diff options
40 files changed, 1000 insertions, 1076 deletions
diff --git a/fnl/config/alpha.fnl b/fnl/config/alpha.fnl
index e25e6ab..87c45e0 100644
--- a/fnl/config/alpha.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/alpha.fnl
@@ -1,42 +1,47 @@
;; A customizable greeter.
-(module config.alpha {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- ascii-art [" ##############..... ############## "
- " ##############......############## "
- " ##########..........########## "
- " ##########........########## "
- " ##########.......########## "
- " ##########.....##########.. "
- " ##########....##########..... "
- " ..##########..##########......... "
- " ....##########.#########............. "
- " ..################JJJ............ "
- " ################............. "
- " ##############.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJ "
- " ############...JJ...JJ..JJ JJ "
- " ##########....JJ...JJ..JJ JJ "
- " ########......JJJ..JJJ JJJ JJJ "
- " ###### ......... "
- " ..... "
- " . "])
+(local ascii-art [" ##############..... ############## "
+ " ##############......############## "
+ " ##########..........########## "
+ " ##########........########## "
+ " ##########.......########## "
+ " ##########.....##########.. "
+ " ##########....##########..... "
+ " ..##########..##########......... "
+ " ....##########.#########............. "
+ " ..################JJJ............ "
+ " ################............. "
+ " ##############.JJJ.JJJJJJJJJJ "
+ " ############...JJ...JJ..JJ JJ "
+ " ##########....JJ...JJ..JJ JJ "
+ " ########......JJJ..JJJ JJJ JJJ "
+ " ###### ......... "
+ " ..... "
+ " . "])
-(let [alpha (util.prequire :alpha)]
- (let [dashboard (require :alpha.themes.dashboard)]
- (set dashboard.section.header.val ascii-art)
- (set dashboard.section.buttons.val
- [(dashboard.button :e " New file" ":ene <BAR> startinsert <CR>")
- (dashboard.button :f " Find file"
- ":Telescope find_files theme=dropdown<CR>")
- (dashboard.button :t " Find text"
- ":Telescope live_grep theme=dropdown<CR>")
- (dashboard.button :p " Find project"
- ":Telescope projects theme=dropdown<CR>")
- (dashboard.button :r " Recently used files"
- ":Telescope oldfiles theme=dropdown<CR>")
- (dashboard.button :c " Configuration"
- ":e ~/.config/nvim/init.lua <CR>")
- (dashboard.button :q " Quit Neovim" ":qa<CR>")])
- (set dashboard.section.header.opts.hl :AlphaHeader)
- (set dashboard.section.buttons.opts.hl :AlphaButtons)
- (set dashboard.opts.opts.noautocmd true)
- (alpha.setup dashboard.opts)))
+(fn setup []
+ (let [alpha (require :alpha)]
+ (let [dashboard (require :alpha.themes.dashboard)]
+ (set dashboard.section.header.val ascii-art)
+ (set dashboard.section.buttons.val
+ [(dashboard.button :e " New file" ":ene <BAR> startinsert <CR>")
+ (dashboard.button :f " Find file"
+ ":Telescope find_files theme=dropdown<CR>")
+ (dashboard.button :t " Find text"
+ ":Telescope live_grep theme=dropdown<CR>")
+ (dashboard.button :p " Find project"
+ ":Telescope projects theme=dropdown<CR>")
+ (dashboard.button :r " Recently used files"
+ ":Telescope oldfiles theme=dropdown<CR>")
+ (dashboard.button :c " Configuration"
+ ":e ~/.config/nvim/init.lua <CR>")
+ (dashboard.button :q " Quit Neovim" ":qa<CR>")])
+ (set dashboard.section.header.opts.hl :AlphaHeader)
+ (set dashboard.section.buttons.opts.hl :AlphaButtons)
+ (set dashboard.opts.opts.noautocmd true)
+ (alpha.setup dashboard.opts))))
+{1 :goolord/alpha-nvim
+ :event :VimEnter
+ :config (fn []
+ (setup))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/autocmd.fnl b/fnl/config/autocmd.fnl
index c12020f..e58803b 100644
--- a/fnl/config/autocmd.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/autocmd.fnl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(defn create-autocmd [event opts] (nvim.create_autocmd event opts))
(create-autocmd :FileType
- {:pattern [:qf :help :man :lspinfo]
+ {:pattern [:qf :help :man :lspinfo :spectre_panel]
:command "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :close<CR>"})
(create-autocmd :TextYankPost
@@ -46,3 +46,11 @@
(env.init nvim.g.aniseed#env))})
(create-autocmd :FocusGained {:command :checktime})
+(create-autocmd :TermOpen
+ {:pattern "term://*toggleterm#*"
+ :callback (fn []
+ (vim.keymap.set :t :<C-h> "<Cmd>wincmd h<CR>" {})
+ (vim.keymap.set :t :<C-j> "<Cmd>wincmd j<CR>" {})
+ (vim.keymap.set :t :<C-k> "<Cmd>wincmd k<CR>" {})
+ (vim.keymap.set :t :<C-l> "<Cmd>wincmd l<CR>" {}))})
diff --git a/fnl/config/autopairs.fnl b/fnl/config/autopairs.fnl
index d7865b5..076b120 100644
--- a/fnl/config/autopairs.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/autopairs.fnl
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
;; Autopairs for brackets and quote symbols.
-(module config.autopairs {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:check_ts true
- :ts_config {:lua [:string :source]
- :javascript [:string :template_string]
- :java false}
- :disable_filetype [:TelescopePrompt :spectre_panel]
- :fast_warp {:map :<M-e>
- :chars ["{" "[" "(" "\"" "'"]
- :pattern (string.gsub "[%'%\"%)%>%]%)%}%,]" "%s+" "")
- :check_comma true
- :highlight :PmenuSel
- :highlight_grey :LineNr
- :offset 0
- :end_key "$"
- :keys :qwertyuiopzxcvbnmasdfghjkl
- :highlight :PmenuSel
- :highlight_grey :LineNr}})
+(local opts {:check_ts true
+ :ts_config {:lua [:string :source]
+ :javascript [:string :template_string]
+ :java false}
+ :disable_filetype [:TelescopePrompt :spectre_panel]
+ :fast_warp {:map :<M-e>
+ :chars ["{" "[" "(" "\"" "'"]
+ :pattern (string.gsub "[%'%\"%)%>%]%)%}%,]" "%s+" "")
+ :check_comma true
+ :highlight :PmenuSel
+ :highlight_grey :LineNr
+ :offset 0
+ :end_key "$"
+ :keys :qwertyuiopzxcvbnmasdfghjkl
+ :highlight :PmenuSel
+ :highlight_grey :LineNr}})
-(util.setup :nvim-autopairs opts)
+{1 :windwp/nvim-autopairs :event :InsertEnter :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/better-escape.fnl b/fnl/config/better-escape.fnl
index 659d22f..f262784 100644
--- a/fnl/config/better-escape.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/better-escape.fnl
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
;; Better escape without nasty delay.
-(module config.better-escape {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:mapping [:kk :jj]
- :timeout vim.o.timeoutlen
- :clear_empty_lines false
- :keys :<Esc>})
+(local opts {:mapping [:kk :jj]
+ :timeout vim.o.timeoutlen
+ :clear_empty_lines false
+ :keys :<Esc>})
-(util.setup :better_escape opts)
+{1 :max397574/better-escape.nvim :event :BufReadPost :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/bqf.fnl b/fnl/config/bqf.fnl
index 59a1aad..e2b0791 100644
--- a/fnl/config/bqf.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/bqf.fnl
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
;; Make Neovim's quickfix window better.
-(module config.bqf {autoload {util config.util}})
-(util.setup :bqf {})
+{1 :kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf :event :BufReadPost :config true}
diff --git a/fnl/config/cmd.fnl b/fnl/config/cmd.fnl
index e548839..735bbc4 100644
--- a/fnl/config/cmd.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/cmd.fnl
@@ -84,3 +84,10 @@
(let [persistence (util.prequire :persistence)]
{:nargs 0})
+(nvim.create_user_command :FindFiles
+ (lambda []
+ (util.telescope-builtin :find_files
+ {:theme :get_dropdown
+ :previewer false}))
+ {:nargs 0})
diff --git a/fnl/config/cmp.fnl b/fnl/config/cmp.fnl
index d1cedec..a062d92 100644
--- a/fnl/config/cmp.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/cmp.fnl
@@ -1,49 +1,65 @@
;; Configuration for completion plugin.
-(module config.cmp {autoload {nvim aniseed.nvim util config.util}})
-(let [cmp (util.prequire :cmp)
- lspkind (util.prequire :lspkind)
- luasnip (util.prequire :luasnip)
- luasnip-vscode (require :luasnip.loaders.from_vscode)]
- (luasnip-vscode.lazy_load)
- (lspkind.init)
- (cmp.setup {:snippet {:expand (fn [args]
- (luasnip.lsp_expand args.body))}
- :completion {:completopt "menu,menuone,noinsert"}
- :mapping (cmp.mapping.preset.insert {:<C-k> (cmp.mapping.select_prev_item)
- :<C-j> (cmp.mapping.select_next_item)
- :<C-b> (cmp.mapping (cmp.mapping.scroll_docs -1)
- [:i :c])
- :<C-f> (cmp.mapping (cmp.mapping.scroll_docs 1)
- [:i :c])
- :<C-space> (cmp.mapping (cmp.mapping.complete)
- [:i
- :c])
- :<C-e> (cmp.mapping {:i (cmp.mapping.abort)
- :c (cmp.mapping.close)})
- :<CR> (cmp.mapping.confirm {:select true})
- :<CR> (cmp.mapping.confirm {:select true})})
- :sources [{:name :nvim_lsp}
- {:name :nvim_lua}
- {:name :luasnip}
- {:name :spell}
- {:name :orgmode}
- {:name :buffer :keyword_length 4}
- {:name :path :keyword_length 6}]
- :formatting {:format (lspkind.cmp_format {:with_text true
- :menu {:buffer ""
- :nvim_lsp ""
- :nvim_lua ""
- :path ""
- :luasnip ""}})}
- :window {:documentation {:border ["╭"
- "─"
- "╮"
- "│"
- "╯"
- "─"
- "╰"
- "│"]}}
- :confirm_opts {:behavior cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace
- :select false}
- :experimental {:ghost_text false :native_menu false}}))
+(fn setup []
+ (let [cmp (require :cmp)
+ lspkind (require :lspkind)
+ luasnip (require :luasnip)
+ luasnip-vscode (require :luasnip.loaders.from_vscode)]
+ (luasnip-vscode.lazy_load)
+ (lspkind.init)
+ (cmp.setup {:snippet {:expand (fn [args]
+ (luasnip.lsp_expand args.body))}
+ :completion {:completopt "menu,menuone,noinsert"}
+ :mapping (cmp.mapping.preset.insert {:<C-k> (cmp.mapping.select_prev_item)
+ :<C-j> (cmp.mapping.select_next_item)
+ :<C-b> (cmp.mapping (cmp.mapping.scroll_docs -1)
+ [:i
+ :c])
+ :<C-f> (cmp.mapping (cmp.mapping.scroll_docs 1)
+ [:i
+ :c])
+ :<C-space> (cmp.mapping (cmp.mapping.complete)
+ [:i
+ :c])
+ :<C-e> (cmp.mapping {:i (cmp.mapping.abort)
+ :c (cmp.mapping.close)})
+ :<CR> (cmp.mapping.confirm {:select true})
+ :<CR> (cmp.mapping.confirm {:select true})})
+ :sources [{:name :nvim_lsp}
+ {:name :nvim_lua}
+ {:name :luasnip}
+ {:name :spell}
+ {:name :orgmode}
+ {:name :buffer :keyword_length 4}
+ {:name :path :keyword_length 6}]
+ :formatting {:format (lspkind.cmp_format {:with_text true
+ :menu {:buffer ""
+ :nvim_lsp ""
+ :nvim_lua ""
+ :path ""
+ :luasnip ""}})}
+ :window {:documentation {:border ["╭"
+ "─"
+ "╮"
+ "│"
+ "╯"
+ "─"
+ "╰"
+ "│"]}}
+ :confirm_opts {:behavior cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace
+ :select false}
+ :experimental {:ghost_text false :native_menu false}})))
+{1 :hrsh7th/nvim-cmp
+ :dependencies [:hrsh7th/cmp-buffer
+ :onsails/lspkind-nvim
+ :hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp
+ :hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline
+ :L3MON4D3/LuaSnip
+ :rafamadriz/friendly-snippets
+ :hrsh7th/cmp-path
+ :saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip
+ :f3fora/cmp-spell]
+ :event :InsertEnter
+ :config (fn []
+ (setup))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/colorizer.fnl b/fnl/config/colorizer.fnl
deleted file mode 100644
index ff7fbab..0000000
--- a/fnl/config/colorizer.fnl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-;; Enables colorization of color codes in source files.
