path: root/fnl/config/lsp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fnl/config/lsp')
7 files changed, 14 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/fnl/config/lsp/handlers.fnl b/fnl/config/lsp/handlers.fnl
index c892a22..c9b7825 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lsp/handlers.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lsp/handlers.fnl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;; Handlers for the requests and responses from and to the lsp server.
-(module config.lsp.handlers {autoload {: util nvim aniseed.nvim}})
+(module config.lsp.handlers {autoload {util config.util nvim aniseed.nvim}})
(def- signs [{:name :DiagnosticSignError :text ""}
{:name :DiagnosticSignWarn :text ""}
@@ -55,5 +55,5 @@
(let [capabilities (vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities)]
(set capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport
- (let [cmp-nvim-lsp (util.load-plugin :cmp_nvim_lsp)]
- (cmp-nvim-lsp.update_capabilities capabilities))))
+ (let [cmp-nvim-lsp (util.prequire :cmp_nvim_lsp)]
+ (cmp-nvim-lsp.default_capabilities capabilities))))
diff --git a/fnl/config/lsp/init.fnl b/fnl/config/lsp/init.fnl
deleted file mode 100644
index 378473e..0000000
--- a/fnl/config/lsp/init.fnl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-;; Loads the LSP functionality.
-(module config.lsp.init {autoload {: util}})
-(require :config.lsp.mason)
-(require :config.lsp.mason-lspconfig)
-(let [handlers (require :config.lsp.handlers)]
- (handlers.setup))
-(require :config.lsp.null-ls)
-(require :config.lsp.mason-null-ls)
diff --git a/fnl/config/lsp/mason-lspconfig.fnl b/fnl/config/lsp/mason-lspconfig.fnl
index a2bd714..130fc17 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lsp/mason-lspconfig.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lsp/mason-lspconfig.fnl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;; TBD
-(module config.lsp.mason-lspconfig {autoload {: util}})
+(module config.lsp.mason-lspconfig {autoload {util config.util}})
(def- servers [:bashls
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
(def- opts {:ensure_installed servers :automatic_installation true})
-(util.use-config :mason-lspconfig opts)
+(util.setup :mason-lspconfig opts)
-(let [lspconfig (util.load-plugin :lspconfig)]
+(let [lspconfig (util.prequire :lspconfig)]
(each [_ server (ipairs servers)]
(let [server-config (. lspconfig server)]
(server-config.setup (get-server-opts server)))))
diff --git a/fnl/config/lsp/mason-null-ls.fnl b/fnl/config/lsp/mason-null-ls.fnl
index 42b3715..33cf93f 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lsp/mason-null-ls.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lsp/mason-null-ls.fnl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;; Ensure that tools needed for null-ls are installed.
-(module config.mason-null-ls {autoload {: util}})
+(module config.mason-null-ls {autoload {util config.util}})
(def- opts {:ensure_installed [:flake8
@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@
:auto_update true
:automatic_installation true})
-(util.use-config :mason-null-ls opts)
+(util.setup :mason-null-ls opts)
diff --git a/fnl/config/lsp/mason.fnl b/fnl/config/lsp/mason.fnl
index 66963cb..adc60a4 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lsp/mason.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lsp/mason.fnl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
;; Mason manages external tooling, e.g. lsp, formatters, and linters.
-(module config.lsp.mason {autoload {: util}})
+(module config.lsp.mason {autoload {util config.util}})
(def- opts {:ui {:icons {:package_installed "✓"
:package_pending "➜"
:package_uninstalled "✗"}}
:max_concurrent_installers 10})
-(util.use-config :mason opts)
+(util.setup :mason opts)
diff --git a/fnl/config/lsp/null-ls.fnl b/fnl/config/lsp/null-ls.fnl
index 9ad1fed..7ebd25e 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lsp/null-ls.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lsp/null-ls.fnl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;; Adds LSP diagnostics and formatting.
-(module config.lsp.null-ls {autoload {: util}})
+(module config.lsp.null-ls {autoload {util config.util}})
-(let [null-ls (util.load-plugin :null-ls)]
+(let [null-ls (util.prequire :null-ls)]
(let [formatting null-ls.builtins.formatting
diagnostics null-ls.builtins.diagnostics]
(null-ls.setup {:debug false
diff --git a/fnl/config/lsp/settings/jsonls.fnl b/fnl/config/lsp/settings/jsonls.fnl
index a2cb78c..55c6115 100644
--- a/fnl/config/lsp/settings/jsonls.fnl
+++ b/fnl/config/lsp/settings/jsonls.fnl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;; Json schema store catalog language server.
-(module config.lsp.settings.jsonls {autoload {: util}})
+(module config.lsp.settings.jsonls {autoload {util config.util}})
-(let [schemastore (util.load-plugin :schemastore)]
+(let [schemastore (util.prequire :schemastore)]
{:init_options {:providerFormatter false}
:settings {:json {:schemas (schemastore.json.schemas)}}
:setup {:commands {:Format [(fn []