6f71 100644
--- a/fnl/config/telescope.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/telescope.fnl
@@ -1,98 +1,83 @@
;; Telescope a highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists.
-(module config.telescope
- {autoload {util util}})
+(module config.telescope {autoload {util util}})
(let [telescope (util.load-plugin :telescope)]
(let [actions (require :telescope.actions)]
- (telescope.setup {
- :defaults {
- :prompt_prefix " "
- :selection_caret " "
- :path_display [ "smart" ]
- :initial_mode "insert"
- :selection_strategy "reset"
- :sorting_strategy "ascending"
- :layout_strategy "horizontal"
- :layout_config {
- :prompt_position "top"
- :preview_cutoff 120
- :horizontal { :mirror false }
- :vertical { :mirror false }}
- :vimgrep_arguments [
- "rg"
- "--color=never"
- "--no-heading"
- "--with-filename"
- "--line-number"
- "--column"
- "--smart-case"
- "--hidden"
- ]
- :mappings {
- :i {
- :<C-n> actions.cycle_history_next
- :<C-p> actions.cycle_history_prev
- :<C-j> actions.move_selection_next
- :<C-k> actions.move_selection_previous
- :<C-c> actions.close
- :<Down> actions.move_selection_next
- :<Up> actions.move_selection_previous
- :<CR> actions.select_default
- :<C-x> actions.select_horizontal
- :<C-v> actions.select_vertical
- :<C-t> actions.select_tab
- :<C-u> actions.preview_scrolling_up
- :<C-d> actions.preview_scrolling_down
- :<PageUp> actions.results_scrolling_up
- :<PageDown> actions.results_scrolling_down
- :<Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection actions.move_selection_worse)
- :<S-Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection actions.move_selection_better)
- :<C-q> (+ actions.send_to_qflist actions.open_qflist)
- :<M-q> (+ actions.send_selected_to_qflist actions.open_qflist)
- :<C-l> actions.complete_tag
- :<C-_> actions.which_key}
- :n {
- :<esc> actions.close
- :<CR> actions.select_default
- :<C-x> actions.select_horizontal
- :<C-v> actions.select_vertical
- :<C-t> actions.select_tab
- :<Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection actions.move_selection_worse)
- :<S-Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection actions.move_selection_better)
- :<C-q> (+ actions.send_to_qflist actions.open_qflist)
- :<M-q> (+ actions.send_selected_to_qflist actions.open_qflist)
- :j actions.move_selection_next
- :k actions.move_selection_previous
- :H actions.move_to_top
- :M actions.move_to_middle
- :L actions.move_to_bottom
- :<Down> actions.move_selection_next
- :<Up> actions.move_selection_previous
- :gg actions.move_to_top
- :G actions.move_to_bottom
- :<C-u> actions.preview_scrolling_up
- :<C-d> actions.preview_scrolling_down
- :<PageUp> actions.results_scrolling_up
- :<PageDown> actions.results_scrolling_down
- :? actions.which_key}}}
- :extensions {
- :fzf {
- :fuzzy true
- :override_generic_sorter true
- :override_file_sorter true
- :case_mode "smart_case"}}})
+ (telescope.setup {:defaults {:prompt_prefix " "
+ :selection_caret " "
+ :path_display [:smart]
+ :initial_mode :insert
+ :selection_strategy :reset
+ :sorting_strategy :ascending
+ :layout_strategy :horizontal
+ :layout_config {:prompt_position :top
+ :preview_cutoff 120
+ :horizontal {:mirror false}
+ :vertical {:mirror false}}
+ :vimgrep_arguments [:rg
+ :--color=never
+ :--no-heading
+ :--with-filename
+ :--line-number
+ :--column
+ :--smart-case
+ :--hidden]
+ :mappings {:i {:<C-n> actions.cycle_history_next
+ :<C-p> actions.cycle_history_prev
+ :<C-j> actions.move_selection_next
+ :<C-k> actions.move_selection_previous
+ :<C-c> actions.close
+ :<Down> actions.move_selection_next
+ :<Up> actions.move_selection_previous
+ :<CR> actions.select_default
+ :<C-x> actions.select_horizontal
+ :<C-v> actions.select_vertical
+ :<C-t> actions.select_tab
+ :<C-u> actions.preview_scrolling_up
+ :<C-d> actions.preview_scrolling_down
+ :<PageUp> actions.results_scrolling_up
+ :<PageDown> actions.results_scrolling_down
+ :<Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
+ actions.move_selection_worse)
+ :<S-Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
+ actions.move_selection_better)
+ :<C-q> (+ actions.send_to_qflist
+ actions.open_qflist)
+ :<M-q> (+ actions.send_selected_to_qflist
+ actions.open_qflist)
+ :<C-l> actions.complete_tag
+ :<C-_> actions.which_key}
+ :n {:<esc> actions.close
+ :<CR> actions.select_default
+ :<C-x> actions.select_horizontal
+ :<C-v> actions.select_vertical
+ :<C-t> actions.select_tab
+ :<Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
+ actions.move_selection_worse)
+ :<S-Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
+ actions.move_selection_better)
+ :<C-q> (+ actions.send_to_qflist
+ actions.open_qflist)
+ :<M-q> (+ actions.send_selected_to_qflist
+ actions.open_qflist)
+ :j actions.move_selection_next
+ :k actions.move_selection_previous
+ :H actions.move_to_top
+ :M actions.move_to_middle
+ :L actions.move_to_bottom
+ :<Down> actions.move_selection_next
+ :<Up> actions.move_selection_previous
+ :gg actions.move_to_top
+ :G actions.move_to_bottom
+ :<C-u> actions.preview_scrolling_up
+ :<C-d> actions.preview_scrolling_down
+ :<PageUp> actions.results_scrolling_up
+ :<PageDown> actions.results_scrolling_down
+ :? actions.which_key}}}
+ :extensions {:fzf {:fuzzy true
+ :override_generic_sorter true
+ :override_file_sorter true
+ :case_mode :smart_case}}})
(telescope.load_extension :fzf)
(telescope.load_extension :file_browser)
(telescope.load_extension :projects)))