-(module config.colorizer {autoload {util config.util}})
-(util.setup :colorizer {})
diff --git a/fnl/config/colorscheme.fnl b/fnl/config/colorscheme.fnl
index 8c27ca4..83175c2 100644
--- a/fnl/config/colorscheme.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/colorscheme.fnl
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
;; Load neovim colorscheme.
-(module config.colorscheme {autoload {util config.util}})
(local colorscheme :no-clown-fiesta)
-(def- opts {:styles {:type {:bold true}}})
+(local opts {:styles {:type {:bold true}}})
-(util.setup :no-clown-fiesta opts)
-(vim.cmd (.. "colorscheme " colorscheme))
+(fn setup []
+ (let [plugin (require colorscheme)]
+ (plugin.setup opts)
+ (vim.cmd (.. "colorscheme " colorscheme))))
+{1 :aktersnurra/no-clown-fiesta.nvim
+ :lazy false
+ :priority 1000
+ :config (fn []
+ (setup))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/comment.fnl b/fnl/config/comment.fnl
index 6879df6..29b7871 100644
--- a/fnl/config/comment.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/comment.fnl
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
;; Language aware commenting.
-(module config.comment {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:toggler {;; Line-comment toggle keymap
- :line :mcc
- ;; Block-comment toggle keymap
- :block :mbc}
- ;; LHS of operator-pending mappings in NORMAL and VISUAL mode
- :opleader {;; Line-comment keymap
- :line :mc
- ;; Block-comment keymap
- :block :mb}
- ;; LHS of extra mappings
- :extra {;; Add comment on the line above
- :above :mcO
- ;; Add comment on the line below
- :below :mco
- ;; Add comment at the end of line
- :eol :mcA}})
+(local opts {:toggler {;; Line-comment toggle keymap
+ :line :mcc
+ ;; Block-comment toggle keymap
+ :block :mbc}
+ ;; LHS of operator-pending mappings in NORMAL and VISUAL mode
+ :opleader {;; Line-comment keymap
+ :line :mc
+ ;; Block-comment keymap
+ :block :mb}
+ ;; LHS of extra mappings
+ :extra {;; Add comment on the line above
+ :above :mcO
+ ;; Add comment on the line below
+ :below :mco
+ ;; Add comment at the end of line
+ :eol :mcA}})
-(util.setup :Comment opts)
+{1 :numToStr/Comment.nvim :event :BufReadPost :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/diffview.fnl b/fnl/config/diffview.fnl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3772d32..0000000
--- a/fnl/config/diffview.fnl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-;; Trim whitespaces on save.
-(module config.diffview {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {})
-(util.setup :diffview opts)
diff --git a/fnl/config/flit.fnl b/fnl/config/flit.fnl
index d80a0d9..536c505 100644
--- a/fnl/config/flit.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/flit.fnl
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
;; fFtT motions on roids.
-(module config.flit {autoload {util config.util nvim aniseed.nvim}})
-(def- opts {:keys {:f :f :F :F :t :t :T :T}
- :labeled_modes :v
- :multiline true
- :opts {}})
+(local opts {:keys {:f :f :F :F :t :t :T :T}
+ :labeled_modes :v
+ :multiline true
+ :opts {}})
-(util.setup :flit opts)
+{1 :ggandor/flit.nvim :event :BufReadPost :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/gitsigns.fnl b/fnl/config/gitsigns.fnl
index 663e3e0..7b7ed95 100644
--- a/fnl/config/gitsigns.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/gitsigns.fnl
@@ -1,49 +1,48 @@
;; Add git signs to source files.
-(module config.gitsigns {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- signs {:add {:hl :GitSignsAdd
- :text "|"
- :numhl :GitSignsAddNr
- :linehl :GitSignsAddLn}
- :change {:hl :GitSignsChange
- :text "|"
- :numhl :GitSignsChangeNr
- :linehl :GitSignsChangeLn}
- :delete {:hl :GitSignsDelete
- :text "_"
- :numhl :GitSignsDeleteNr
- :linehl :GitSignsDeleteLn}
- :topdelete {:hl :GitSignsDelete
- :text "‾"
- :numhl :GitSignsDeleteNr
- :linehl :GitSignsDeleteLn}
- :changedelete {:hl :GitSignsChange
- :text "~"
- :numhl :GitSignsChangeNr
- :linehl :GitSignsChangeLn}})
+(local signs {:add {:hl :GitSignsAdd
+ :text "|"
+ :numhl :GitSignsAddNr
+ :linehl :GitSignsAddLn}
+ :change {:hl :GitSignsChange
+ :text "|"
+ :numhl :GitSignsChangeNr
+ :linehl :GitSignsChangeLn}
+ :delete {:hl :GitSignsDelete
+ :text "_"
+ :numhl :GitSignsDeleteNr
+ :linehl :GitSignsDeleteLn}
+ :topdelete {:hl :GitSignsDelete
+ :text "‾"
+ :numhl :GitSignsDeleteNr
+ :linehl :GitSignsDeleteLn}
+ :changedelete {:hl :GitSignsChange
+ :text "~"
+ :numhl :GitSignsChangeNr
+ :linehl :GitSignsChangeLn}})
-(def- opts {: signs
- :signcolumn true
- :numhl false
- :linehl false
- :word_diff false
- :watch_gitdir {:interval 1000 :follow_files true}
- :attach_to_untracked true
- :current_line_blame false
- :current_line_blame_opts {:virt_text true
- :virt_text_pos :eol
- :delay 1000
- :ignore_whitespace false}
- :current_line_blame_formatter_opts {:relative_time false}
- :sign_priority 6
- :update_debounce 100
- :status_formatter nil
- :max_file_length 40000
- :preview_config {:border :single
- :style :minimal
- :relative :cursor
- :row 0
- :col 1}
- :yadm {:enable false}})
+(local opts {: signs
+ :signcolumn true
+ :numhl false
+ :linehl false
+ :word_diff false
+ :watch_gitdir {:interval 1000 :follow_files true}
+ :attach_to_untracked true
+ :current_line_blame false
+ :current_line_blame_opts {:virt_text true
+ :virt_text_pos :eol
+ :delay 1000
+ :ignore_whitespace false}
+ :current_line_blame_formatter_opts {:relative_time false}
+ :sign_priority 6
+ :update_debounce 100
+ :status_formatter nil
+ :max_file_length 40000
+ :preview_config {:border :single
+ :style :minimal
+ :relative :cursor
+ :row 0
+ :col 1}
+ :yadm {:enable false}})
-(util.setup :gitsigns opts)
+{1 :lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim :event :BufReadPost :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/harpoon.fnl b/fnl/config/harpoon.fnl
index 9f9d2f2..9bdd81f 100644
--- a/fnl/config/harpoon.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/harpoon.fnl
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
;; Harpoon files for navigation.
-(module config.harpoon {autoload {util config.util nvim aniseed.nvim}})
-(def- opts {})
+(fn setup []
+ (vim.keymap.set :n :<tab>
+ (fn []
+ (util.telescope-ext :harpoon :marks
+ {:theme :get_dropdown
+ :previewer false
+ :initial_mode :normal
+ :prompt_title :Harpoon}))
+ {})
+ (vim.keymap.set :n :<s-tab>
+ "<cmd>Telescope buffers theme=dropdown previewer=false initial_mode=normal<cr>"
+ {}))
-(util.setup :harpoon opts)
-(vim.keymap.set :n :<tab>
- (fn []
- (util.telescope-ext :harpoon :marks
- {:theme :get_dropdown
- :previewer false
- :initial_mode :normal
- :prompt_title :Harpoon}))
- {})
-(nvim.set_keymap :n :<s-tab>
- "<cmd>Telescope buffers theme=dropdown previewer=false initial_mode=normal<cr>"
- {})
+{1 :ThePrimeagen/harpoon
+ :event :BufReadPost
+ :config (fn []
+ (setup))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/lazy.fnl b/fnl/config/lazy.fnl
index 09b0243..faa53c2 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lazy.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lazy.fnl
@@ -1,14 +1,27 @@
;; Lazy opts.
-(module config.lazy {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:defaults {:lazy true :version "*"}
- :install {:colorscheme [:no-clown-fiesta]}
- :checker {:enabled true}
- :performance {:rtp {:disabled_plugins [:gzip
- :matchit
- :matchparen
- :netrwPlugin
- :tarPlugin
- :tohtml
- :tutor
- :zipPlugin]}}})
+{:install {:colorscheme [:no-clown-fiesta]}
+ :performance {:rtp {:disabled_plugins [:gzip
+ :matchit
+ :matchparen
+ :netrwPlugin
+ :tarPlugin
+ :tohtml
+ :tutor
+ :zipPlugin]}}
+ :ui {:icons {:cmd " "
+ :config " "
+ :event " "
+ :ft " "
+ :init " "
+ :import " "
+ :keys " "
+ :lazy "鈴 "
+ :loaded "● "
+ :not_loaded "○ "
+ :plugin " "
+ :runtime " "
+ :source " "
+ :start " "
+ :task " "
+ :list ["● " " " " " "‒ "]}}}
diff --git a/fnl/config/leap.fnl b/fnl/config/leap.fnl
index 868f9eb..2a03da1 100644
--- a/fnl/config/leap.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/leap.fnl
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
;; Leap through text.
-(module config.leap {autoload {util config.util nvim aniseed.nvim}})
-(def- opts {})
+(fn setup []
+ (let [leap (require :leap)]
+ (leap.setup {})
+ (leap.set_default_keymaps)))
-(let [leap (util.prequire :leap)]
- (leap.setup opts)
- (leap.set_default_keymaps))
+{1 :ggandor/leap.nvim
+ :event :BufReadPost
+ :config (fn []
+ (setup))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/lir.fnl b/fnl/config/lir.fnl
index 45fb052..22b15cf 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lir.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lir.fnl
@@ -1,44 +1,50 @@
;; Simple file manager.
-(module config.lir {autoload {util config.util nvim aniseed.nvim}})
-(defn- opts [actions mark-actions clipboard-actions]
- {:show_hidden_files false
- :devicons_enable true
- :mappings {:l actions.edit
- :<C-s> actions.split
- :v actions.vsplit
- :<C-t> actions.tabedit
- :h actions.up
- :q actions.quit
- :A actions.mkdir
- :a actions.newfile
- :r actions.rename
- "@"
- :Y actions.yank_path
- :i actions.toggle_show_hidden
- :d actions.delete
- :J (fn []
- (mark-actions.toggle_mark)
- (vim.cmd "normal! j"))
- :c clipboard-actions.copy
- :x clipboard-actions.cut
- :p clipboard-actions.paste}
- :float {:winblend 0
- :curdir_window {:enable false :highlight_dirname true}
- :win_opts (fn []
- (let [width (math.floor (* vim.o.columns 0.7))
- height (math.floor (* vim.o.lines 0.7))]
- {:border :rounded : width : height}))}
- :hide_cursor false
- :on_init (fn []
- (nvim.buf_set_keymap 0 :x :J
- ":<C-u>lua require(\"lir.mark.actions\").toggle_mark(\"v\")<CR>"
- {:noremap true :silent true}))})
+(fn opts [actions mark-actions clipboard-actions]
+ {:show_hidden_files false
+ :devicons_enable true
+ :mappings {:l actions.edit
+ :<C-s> actions.split
+ :v actions.vsplit
+ :<C-t> actions.tabedit
+ :h actions.up
+ :q actions.quit
+ :A actions.mkdir
+ :a actions.newfile
+ :r actions.rename
+ "@"
+ :Y actions.yank_path
+ :i actions.toggle_show_hidden
+ :d actions.delete
+ :J (fn []
+ (mark-actions.toggle_mark)
+ (vim.cmd "normal! j"))
+ :c clipboard-actions.copy
+ :x clipboard-actions.cut
+ :p clipboard-actions.paste}
+ :float {:winblend 0
+ :curdir_window {:enable false :highlight_dirname true}
+ :win_opts (fn []
+ (let [width (math.floor (* vim.o.columns 0.7))
+ height (math.floor (* vim.o.lines 0.7))]
+ {:border :rounded : width : height}))}
+ :hide_cursor false
+ :on_init (fn []
+ (nvim.buf_set_keymap 0 :x :J
+ ":<C-u>lua require(\"lir.mark.actions\").toggle_mark(\"v\")<CR>"
+ {:noremap true :silent true}))})
-(let [lir (util.prequire :lir)]
- (let [actions (require :lir.actions)
- mark-actions (require :lir.mark.actions)
- clipboard-actions (require :lir.clipboard.actions)]
- (lir.setup (opts actions mark-actions clipboard-actions))
- (nvim.set_keymap :n "-" ":lua require'lir.float'.toggle()<cr>"
- {:noremap true :silent true})))
+(fn setup []
+ (let [lir (require :lir)]
+ (let [actions (require :lir.actions)
+ mark-actions (require :lir.mark.actions)
+ clipboard-actions (require :lir.clipboard.actions)]
+ (lir.setup (opts actions mark-actions clipboard-actions))
+ (nvim.set_keymap :n "-" ":lua require'lir.float'.toggle()<cr>"
+ {:noremap true :silent true}))))
+{1 :tamago324/lir.nvim
+ :keys "-"
+ :config (fn []
+ (setup))
+ :dependencies [:kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons]}
diff --git a/fnl/config/lsp/lspconfig.fnl b/fnl/config/lsp/lspconfig.fnl
index b7143ab..74faa26 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lsp/lspconfig.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lsp/lspconfig.fnl
@@ -1,30 +1,40 @@
;; Setup of lsps.
-(module config.lsp.lspconfig
- {autoload {nvim aniseed.nvim
- util config.util
- keymaps config.lsp.keymaps}})
-(defn- on-attach []
- (nvim.create_autocmd :LspAttach
- {:callback (fn [args]
- (let [bufnr (. args :buf)]
- (keymaps.on-attach bufnr)))}))
+(fn on-attach []
+ (vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd :LspAttach
+ {:callback (fn [args]
+ (let [keymaps (require :config.lsp.keymaps)
+ bufnr (. args :buf)]
+ (keymaps.on-attach bufnr)))}))
-(defn- capabilities []
- (let [cmp-lsp (util.prequire :cmp_nvim_lsp)]
+(fn capabilities []
+ (let [cmp-lsp (require :cmp_nvim_lsp)]
(cmp-lsp.default_capabilities (vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities))))
-(defn- mason-opts [servers]
+(fn mason-opts [servers]
{:ensure_installed (vim.tbl_keys servers) :automatic_installation true})
-(let [lspconfig (util.prequire :lspconfig)
- mason-lspconfig (util.prequire :mason-lspconfig)
- servers (require :config.lsp.servers)]
- (on-attach)
- (mason-lspconfig.setup (mason-opts servers))
- (mason-lspconfig.setup_handlers [(fn [server-name]
- (let [server-config (. lspconfig
- server-name)
- opts (or (. servers server-name) {})]
- (tset opts :capabilities (capabilities))
- (server-config.setup opts)))]))
+(fn setup []
+ (require :config.lsp.diagnostics)
+ (let [lspconfig (require :lspconfig)
+ mason-lspconfig (require :mason-lspconfig)
+ servers (require :config.lsp.servers)]
+ (on-attach)
+ (mason-lspconfig.setup (mason-opts servers))
+ (mason-lspconfig.setup_handlers [(fn [server-name]
+ (let [server-config (. lspconfig
+ server-name)
+ opts (or (. servers server-name)
+ {})]
+ (tset opts :capabilities
+ (capabilities))
+ (server-config.setup opts)))])))
+{1 :neovim/nvim-lspconfig
+ :event :BufReadPre
+ :dependencies [:mason.nvim
+ :williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim
+ :b0o/SchemaStore.nvim
+ :hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp]
+ :config (fn []
+ (setup))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/lsp/mason.fnl b/fnl/config/lsp/mason.fnl
index adc60a4..fd40102 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lsp/mason.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lsp/mason.fnl
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
;; Mason manages external tooling, e.g. lsp, formatters, and linters.
-(module config.lsp.mason {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:ui {:icons {:package_installed "✓"
- :package_pending "➜"
- :package_uninstalled "✗"}}
- :max_concurrent_installers 10})
+(local opts {:ui {:icons {:package_installed " "
+ :package_pending " "
+ :package_uninstalled " "}}
+ :max_concurrent_installers 10})
-(util.setup :mason opts)
+{1 :williamboman/mason.nvim
+ :cmd :Mason
+ :keys [{1 :<leader>m 2 :<cmd>Mason<cr> :desc :Mason}]
+ :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/lsp/null-ls.fnl b/fnl/config/lsp/null-ls.fnl
index fd3a61d..2d03b0d 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lsp/null-ls.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lsp/null-ls.fnl
@@ -1,35 +1,41 @@
;; Adds LSP diagnostics and formatting.
-(module config.lsp.null-ls {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- mason-opts {:ensure_installed nil
- :automatic_installation true
- :automatic_setup false})
+(local mason-opts {:ensure_installed nil
+ :automatic_installation true
+ :automatic_setup false})
-(let [null-ls (util.prequire :null-ls)
- mason-null-ls (util.prequire :mason-null-ls)]
- (let [formatting null-ls.builtins.formatting
- diagnostics null-ls.builtins.diagnostics]
- (null-ls.setup {:debug false
- :sources [diagnostics.codespell
- diagnostics.cpplint
- diagnostics.gitlint
- diagnostics.hadolint
- diagnostics.jsonlint
- diagnostics.misspell
- diagnostics.ruff
- diagnostics.selene
- diagnostics.shellcheck
- diagnostics.sqlfluff
- diagnostics.write_good
- diagnostics.yamllint
- formatting.fnlfmt
- formatting.markdownlint
- formatting.prettierd
- formatting.ruff
- formatting.rustfmt
- formatting.shellharden
- formatting.shfmt
- formatting.sqlfluff
- formatting.stylua
- formatting.terraform_fmt]}))
- (mason-null-ls.setup mason-opts))
+(fn setup []
+ (let [null-ls (require :null-ls)
+ mason-null-ls (require :mason-null-ls)]
+ (let [formatting null-ls.builtins.formatting
+ diagnostics null-ls.builtins.diagnostics]
+ (null-ls.setup {:debug false
+ :sources [diagnostics.codespell
+ diagnostics.cpplint
+ diagnostics.gitlint
+ diagnostics.hadolint
+ diagnostics.jsonlint
+ diagnostics.misspell
+ diagnostics.ruff
+ diagnostics.selene
+ diagnostics.shellcheck
+ diagnostics.sqlfluff
+ diagnostics.write_good
+ diagnostics.yamllint
+ formatting.fnlfmt
+ formatting.markdownlint
+ formatting.prettierd
+ formatting.ruff
+ formatting.rustfmt
+ formatting.shellharden
+ formatting.shfmt
+ formatting.sqlfluff
+ formatting.stylua
+ formatting.terraform_fmt]}))
+ (mason-null-ls.setup mason-opts)))
+{1 :jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim
+ :dependencies [:mason.nvim :jayp0521/mason-null-ls.nvim]
+ :event :BufReadPre
+ :config (fn []
+ (setup))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/lualine.fnl b/fnl/config/lualine.fnl
index b9a790f..34f735c 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lualine.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lualine.fnl
@@ -1,83 +1,87 @@
;; Statusbar.
-(module config.lualine {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- disable [:neogitstatus
- :netrw
- :lir
- :lazy
- :alpha
- :Outline
- :NeogitStatus
- :NeogitCommitMessage])
+(local disable [:neogitstatus
+ :netrw
+ :lir
+ :lazy
+ :alpha
+ :Outline
+ :NeogitStatus
+ :NeogitCommitMessage])
-(def- ignore [:help :packer :spectre_panel :TelescopePrompt])
+(local ignore [:help :packer :spectre_panel :TelescopePrompt])
-(defn- active-clients [] (let [clients (vim.lsp.buf_get_clients)
- client_names []]
- (each [_ client (pairs clients)]
- (if (not= :null-ls)
- (table.insert client_names
- (if (> (length client_names) 0)
- (table.concat client_names ", ")
- "")))
+(fn active-clients []
+ (let [clients (vim.lsp.buf_get_clients)
+ client_names []]
+ (each [_ client (pairs clients)]
+ (if (not= :null-ls)
+ (table.insert client_names
+ (if (> (length client_names) 0)
+ (table.concat client_names ", ")
+ "")))
-(defn- hide-in-width [] (> (vim.fn.winwidth 0) 80))
+(fn hide-in-width []
+ (> (vim.fn.winwidth 0) 80))
-(def- diagnostics {1 :diagnostics
- :sources [:nvim_diagnostic]
- :sections [:error :warn]
- :symbols {:error " " :warn " "}
- :colored false
- :disabled_buftypes [:nvim-tree]
- :padding 0
- :update_in_insert false
- :always_visible true})
+(local diagnostics {1 :diagnostics
+ :sources [:nvim_diagnostic]
+ :sections [:error :warn]
+ :symbols {:error " " :warn " "}
+ :colored false
+ :disabled_buftypes [:nvim-tree]
+ :padding 0
+ :update_in_insert false
+ :always_visible true})
-(def- diff {1 :diff
- :colored false
- :disabled_buftypes [:nvim-tree]
- :cond hide-in-width})
+(local diff {1 :diff
+ :colored false
+ :disabled_buftypes [:nvim-tree]
+ :cond hide-in-width})
-(def- branch {1 "b:gitsigns_head"
- :icon " "
- :disabled_buftypes [:nvim-tree]
- :cond hide-in-width})
+(local branch {1 "b:gitsigns_head"
+ :icon " "
+ :disabled_buftypes [:nvim-tree]
+ :cond hide-in-width})
-(def- filetype {1 :filetype
- :icon_only true
- :disabled_buftypes [:nvim-tree]
- :colored false
- :cond hide_in_width})
+(local filetype {1 :filetype
+ :icon_only true
+ :disabled_buftypes [:nvim-tree]
+ :colored false
+ :cond hide_in_width})
-(def- language-server {1 active-clients
- :disabled_buftypes [:nvim-tree]
- :cond hide_in_width})
+(local language-server {1 active-clients
+ :disabled_buftypes [:nvim-tree]
+ :cond hide_in_width})
-(def- lsp-progress {1 :lsp_progress
- :display_components [[:title :percentage :message]]
- :timer {:progress_enddelay 500
- :lsp_client_name_enddelay 500}})
+(local lsp-progress
+ {1 :lsp_progress
+ :display_components [[:title :percentage :message]]
+ :timer {:progress_enddelay 500 :lsp_client_name_enddelay 500}})
-(def- opts {:options {:icons_enabled true
- :theme :auto
- :component_separators ""
- :section_separators {:left "" :right ""}
- :disabled_filetypes disable
- :ignore_focus ignore
- :always_divide_middle true
- :globalstatus true}
- :sections {:lualine_a [:mode]
- :lualine_b [branch diff]
- :lualine_c {}
- :lualine_x [lsp_progress language-server diagnostics]
- :lualine_y [filetype]
- :lualine_z [:location :progress]}
- :inactive_sections {:lualine_a [:mode]
- :lualine_b {}
- :lualine_c {}
- :lualine_x {}
- :lualine_y {}
- :lualine_z [:location :progress]}
- :extensions []})
+(local opts {:options {:icons_enabled true
+ :theme :auto
+ :component_separators ""
+ :section_separators {:left "" :right ""}
+ :disabled_filetypes disable
+ :ignore_focus ignore
+ :always_divide_middle true
+ :globalstatus true}
+ :sections {:lualine_a [:mode]
+ :lualine_b [branch diff]
+ :lualine_c {}
+ :lualine_x [lsp_progress language-server diagnostics]
+ :lualine_y [filetype]
+ :lualine_z [:location :progress]}
+ :inactive_sections {:lualine_a [:mode]
+ :lualine_b {}
+ :lualine_c {}
+ :lualine_x {}
+ :lualine_y {}
+ :lualine_z [:location :progress]}
+ :extensions []})
-(util.setup :lualine opts)
+{1 :nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim
+ :event :VeryLazy
+ :config opts
+ :dependencies [:kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons :arkav/lualine-lsp-progress]}
diff --git a/fnl/config/minibar.fnl b/fnl/config/minibar.fnl
index 145577f..9e49c7f 100644
--- a/fnl/config/minibar.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/minibar.fnl
@@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
-(module config.minibar {autoload {util config.util}})
+;; Show the filename in the top left corner.
-(def- opts {:ignore-filetypes [:help
- :harpoon
- :startify
- :dashboard
- :lir
- :alpha
- :packer
- :neogitstatus
- :Trouble
- :org
- :lazy
- :netrw
- :Outline
- :NeogitStatus
- :NeogitCommitMessage
- :NeogitNotification
- :NeogitCommitView
- :spectre_panel
- ""]
- :events [:CursorMoved
- :TermOpen
- :DirChanged
- :BufWinEnter
- :BufFilePost
- :InsertEnter
- :BufWritePost]})
+(local opts {:ignore-filetypes [:help
+ :harpoon
+ :startify
+ :dashboard
+ :lir
+ :alpha
+ :packer
+ :neogitstatus
+ :Trouble
+ :org
+ :lazy
+ :netrw
+ :Outline
+ :NeogitStatus
+ :NeogitCommitMessage
+ :NeogitNotification
+ :NeogitCommitView
+ :spectre_panel
+ ""]
+ :events [:CursorMoved
+ :TermOpen
+ :DirChanged
+ :BufWinEnter
+ :BufFilePost
+ :InsertEnter
+ :BufWritePost]})
-(util.setup :minibar opts)
+ {1 :aktersnurra/minibar.nvim
+ :event :BufReadPre
+ :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/neogit.fnl b/fnl/config/neogit.fnl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d9f515..0000000
--- a/fnl/config/neogit.fnl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-;; UI for git.
-(module config.neogit {autoload {util config.util}})
-(util.setup :neogit {})
diff --git a/fnl/config/orgmode.fnl b/fnl/config/orgmode.fnl
index bc73bb7..99e55be 100644
--- a/fnl/config/orgmode.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/orgmode.fnl
@@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
;; Orgmode for nvim.
-(module config.orgmode {autoload {nvim aniseed.nvim util config.util}})
-(nvim.ex.set :conceallevel=2)
-(nvim.ex.set :concealcursor=nc)
+(local templates
+ {:t {:description :Task :template "* TODO %?\n %u\n DEADLINE: %T\n"}
+ :m {:description :Meeting :template "* Meeting %?"}
+ :n {:description :Note :template "* NOTE %? :NOTE:\n %u\n"}})
-(def- templates
- {:t {:description :Task :template "* TODO %?\n %u\n DEADLINE: %T\n"}
- :m {:description :Meeting :template "* Meeting %?"}
- :n {:description :Note :template "* NOTE %? :NOTE:\n %u\n"}})
+(local opts {:org_agenda_files ["~/.local/share/org/**/*"]
+ :org_hide_emphasis_markers true
+ :org_agenda_start_on_weekday false
+ :org_default_notes_file "~/.local/share/org/"
+ :org_agenda_templates templates})
-(defn- create-title [task]
- (string.format "%s (%s)" task.category task.humanized_duration))
+(fn setup []
+ (let [orgmode (require :orgmode)]
+ (tset vim.opt :conceallevel 2)
+ (tset vim.opt :concealcursor :nc)
+ (orgmode.setup_ts_grammar)
+ (orgmode.setup opts)))
-(defn- create-subtitle [task]
- (string.format "%s %s %s" (string.rep "*" task.level) task.todo
- task.title))
-(defn- get-date [task] (string.format "%s: %s" task.type (task.time:to_string)))
-(def- opts {:org_agenda_files ["~/.local/share/org/**/*"]
- :org_hide_emphasis_markers true
- :org_agenda_start_on_weekday false
- :org_default_notes_file "~/.local/share/org/"
- :org_agenda_templates templates})
-(let [orgmode (util.prequire :orgmode)]
- (orgmode.setup_ts_grammar)
- (orgmode.setup opts))
+{1 :nvim-orgmode/orgmode
+ :event :BufReadPost
+ :config (fn []
+ (setup))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/persistence.fnl b/fnl/config/persistence.fnl
index ad93131..e1368f1 100644
--- a/fnl/config/persistence.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/persistence.fnl
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
;; Session manager.
-(module config.persistence {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:options [:buffers :curdir :tabpages :winsize :help]})
+(local opts {:options [:buffers :curdir :tabpages :winsize :help]})
-(util.setup :persistence opts)
+{1 :folke/persistence.nvim :event :VeryLazy :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/project.fnl b/fnl/config/project.fnl
index 1617ca5..eceef84 100644
--- a/fnl/config/project.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/project.fnl
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
;; Provides project management.
-(module config.project {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:active true
+(local opts {:active true
:on_config_done nil
:manual_mode false
:detection_methods [:patterns]
@@ -11,4 +10,6 @@
:ignore_lsp {}
:datapath (vim.fn.stdpath :data)})
-(util.setup :project_nvim opts)
+ {1 :ahmedkhalf/project.nvim
+ :event :BufReadPre
+ :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/spectre.fnl b/fnl/config/spectre.fnl
index f0afa52..c662935 100644
--- a/fnl/config/spectre.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/spectre.fnl
@@ -1,63 +1,62 @@
;; Find and replace.
-(module config.spectre {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:color_devicons true
- :highlight {:ui :String :search :DiffChange :replace :DiffDelete}
- :mapping {:toggle_line {:map :t
- :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre').toggle_line()<CR>"
- :desc "toggle current item"}
- :enter_file {:map :<cr>
- :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre.actions').select_entry()<CR>"
- :desc "goto current file"}
- :send_to_qf {:map :Q
- :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre.actions').send_to_qf()<CR>"
- :desc "send all item to quickfix"}
- :replace_cmd {:map :c
- :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre.actions').replace_cmd()<CR>"
- :desc "input replace vim command"}
- :show_option_menu {:map :o
- :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre').show_options()<CR>"
- :desc "show option"}
- :run_replace {:map :R
- :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre.actions').run_replace()<CR>"
- :desc "replace all"}
- :change_view_mode {:map :m
- :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre').change_view()<CR>"
- :desc "change result view mode"}
- :toggle_ignore_case {:map :I
- :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre').change_options('ignore-case')<CR>"
- :desc "toggle ignore case"}
- :toggle_ignore_hidden {:map :H
- :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre').change_options('hidden')<CR>"
- :desc "toggle search hidden"}}
- :find_engine {:rg {:cmd :rg
- :args [:--color=never
- :--no-heading
- :--with-filename
- :--line-number
- :--column]
- :options {:ignore-case {:value :--ignore-case
- :icon "[I]"
- :desc "ignore case"}
- :hidden {:value :--hidden
- :desc "hidden file"
- :icon "[H]"}}}
- :ag {:cmd :ag
- :args [:--vimgrep :-s]
- :options {:ignore-case {:value :-i
- :icon "[I]"
- :desc "ignore case"}
- :hidden {:value :--hidden
- :desc "hidden file"
- :icon "[H]"}}}}
- :replace_engine {:sed {:cmd :sed :args nil}
- :options {:ignore-case {:value :--ignore-case
- :icon "[I]"
- :desc "ignore case"}}}
- :default {:find {:cmd :rg :options [:ignore-case]}
- :replace {:cmd :sed}}
- :replace_vim_cmd :cdo
- :is_open_target_win true
- :is_insert_mode false})
+(local opts {:color_devicons true
+ :highlight {:ui :String :search :DiffChange :replace :DiffDelete}
+ :mapping {:toggle_line {:map :t
+ :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre').toggle_line()<CR>"
+ :desc "toggle current item"}
+ :enter_file {:map :<cr>
+ :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre.actions').select_entry()<CR>"
+ :desc "goto current file"}
+ :send_to_qf {:map :Q
+ :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre.actions').send_to_qf()<CR>"
+ :desc "send all item to quickfix"}
+ :replace_cmd {:map :c
+ :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre.actions').replace_cmd()<CR>"
+ :desc "input replace vim command"}
+ :show_option_menu {:map :o
+ :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre').show_options()<CR>"
+ :desc "show option"}
+ :run_replace {:map :R
+ :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre.actions').run_replace()<CR>"
+ :desc "replace all"}
+ :change_view_mode {:map :m
+ :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre').change_view()<CR>"
+ :desc "change result view mode"}
+ :toggle_ignore_case {:map :I
+ :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre').change_options('ignore-case')<CR>"
+ :desc "toggle ignore case"}
+ :toggle_ignore_hidden {:map :H
+ :cmd "<cmd>lua require('spectre').change_options('hidden')<CR>"
+ :desc "toggle search hidden"}}
+ :find_engine {:rg {:cmd :rg
+ :args [:--color=never
+ :--no-heading
+ :--with-filename
+ :--line-number
+ :--column]
+ :options {:ignore-case {:value :--ignore-case
+ :icon "[I]"
+ :desc "ignore case"}
+ :hidden {:value :--hidden
+ :desc "hidden file"
+ :icon "[H]"}}}
+ :ag {:cmd :ag
+ :args [:--vimgrep :-s]
+ :options {:ignore-case {:value :-i
+ :icon "[I]"
+ :desc "ignore case"}
+ :hidden {:value :--hidden
+ :desc "hidden file"
+ :icon "[H]"}}}}
+ :replace_engine {:sed {:cmd :sed :args nil}
+ :options {:ignore-case {:value :--ignore-case
+ :icon "[I]"
+ :desc "ignore case"}}}
+ :default {:find {:cmd :rg :options [:ignore-case]}
+ :replace {:cmd :sed}}
+ :replace_vim_cmd :cdo
+ :is_open_target_win true
+ :is_insert_mode false})
-(util.setup :spectre opts)
+{1 :windwp/nvim-spectre :event :BufReadPost :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/stay-in-place.fnl b/fnl/config/stay-in-place.fnl
deleted file mode 100644
index be3ccd3..0000000
--- a/fnl/config/stay-in-place.fnl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-;; Prevent the cursor from moving when using shift and filter actions.
-(module config.stay-in-place {autoload {util config.util}})
-(util.setup :stay-in-place {})
diff --git a/fnl/config/surround.fnl b/fnl/config/surround.fnl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2406ecd..0000000
--- a/fnl/config/surround.fnl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-;; Surround selections.
-(module config.surround {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {})
-(util.setup :nvim-surround opts)
diff --git a/fnl/config/telescope.fnl b/fnl/config/telescope.fnl
index ac3c33c..ce4fb9c 100644
--- a/fnl/config/telescope.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/telescope.fnl
@@ -1,82 +1,95 @@
;; Telescope a highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists.
-(module config.telescope {autoload {util config.util nvim aniseed.nvim}})
-(def- opts {:noremap true :silent true})
+(local opts {:noremap true :silent true})
-(let [telescope (util.prequire :telescope)]
- (let [actions (require :telescope.actions)]
- (telescope.setup {:defaults {:prompt_prefix "  "
- :selection_caret "> "
- :path_display [:smart]
- :color_devicons false
- :vimgrep_arguments [:rg
- :--color=never
- :--no-heading
- :--with-filename
- :--line-number
- :--column
- :--smart-case
- :--hidden]
- :mappings {:i {:<C-n> actions.cycle_history_next
- :<C-p> actions.cycle_history_prev
- :<C-j> actions.move_selection_next
- :<C-k> actions.move_selection_previous
- :<C-c> actions.close
- :<Down> actions.move_selection_next
- :<Up> actions.move_selection_previous
- :<CR> actions.select_default
- :<C-x> actions.select_horizontal
- :<C-v> actions.select_vertical
- :<C-t> actions.select_tab
- :<C-u> actions.preview_scrolling_up
- :<C-d> actions.preview_scrolling_down
- :<PageUp> actions.results_scrolling_up
- :<PageDown> actions.results_scrolling_down
- :<Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
- actions.move_selection_worse)
- :<S-Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
- actions.move_selection_better)
- :<C-q> (+ actions.send_to_qflist
- actions.open_qflist)
- :<M-q> (+ actions.send_selected_to_qflist
- actions.open_qflist)
- :<C-l> actions.complete_tag
- :<C-_> actions.which_key}
- :n {:<esc> actions.close
- :<CR> actions.select_default
- :<C-x> actions.select_horizontal
- :<C-v> actions.select_vertical
- :<C-t> actions.select_tab
- :<Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
- actions.move_selection_worse)
- :<S-Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
- actions.move_selection_better)
- :<C-q> (+ actions.send_to_qflist
- actions.open_qflist)
- :<M-q> (+ actions.send_selected_to_qflist
- actions.open_qflist)
- :j actions.move_selection_next
- :k actions.move_selection_previous
- :H actions.move_to_top
- :M actions.move_to_middle
- :L actions.move_to_bottom
- :<Down> actions.move_selection_next
- :<Up> actions.move_selection_previous
- :gg actions.move_to_top
- :G actions.move_to_bottom
- :q actions.close
- :<C-u> actions.preview_scrolling_up
- :<C-d> actions.preview_scrolling_down
- :<PageUp> actions.results_scrolling_up
- :<PageDown> actions.results_scrolling_down
- :dd actions.delete_buffer
- :? actions.which_key}}}
- :extensions {:fzf {:fuzzy true
- :override_generic_sorter true
- :override_file_sorter true
- :case_mode :smart_case}}})
- (telescope.load_extension :fzf)
- (telescope.load_extension :frecency)
- (telescope.load_extension :orgmode)
- (telescope.load_extension :projects)
- (telescope.load_extension :harpoon)))
+(fn setup []
+ (let [telescope (util.prequire :telescope)]
+ (let [actions (require :telescope.actions)]
+ (telescope.setup {:defaults {:prompt_prefix "  "
+ :selection_caret "> "
+ :path_display [:smart]
+ :color_devicons false
+ :vimgrep_arguments [:rg
+ :--color=never
+ :--no-heading
+ :--with-filename
+ :--line-number
+ :--column
+ :--smart-case
+ :--hidden]
+ :mappings {:i {:<C-n> actions.cycle_history_next
+ :<C-p> actions.cycle_history_prev
+ :<C-j> actions.move_selection_next
+ :<C-k> actions.move_selection_previous
+ :<C-c> actions.close
+ :<Down> actions.move_selection_next
+ :<Up> actions.move_selection_previous
+ :<CR> actions.select_default
+ :<C-x> actions.select_horizontal
+ :<C-v> actions.select_vertical
+ :<C-t> actions.select_tab
+ :<C-u> actions.preview_scrolling_up
+ :<C-d> actions.preview_scrolling_down
+ :<PageUp> actions.results_scrolling_up
+ :<PageDown> actions.results_scrolling_down
+ :<Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
+ actions.move_selection_worse)
+ :<S-Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
+ actions.move_selection_better)
+ :<C-q> (+ actions.send_to_qflist
+ actions.open_qflist)
+ :<M-q> (+ actions.send_selected_to_qflist
+ actions.open_qflist)
+ :<C-l> actions.complete_tag
+ :<C-_> actions.which_key}
+ :n {:<esc> actions.close
+ :<CR> actions.select_default
+ :<C-x> actions.select_horizontal
+ :<C-v> actions.select_vertical
+ :<C-t> actions.select_tab
+ :<Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
+ actions.move_selection_worse)
+ :<S-Tab> (+ actions.toggle_selection
+ actions.move_selection_better)
+ :<C-q> (+ actions.send_to_qflist
+ actions.open_qflist)
+ :<M-q> (+ actions.send_selected_to_qflist
+ actions.open_qflist)
+ :j actions.move_selection_next
+ :k actions.move_selection_previous
+ :H actions.move_to_top
+ :M actions.move_to_middle
+ :L actions.move_to_bottom
+ :<Down> actions.move_selection_next
+ :<Up> actions.move_selection_previous
+ :gg actions.move_to_top
+ :G actions.move_to_bottom
+ :q actions.close
+ :<C-u> actions.preview_scrolling_up
+ :<C-d> actions.preview_scrolling_down
+ :<PageUp> actions.results_scrolling_up
+ :<PageDown> actions.results_scrolling_down
+ :dd actions.delete_buffer
+ :? actions.which_key}}}
+ :extensions {:fzf {:fuzzy true
+ :override_generic_sorter true
+ :override_file_sorter true
+ :case_mode :smart_case}}})
+ (telescope.load_extension :fzf)
+ (telescope.load_extension :frecency)
+ (telescope.load_extension :orgmode)
+ (telescope.load_extension :projects)
+ (telescope.load_extension :harpoon))))
+{1 :nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim
+ :cmd :Telescope
+ :dependencies [:nvim-lua/popup.nvim
+ :nvim-telescope/telescope-frecency.nvim
+ :tami5/sqlite.lua
+ :ahmedkhalf/project.nvim
+ :nvim-lua/plenary.nvim
+ :nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim
+ :nvim-telescope/telescope-frecency.nvim
+ :joaomsa/telescope-orgmode.nvim]
+ :config (fn []
+ (setup))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/toggleterm.fnl b/fnl/config/toggleterm.fnl
index dd561f3..3c8aa39 100644
--- a/fnl/config/toggleterm.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/toggleterm.fnl
@@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
;; Terminal inside nvim.
-(module config.toggleterm
- {autoload {util config.util nvim aniseed.nvim autocmd config.autocmd}})
-(def- opts {:size 16 :shade_terminals false})
+(local opts {:size 16 :shade_terminals false})
-(defn- set-terminal-keymaps []
- (nvim.set_keymap :t :<C-h> "<Cmd>wincmd h<CR>" {})
- (nvim.set_keymap :t :<C-j> "<Cmd>wincmd j<CR>" {})
- (nvim.set_keymap :t :<C-k> "<Cmd>wincmd k<CR>" {})
- (nvim.set_keymap :t :<C-l> "<Cmd>wincmd l<CR>" {}))
-(util.setup :toggleterm opts)
-(autocmd.create-autocmd :TermOpen
- {:pattern "term://*toggleterm#*"
- :callback set-terminal-keymaps})
+{1 :akinsho/toggleterm.nvim :cmd :ToggleTerm :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/treesitter.fnl b/fnl/config/treesitter.fnl
index e61e2c0..a8918d2 100644
--- a/fnl/config/treesitter.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/treesitter.fnl
@@ -1,32 +1,34 @@
;; Treesitter is a tool for building syntax trees for source files.
;; In the neovim context it helps with better coloring.
-(module config.treesitter {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:ensure_installed [:c
- :rust
- :lua
- :hcl
- :org
- :haskell
- :python
- :fennel
- :make
- :go
- :ocaml
- :erlang
- :vim
- :yaml
- :html
- :toml
- :dockerfile
- :markdown
- :latex]
- :sync_install false
- :ignore_install [""]
- :autopairs {:enable true}
- :highlight {:enable true :disable [:org]}
- :context_commentstring {:enable true :enable_autocmd false}
- :indent {:enable true :disable [:yaml :python :css]}
- :playground {:enable true}})
+(local opts {:ensure_installed [:c
+ :rust
+ :lua
+ :hcl
+ :org
+ :haskell
+ :python
+ :fennel
+ :make
+ :go
+ :ocaml
+ :erlang
+ :vim
+ :yaml
+ :html
+ :toml
+ :dockerfile
+ :markdown
+ :latex]
+ :sync_install false
+ :ignore_install [""]
+ :autopairs {:enable true}
+ :highlight {:enable true :disable [:org]}
+ :context_commentstring {:enable true :enable_autocmd false}
+ :indent {:enable true :disable [:yaml :python :css]}
+ :playground {:enable true}})
-(util.setup :nvim-treesitter.configs opts)
+{1 :nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter
+ :build ":TSUpdate"
+ :event :BufReadPre
+ :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/trim.fnl b/fnl/config/trim.fnl
index 8a2ec43..e21b715 100644
--- a/fnl/config/trim.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/trim.fnl
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
;; Trim whitespaces on save.
-(module config.trim {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:disable [:python]})
+(local opts {:disable [:python]})
-(util.setup :trim opts)
+{1 :cappyzawa/trim.nvim :event :BufFilePre :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/trouble.fnl b/fnl/config/trouble.fnl
index b45fecd..988f2ed 100644
--- a/fnl/config/trouble.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/trouble.fnl
@@ -1,82 +1,81 @@
;; Pretty diagnostics.
-(module config.trouble {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:position :bottom
- ;; position of the list can be: bottom, top, left, right
- :height 10
- ;; height of the trouble list when position is top or bottom
- :width 50
- ;; width of the list when position is left or right
- :icons true
- ;; use devicons for filenames
- :mode :workspace_diagnostics
- ;; "workspace_diagnostics", "document_diagnostics", "quickfix", "lsp_references", "loclist"
- :fold_open ""
- ;; icon used for open folds
- :fold_closed ""
- ;; icon used for closed folds
- :group true
- ;; group results by file
- :padding true
- ;; add an extra new line on top of the list
- :action_keys {;; key mappings for actions in the trouble list
- ;; map to {} to remove a mapping for example:
- ;; close {}
- :close :q
- ;; close the list
- :cancel :<esc>
- ;; cancel the preview and get back to your last window / buffer / cursor
- :refresh :r
- ;; manually refresh
- :jump [:<cr> :<tab>]
- ;; jump to the diagnostic or open / close folds
- :open_split [:<c-x>]
- ;; open buffer in new split
- :open_vsplit [:<c-v>]
- ;; open buffer in new vsplit
- :open_tab [:<c-t>]
- ;; open buffer in new tab
- :jump_close [:o]
- ;; jump to the diagnostic and close the list
- :toggle_mode :m
- ;; toggle between "workspace" and "document" diagnostics mode
- :toggle_preview :P
- ;; toggle auto_preview
- :hover :K
- ;; opens a small popup with the full multiline message
- :preview :p
- ;; preview the diagnostic location
- :close_folds [:zM :zm]
- ;; close all folds
- :open_folds [:zR :zr]
- ;; open all folds
- :toggle_fold [:zA :za]
- ;; toggle fold of current file
- :previous :k
- ;; previous item
- :next :j
- ;; next item
- }
- :indent_lines true
- ;; add an indent guide below the fold icons
- :auto_open false
- ;; automatically open the list when you have diagnostics
- :auto_close false
- ;; automatically close the list when you have no diagnostics
- :auto_preview true
- ;; automatically preview the location of the diagnostic. <esc> to close preview and go back to last window
- :auto_fold false
- ;; automatically fold a file trouble list at creation
- :auto_jump [:lsp_definitions]
- ;; for the given modes, automatically jump if there is only a single result
- :signs {;; icons / text used for a diagnostic
- :error ""
- :warning ""
- :hint ""
- :information ""
- :other "﫠"}
- :use_diagnostic_signs false
- ;; enabling this will use the signs defined in your lsp client
- })
+(local opts {:position :bottom
+ ;; position of the list can be: bottom, top, left, right
+ :height 10
+ ;; height of the trouble list when position is top or bottom
+ :width 50
+ ;; width of the list when position is left or right
+ :icons true
+ ;; use devicons for filenames
+ :mode :workspace_diagnostics
+ ;; "workspace_diagnostics", "document_diagnostics", "quickfix", "lsp_references", "loclist"
+ :fold_open ""
+ ;; icon used for open folds
+ :fold_closed ""
+ ;; icon used for closed folds
+ :group true
+ ;; group results by file
+ :padding true
+ ;; add an extra new line on top of the list
+ :action_keys {;; key mappings for actions in the trouble list
+ ;; map to {} to remove a mapping for example:
+ ;; close {}
+ :close :q
+ ;; close the list
+ :cancel :<esc>
+ ;; cancel the preview and get back to your last window / buffer / cursor
+ :refresh :r
+ ;; manually refresh
+ :jump [:<cr> :<tab>]
+ ;; jump to the diagnostic or open / close folds
+ :open_split [:<c-x>]
+ ;; open buffer in new split
+ :open_vsplit [:<c-v>]
+ ;; open buffer in new vsplit
+ :open_tab [:<c-t>]
+ ;; open buffer in new tab
+ :jump_close [:o]
+ ;; jump to the diagnostic and close the list
+ :toggle_mode :m
+ ;; toggle between "workspace" and "document" diagnostics mode
+ :toggle_preview :P
+ ;; toggle auto_preview
+ :hover :K
+ ;; opens a small popup with the full multiline message
+ :preview :p
+ ;; preview the diagnostic location
+ :close_folds [:zM :zm]
+ ;; close all folds
+ :open_folds [:zR :zr]
+ ;; open all folds
+ :toggle_fold [:zA :za]
+ ;; toggle fold of current file
+ :previous :k
+ ;; previous item
+ :next :j
+ ;; next item
+ }
+ :indent_lines true
+ ;; add an indent guide below the fold icons
+ :auto_open false
+ ;; automatically open the list when you have diagnostics
+ :auto_close false
+ ;; automatically close the list when you have no diagnostics
+ :auto_preview true
+ ;; automatically preview the location of the diagnostic. <esc> to close preview and go back to last window
+ :auto_fold false
+ ;; automatically fold a file trouble list at creation
+ :auto_jump [:lsp_definitions]
+ ;; for the given modes, automatically jump if there is only a single result
+ :signs {;; icons / text used for a diagnostic
+ :error ""
+ :warning ""
+ :hint ""
+ :information ""
+ :other "﫠"}
+ :use_diagnostic_signs false
+ ;; enabling this will use the signs defined in your lsp client
+ })
-(util.setup :trouble opts)
+{1 :folke/trouble.nvim :cmd :TroubleToggle :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/config/vim-slash.fnl b/fnl/config/vim-slash.fnl
index 726ed8f..6f50ae4 100644
--- a/fnl/config/vim-slash.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/vim-slash.fnl
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
;; Provides a set of mappings for enhancing in-buffer search experience.
-(module config.vim-slash)
-(vim.cmd "noremap <plug>(slash-after) zz")
+{1 :junegunn/vim-slash
+ :event :BufReadPost
+ :config (fn []
+ (vim.cmd "noremap <plug>(slash-after) zz"))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/which-key.fnl b/fnl/config/which-key.fnl
index 405fb1c..588869d 100644
--- a/fnl/config/which-key.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/which-key.fnl
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
;; Which-key provides a pop-up menu for some key mappings.
-(module config.which-key {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- setup {:plugins {:marks true
+(local opts {:plugins {:marks true
:registers true
:spelling {:enabled true :suggestions 20}
:presets {:operators false
@@ -25,147 +24,147 @@
:disable {:filetypes [:netrw]}
:triggers_blacklist {:i [:j :k] :v [:j :k]}})
-(def- mopts {:mode :n
- :prefix :m
- :buffer nil
- :silent true
- :noremap true
- :nowait true})
-(def- mmappings {:a [:<cmd>HarpoonAdd<cr> :Harpoon]
- :d [:<cmd>DiffviewFileHistory<cr> :DiffviewFileHistory]
- :f [(fn []
- (util.telescope-builtin :find_files
- {:theme :get_dropdown
- :previewer false}))
- "Find files"]
- :g ["<cmd>Telescope live_grep theme=dropdown<cr>" "Find text"]
- :n [:<cmd>Neogit<cr> :Neogit]
- :p [:<cmd>SaveSession<cr> "Save Session"]
- :q ["<cmd>Gitsigns diffthis HEAD<cr>" "Gitsigns diff"]
- :r [:<cmd>HarpoonUI<cr> "Harpoon UI"]
- :s [:<cmd>HarpoonPrev<cr> "Harpoon Prev"]
- :t [:<cmd>HarpoonNext<cr> "Harpoon Next"]
- :v ["<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<cr>" :Rename]
- :x ["<cmd>DiffviewOpen -uno<cr>" :DiffviewOpen]
- :z [:<cmd>DiffviewClose<cr> :DiffviewClose]})
-(def- nopts {:mode :n
- :prefix :<leader>
- :buffer nil
- :silent true
- :noremap true
- :nowait true})
-(def- find
- {:name :find
- :C ["<cmd>Telescope commands theme=dropdown<cr>" :Commands]
- :H ["<cmd>Telescope highlights<cr>" :Highlights]
- :R ["<cmd>Telescope registers theme=dropdown<cr>" :Registers]
- :S ["<cmd>Telescope grep_string theme=dropdown<cr>" "Find String"]
- :b ["<cmd>Telescope git_branches theme=dropdown<cr>" "Checkout branch"]
- :c ["<cmd>Telescope colorscheme theme=dropdown<cr>" :Colorscheme]
- :f [(fn []
- (util.telescope-builtin :find_files
- {:theme :get_dropdown :previewer false}))
- "Find files"]
- :h ["<cmd>Telescope help_tags theme=dropdown<cr>" :Help]
- :k ["<cmd>Telescope keymaps theme=dropdown<cr>" :Keymaps]
- :l ["<cmd>Telescope resume theme=dropdown<cr>" "Last Search"]
- :p ["<cmd>Telescope projects theme=dropdown<cr>" "Find project"]
- :r ["<cmd>Telescope oldfiles theme=dropdown<cr>" "Recent File"]
- :s [:<cmd>SearchSession<cr> "Find Session"]
- :t ["<cmd>Telescope live_grep theme=dropdown<cr>" "Find text"]})
-(def- diagnostics {:name :diagnostics
- :t [:<cmd>TroubleToggle<cr> :Trouble]
- :g ["<cmd>Telescope diagnostics theme=dropdown<cr>"
- "Telescope diagnostics"]})
-(def- git {:name :git
- :R ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.reset_buffer()<cr>" "Reset Buffer"]
- :b ["<cmd>Telescope git_branches theme=dropdown<cr>"
- "Checkout branch"]
- :c ["<cmd>Telescope git_commits theme=dropdown<cr>"
- "Checkout commit"]
- :d ["<cmd>Gitsigns diffthis HEAD<cr>" :Diff]
- :j ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.next_hunk()<cr>" "Next Hunk"]
- :k ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.prev_hunk()<cr>" "Prev Hunk"]
- :l ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.blame_line()<cr>" :Blame]
- :o ["<cmd>Telescope git_status theme=dropdown<cr>"
- "Open changed file"]
- :p ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.preview_hunk()<cr>" "Preview Hunk"]
- :r ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.reset_hunk()<cr>" "Reset Hunk"]
- :s ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.stage_hunk()<cr>" "Stage Hunk"]
- :u ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.undo_stage_hunk()<cr>"
- "Undo Stage Hunk"]})
-(def- lsp
- {:name :lsp
- :S ["<cmd>Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols<cr>"
- "Workspace Symbols"]
- :a ["<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<cr>" "Code Action"]
- :f ["<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.format { async = true }<cr>" :Format]
- :i [:<cmd>LspInfo<cr> :Info]
- :l ["<cmd>lua<cr>" "CodeLens Action"]
- :r ["<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<cr>" :Rename]
- :s ["<cmd>Telescope lsp_document_symbols<cr>" "Document Symbols"]})
-(def- replace {:name :replace
- :m [:<cmd>ReplaceInBuf<cr> "Replace in Buffer"]
- :n [:<cmd>Replace<cr> :Replace]
- :e [:<cmd>ReplaceWord<cr> "Replace Word"]})
-(def- session {:name :session
- :m [:<cmd>RestoreSession<cr> "Restore session"]
- :n [:<cmd>RestoreLastSession<cr> "Restore last session"]
- :e [:<cmd>IgnoreSession<cr> "Ignore current session"]})
-(def- treesitter
- {:name :Treesitter :p [:<cmd>TSPlaygroundToggle<cr> :Playground]})
-(def- nmappings {:a ["<cmd>Telescope lsp_document_symbols theme=dropdown<cr>"
- "Document Symbols"]
- :T treesitter
- :<BS> [:<cmd>BufDel<CR> "Close Buffer"]
- :j diagnostics
- :f find
- :g git
- :h [:<cmd>ColorizerToggle<cr> :Colorizer]
- :l lsp
- :m [:<cmd>Mason<cr> :Mason]
- :n [:<cmd>SymbolsOutline<cr> "Symbols outline"]
- :r replace
- :s session
- :t [:<cmd>ToggleTerm<cr> :Terminal]
- :u [:<cmd>UndotreeToggle<cr> :Undotree]
- :y ["<cmd>Lazy home<cr>" :Home]
- :z [:<cmd>ZenMode<cr> "Zen Mode"]})
-(def- vopts {:mode :v
- :prefix :<leader>
- :buffer nil
- :silent true
- :noremap true
- :nowait true})
-(def- vmappings {:n [:<esc><cmd>CommentVisual<cr> :Comment]})
-(def- gopts {:mode :n
- :prefix :g
- :buffer nil
- :silent true
- :noremap true
- :nowait true})
-(def- gmappings {:a [:<cmd>OrgAgendaPrompt<cr> "Open agenda prompt"]
- :c [:<cmd>OrgCapturePrompt<cr> "Open capture prompt"]
- :m ["<cmd>Telescope orgmode search_headings theme=dropdown<cr>"
- "Search headings"]})
-(let [which-key (util.prequire :which-key)]
- (which-key.setup setup)
- (which-key.register mmappings mopts)
- (which-key.register nmappings nopts)
- (which-key.register vmappings vopts)
- (which-key.register gmappings gopts))
+(local mopts {:mode :n
+ :prefix :m
+ :buffer nil
+ :silent true
+ :noremap true
+ :nowait true})
+(local mmappings {:a [:<cmd>HarpoonAdd<cr> :Harpoon]
+ :d [:<cmd>DiffviewFileHistory<cr> :DiffviewFileHistory]
+ :f [:<cmd>FindFiles<cr> "Find files"]
+ :g ["<cmd>Telescope live_grep theme=dropdown<cr>"
+ "Find text"]
+ :n [:<cmd>Neogit<cr> :Neogit]
+ :p [:<cmd>SaveSession<cr> "Save Session"]
+ :q ["<cmd>Gitsigns diffthis HEAD<cr>" "Gitsigns diff"]
+ :r [:<cmd>HarpoonUI<cr> "Harpoon UI"]
+ :s [:<cmd>HarpoonPrev<cr> "Harpoon Prev"]
+ :t [:<cmd>HarpoonNext<cr> "Harpoon Next"]
+ :v ["<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<cr>" :Rename]
+ :x ["<cmd>DiffviewOpen -uno<cr>" :DiffviewOpen]
+ :z [:<cmd>DiffviewClose<cr> :DiffviewClose]})
+(local nopts {:mode :n
+ :prefix :<leader>
+ :buffer nil
+ :silent true
+ :noremap true
+ :nowait true})
+(local find
+ {:name :find
+ :C ["<cmd>Telescope commands theme=dropdown<cr>" :Commands]
+ :H ["<cmd>Telescope highlights<cr>" :Highlights]
+ :R ["<cmd>Telescope registers theme=dropdown<cr>" :Registers]
+ :S ["<cmd>Telescope grep_string theme=dropdown<cr>" "Find String"]
+ :b ["<cmd>Telescope git_branches theme=dropdown<cr>" "Checkout branch"]
+ :c ["<cmd>Telescope colorscheme theme=dropdown<cr>" :Colorscheme]
+ :f [:<cmd>FindFiles<cr> "Find files"]
+ :h ["<cmd>Telescope help_tags theme=dropdown<cr>" :Help]
+ :k ["<cmd>Telescope keymaps theme=dropdown<cr>" :Keymaps]
+ :l ["<cmd>Telescope resume theme=dropdown<cr>" "Last Search"]
+ :p ["<cmd>Telescope projects theme=dropdown<cr>" "Find project"]
+ :r ["<cmd>Telescope oldfiles theme=dropdown<cr>" "Recent File"]
+ :s [:<cmd>SearchSession<cr> "Find Session"]
+ :t ["<cmd>Telescope live_grep theme=dropdown<cr>" "Find text"]})
+(local diagnostics {:name :diagnostics
+ :t [:<cmd>TroubleToggle<cr> :Trouble]
+ :g ["<cmd>Telescope diagnostics theme=dropdown<cr>"
+ "Telescope diagnostics"]})
+(local git {:name :git
+ :R ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.reset_buffer()<cr>"
+ "Reset Buffer"]
+ :b ["<cmd>Telescope git_branches theme=dropdown<cr>"
+ "Checkout branch"]
+ :c ["<cmd>Telescope git_commits theme=dropdown<cr>"
+ "Checkout commit"]
+ :d ["<cmd>Gitsigns diffthis HEAD<cr>" :Diff]
+ :j ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.next_hunk()<cr>" "Next Hunk"]
+ :k ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.prev_hunk()<cr>" "Prev Hunk"]
+ :l ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.blame_line()<cr>" :Blame]
+ :o ["<cmd>Telescope git_status theme=dropdown<cr>"
+ "Open changed file"]
+ :p ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.preview_hunk()<cr>"
+ "Preview Hunk"]
+ :r ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.reset_hunk()<cr>" "Reset Hunk"]
+ :s ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.stage_hunk()<cr>" "Stage Hunk"]
+ :u ["<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.undo_stage_hunk()<cr>"
+ "Undo Stage Hunk"]})
+(local lsp
+ {:name :lsp
+ :S ["<cmd>Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols<cr>"
+ "Workspace Symbols"]
+ :a ["<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<cr>" "Code Action"]
+ :f ["<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.format { async = true }<cr>" :Format]
+ :i [:<cmd>LspInfo<cr> :Info]
+ :l ["<cmd>lua<cr>" "CodeLens Action"]
+ :r ["<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<cr>" :Rename]
+ :s ["<cmd>Telescope lsp_document_symbols<cr>" "Document Symbols"]})
+(local replace {:name :replace
+ :m [:<cmd>ReplaceInBuf<cr> "Replace in Buffer"]
+ :n [:<cmd>Replace<cr> :Replace]
+ :e [:<cmd>ReplaceWord<cr> "Replace Word"]})
+(local session
+ {:name :session
+ :m [:<cmd>RestoreSession<cr> "Restore session"]
+ :n [:<cmd>RestoreLastSession<cr> "Restore last session"]
+ :e [:<cmd>IgnoreSession<cr> "Ignore current session"]})
+(local treesitter
+ {:name :Treesitter :p [:<cmd>TSPlaygroundToggle<cr> :Playground]})
+(local nmappings {:a ["<cmd>Telescope lsp_document_symbols theme=dropdown<cr>"
+ "Document Symbols"]
+ :T treesitter
+ :<BS> [:<cmd>BufDel<CR> "Close Buffer"]
+ :j diagnostics
+ :f find
+ :g git
+ :h [:<cmd>ColorizerToggle<cr> :Colorizer]
+ :l lsp
+ :m [:<cmd>Mason<cr> :Mason]
+ :n [:<cmd>SymbolsOutline<cr> "Symbols outline"]
+ :r replace
+ :s session
+ :t [:<cmd>ToggleTerm<cr> :Terminal]
+ :u [:<cmd>UndotreeToggle<cr> :Undotree]
+ :y ["<cmd>Lazy home<cr>" :Home]
+ :z [:<cmd>ZenMode<cr> "Zen Mode"]})
+(local vopts {:mode :v
+ :prefix :<leader>
+ :buffer nil
+ :silent true
+ :noremap true
+ :nowait true})
+(local vmappings {:n [:<esc><cmd>CommentVisual<cr> :Comment]})
+(local gopts {:mode :n
+ :prefix :g
+ :buffer nil
+ :silent true
+ :noremap true
+ :nowait true})
+(local gmappings {:a [:<cmd>OrgAgendaPrompt<cr> "Open agenda prompt"]
+ :c [:<cmd>OrgCapturePrompt<cr> "Open capture prompt"]
+ :m ["<cmd>Telescope orgmode search_headings theme=dropdown<cr>"
+ "Search headings"]})
+(fn setup []
+ (let [which-key (require :which-key)]
+ (which-key.setup opts)
+ (which-key.register mmappings mopts)
+ (which-key.register nmappings nopts)
+ (which-key.register vmappings vopts)
+ (which-key.register gmappings gopts)))
+{1 :folke/which-key.nvim :event :VeryLazy :config (fn [] (setup))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/window-picker.fnl b/fnl/config/window-picker.fnl
index c055fb9..d03d9e9 100644
--- a/fnl/config/window-picker.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/window-picker.fnl
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
;; Trim whitespaces on save.
-(module config.window-picker {autoload {util config.util nvim aniseed.nvim}})
-(def- opts {:other_win_hl_color "#171717"
- :fg_color "#E1E1E1"
- :selection_chars :MNEIOARSTG})
+(local opts {:other_win_hl_color "#171717"
+ :fg_color "#E1E1E1"
+ :selection_chars :MNEIOARSTG})
-(util.setup :window-picker opts)
+(fn pick-window []
+ (let [window-picker (require :window-picker)]
+ (let [win (window-picker.pick_window)]
+ (if (not= win nil)
+ (nvim.set_current_win win)))))
-(defn- pick-window []
- (let [window-picker (require :window-picker)]
- (let [win (window-picker.pick_window)]
- (if (not= win nil)
- (nvim.set_current_win win)))))
-(vim.keymap.set :n :<C-s> (fn []
- (pick-window)) {})
+{1 :s1n7ax/nvim-window-picker
+ :event :BufReadPost
+ :config (fn []
+ (let [window-picker (require :window-picker)]
+ (window-picker.setup opts)
+ (vim.keymap.set :n :<C-s>
+ (fn []
+ (pick-window)) {})))}
diff --git a/fnl/config/zen.fnl b/fnl/config/zen.fnl
index 1ba643d..1a0c94e 100644
--- a/fnl/config/zen.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/zen.fnl
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
;; Zen mode.
-(module config.zen {autoload {util config.util}})
-(def- opts {:window {:backdrop 1
+(local opts {:window {:backdrop 1
:height 1
:width 120
:options {:signcolumn :no
@@ -11,4 +10,4 @@
:tmux {:enabled true}
:twilight {:enabled true}}})
-(util.setup :zen-mode opts)
+{1 :folke/zen-mode.nvim :cmd :ZenMode :config opts}
diff --git a/fnl/plugins.fnl b/fnl/plugins.fnl
index 5d3453f..b315066 100644
--- a/fnl/plugins.fnl
+++ b/fnl/plugins.fnl
@@ -1,182 +1,47 @@
;; List of plugins.
-[;; Color related plugins
- {1 :aktersnurra/no-clown-fiesta.nvim
- :lazy false
- :priority 1000
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.colorscheme))}
- {1 :norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua
- :cmd :ColorizerToggle
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.colorizer))}
- {1 :nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter
- :build ":TSUpdate"
- :event :BufReadPre
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.treesitter))}
- ;; Completions
- {1 :hrsh7th/nvim-cmp
- :dependencies [{1 :hrsh7th/cmp-buffer}
- {1 :onsails/lspkind-nvim}
- {1 :hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp}
- {1 :hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline}
- {1 :L3MON4D3/LuaSnip}
- {1 :hrsh7th/cmp-path}
- {1 :saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip}
- {1 :f3fora/cmp-spell}]
- :event :InsertEnter
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.cmp))}
- {1 :rafamadriz/friendly-snippets :event :InsertEnter}
- ;; Core plugins
+[(require :config.alpha)
+ (require :config.autopairs)
+ (require :config.better-escape)
+ (require :config.bqf)
+ (require :config.cmp)
+ (require :config.colorscheme)
+ (require :config.comment)
+ (require :config.flit)
+ (require :config.gitsigns)
+ (require :config.harpoon)
+ (require :config.leap)
+ (require :config.lir)
+ (require :config.lualine)
+ (require :config.minibar)
+ (require :config.orgmode)
+ (require :config.persistence)
+ (require :config.project)
+ (require :config.spectre)
+ (require :config.telescope)
+ (require :config.toggleterm)
+ (require :config.treesitter)
+ (require :config.trim)
+ (require :config.trouble)
+ (require :config.vim-slash)
+ (require :config.which-key)
+ (require :config.window-picker)
+ (require :config.zen)
+ (require :config.lsp.mason)
+ (require :config.lsp.lspconfig)
+ (require :config.lsp.null-ls)
{1 :Olical/aniseed}
- ;; Git plugins
+ {1 :nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim :build :make}
+ {1 :ojroques/nvim-bufdel :cmd :BufDel}
+ {1 :mbbill/undotree :cmd :UndotreeToggle}
+ {1 :simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim :cmd :SymbolsOutline :config true}
+ {1 :gbprod/stay-in-place.nvim :event :BufReadPost :config true}
+ {1 :kylechui/nvim-surround :event :InsertEnter :config true}
+ {1 :norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua :cmd :ColorizerToggle :config true}
{1 :sindrets/diffview.nvim
:cmd [:DiffviewFileHistory :DiffviewOpen]
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.diffview))}
+ :config true}
{1 :TimUntersberger/neogit
:cmd :Neogit
:dependencies [:nvim-lua/plenary.nvim]
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.neogit))}
- {1 :lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.gitsigns))}
- ;; LSP
- {1 :williamboman/mason.nvim
- :cmd :Mason
- :keys [{1 :<leader>m 2 :<cmd>Mason<cr> :desc :Mason}]
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.lsp.mason))}
- {1 :jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim
- :dependencies [:mason.nvim :jayp0521/mason-null-ls.nvim]
- :event :BufReadPre
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.lsp.null-ls))}
- {1 :neovim/nvim-lspconfig
- :event :BufReadPre
- :dependencies [:mason.nvim
- :williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim
- :b0o/SchemaStore.nvim
- :hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp]
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.lsp.diagnostics)
- (require :config.lsp.lspconfig))}
- {1 :folke/trouble.nvim
- :cmd :TroubleToggle
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.trouble))}
- ;; Misc plugins
- {1 :nvim-orgmode/orgmode
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.orgmode))}
- {1 :ojroques/nvim-bufdel :cmd :BufDel}
- {1 :akinsho/toggleterm.nvim
- :cmd :ToggleTerm
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.toggleterm))}
- ;; Search plugins
- {1 :nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim :build :make}
- {1 :nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim
- :cmd :Telescope
- :dependencies [:nvim-lua/popup.nvim
- :nvim-telescope/telescope-frecency.nvim
- :tami5/sqlite.lua
- :ahmedkhalf/project.nvim
- :nvim-lua/plenary.nvim
- :nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim
- :nvim-telescope/telescope-frecency.nvim
- :joaomsa/telescope-orgmode.nvim]
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.project)
- (require :config.telescope))}
- {1 :tamago324/lir.nvim
- :keys "-"
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.lir))
- :dependencies [:kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons]}
- {1 :ggandor/leap.nvim
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.leap))}
- {1 :ggandor/flit.nvim
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.flit))}
- {1 :windwp/nvim-spectre
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.spectre))}
- {1 :junegunn/vim-slash
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.vim-slash))}
- {1 :ThePrimeagen/harpoon
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.harpoon))}
- ;; Session plugins
- {1 :folke/persistence.nvim
- :event :VeryLazy
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.persistence))}
- ;; Text manipulation
- {1 :numToStr/Comment.nvim
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.comment))}
- {1 :kylechui/nvim-surround
- :event :InsertEnter
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.surround))}
- {1 :gbprod/stay-in-place.nvim
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.stay-in-place))}
- {1 :cappyzawa/trim.nvim
- :event :BufFilePre
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.trim))}
- {1 :max397574/better-escape.nvim
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.better-escape))}
- {1 :windwp/nvim-autopairs
- :event :InsertEnter
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.autopairs))}
- {1 :mbbill/undotree :cmd :UndotreeToggle}
- {1 :nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim
- :event :VeryLazy
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.lualine))
- :dependencies [:kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons :arkav/lualine-lsp-progress]}
- {1 :aktersnurra/minibar.nvim
- :event :BufReadPre
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.minibar))}
- {1 :folke/zen-mode.nvim
- :cmd :ZenMode
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.zen))}
- {1 :kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.bqf))}
- {1 :s1n7ax/nvim-window-picker
- :event :BufReadPost
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.window-picker))}
- {1 :goolord/alpha-nvim
- :event :VimEnter
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.alpha))}
- {1 :simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim :cmd :SymbolsOutline :config true}
- {1 :folke/which-key.nvim
- :event :VeryLazy
- :config (fn []
- (require :config.which-key))}]
+ :config true}]
diff --git a/lazy-lock.json b/lazy-lock.json
index e405f5a..b06649a 100644
--- a/lazy-lock.json
+++ b/lazy-lock.json
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"friendly-snippets": { "branch": "main", "commit": "484fb38b8f493ceeebf4e6fc499ebe41e10aae25" },
"gitsigns.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "d4f8c01280413919349f5df7daccd0c172143d7c" },
"harpoon": { "branch": "master", "commit": "21d0d1bfa3000e4384740bfaefa0ebc51c773786" },
- "lazy.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "8798ccc95031225e3b2241bd8b2d26c2452b06c4" },
+ "lazy.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "8a3754717162cd453abd8da87a6020beaba17994" },
"leap.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "a968ab4250840dc879e805f918b4f3b892310a12" },
"lir.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "84af01547e51e15fc97e878330414385eeb825e8" },
"lspkind-nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "c68b3a003483cf382428a43035079f78474cd11e" },
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"neogit": { "branch": "master", "commit": "84cf7efba6e4daed11a1185ea09fa553a3ca3d4f" },
"no-clown-fiesta.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "8d4f03c8211a7b5528cd9fa8212d8f1e7baea485" },
"null-ls.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "915558963709ea17c5aa246ca1c9786bfee6ddb4" },
- "nvim-autopairs": { "branch": "master", "commit": "03580d758231956d33c8dd91e2be195106a79fa4" },
+ "nvim-autopairs": { "branch": "master", "commit": "f00eb3b766c370cb34fdabc29c760338ba9e4c6c" },
"nvim-bqf": { "branch": "main", "commit": "c059d724434f2e320fd59c398084e33dd2e6706b" },
"nvim-bufdel": { "branch": "main", "commit": "a60b3531e5bd56f8602acb4ba7f5b2eeb782d54b" },
"nvim-cmp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "11a95792a5be0f5a40bab5fc5b670e5b1399a939" },
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"nvim-lspconfig": { "branch": "master", "commit": "41dc4e017395d73af0333705447e858b7db1f75e" },
"nvim-spectre": { "branch": "master", "commit": "68ea562b485b6593e325e7916c3bd6e833d433e7" },
"nvim-surround": { "branch": "main", "commit": "ad56e6234bf42fb7f7e4dccc7752e25abd5ec80e" },
- "nvim-treesitter": { "branch": "master", "commit": "5b8a152c6c9de4004725c20b891658e698430c70" },
+ "nvim-treesitter": { "branch": "master", "commit": "3e316204f8ec8450bbaace69d0bf8fe332633fec" },
"nvim-web-devicons": { "branch": "master", "commit": "7f55bc36eddec87597167a97de5b690997edaf7d" },
"nvim-window-picker": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5902827d0e338890a22849e2f18dc80d1cc1a8db" },
"orgmode": { "branch": "master", "commit": "dadf56334d2be7d9e8ad1e22c697a6e75f0164b7" },
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
"trouble.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "83ec606e7065adf134d17f4af6bae510e3c491c1" },
"undotree": { "branch": "master", "commit": "1a23ea84bd02c34f50d8e10a8b4bfc89597ffe4e" },
"vim-slash": { "branch": "master", "commit": "31aee09b7ea8893a18fa34f65e63e364fc998444" },
+ "vim-startuptime": { "branch": "master", "commit": "cb4c112b9e0f224236ee4eab6bf5153406b3f88b" },
"which-key.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "802219ba26409f325a5575e3b684b6cb054e2cc5" },
"zen-mode.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "4313a5828e4d48c5f2f135f29d46f769a59dcfdc" }
} \ No newline at end of file