path: root/fnl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fnl')
3 files changed, 20 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/fnl/plugins/editor/gitsigns.fnl b/fnl/plugins/editor/gitsigns.fnl
index 0634138..1dc74c7 100644
--- a/fnl/plugins/editor/gitsigns.fnl
+++ b/fnl/plugins/editor/gitsigns.fnl
@@ -53,40 +53,26 @@
(local icons (require :plugins.icons))
-(local signs {:add {:hl :GitSignsAdd
- :text (. icons :git-add)
- :numhl :GitSignsAddNr
- :linehl :GitSignsAddLn}
- :change {:hl :GitSignsChange
- :text (. icons :git-add)
- :numhl :GitSignsChangeNr
- :linehl :GitSignsChangeLn}
- :delete {:hl :GitSignsDelete
- :text (. icons :git-delete)
- :numhl :GitSignsDeleteNr
- :linehl :GitSignsDeleteLn}
- :topdelete {:hl :GitSignsDelete
- :text (. icons :git-top-delete)
- :numhl :GitSignsDeleteNr
- :linehl :GitSignsDeleteLn}
- :changedelete {:hl :GitSignsChange
- :text (. icons :git-change-delete)
- :numhl :GitSignsChangeNr
- :linehl :GitSignsChangeLn}})
+(local signs {:add {:text (. icons :git-add)}
+ :change {:text (. icons :git-add)}
+ :delete {:text (. icons :git-delete)}
+ :topdelete {:text (. icons :git-top-delete)}
+ :changedelete {:text (. icons :git-change-delete)}
+ :untracked {:text (. icons :git-untracked)}})
(local opts {: signs
:signcolumn true
:numhl false
:linehl false
:word_diff false
- :watch_gitdir {:interval 1000 :follow_files true}
+ :watch_gitdir {:follow_files true}
:attach_to_untracked true
:current_line_blame false
:current_line_blame_opts {:virt_text true
:virt_text_pos :eol
:delay 1000
:ignore_whitespace false}
- :current_line_blame_formatter_opts {:relative_time false}
+ :current_line_blame_formatter "<author>, <author_time:%Y-%m-%d> - <summary>"
:sign_priority 6
:update_debounce 100
:status_formatter nil
@@ -96,8 +82,10 @@
:relative :cursor
:row 0
:col 1}
- :yadm {:enable false}
- :on_attach (fn [bufnr]
- (on-attach bufnr))})
+ :yadm {:enable false}})
-{1 :lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim :event [:BufReadPost :BufNewFile] : opts}
+{1 :lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim
+ :event [:BufReadPost :BufNewFile]
+ : opts
+ :on_attach (fn [bufnr]
+ (on-attach bufnr))}
diff --git a/fnl/plugins/editor/trouble.fnl b/fnl/plugins/editor/trouble.fnl
index 839bba4..f0996fd 100644
--- a/fnl/plugins/editor/trouble.fnl
+++ b/fnl/plugins/editor/trouble.fnl
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
;; Pretty diagnostics.
-(local icons (require :plugins.icons))
(local opts {:position :bottom
- ;; position of the list can be: bottom, top, left, right
+ ; position of the list can be: bottom, top, left, right
:height 10
;; height of the trouble list when position is top or bottom
:width 50
@@ -70,19 +68,11 @@
;; automatically fold a file trouble list at creation
:auto_jump [:lsp_definitions]
;; for the given modes, automatically jump if there is only a single result
- :signs {;; icons / text used for a diagnostic
- :error (. icons :error)
- :warning (. icons :warn)
- :hint (. icons :hint)
- :information (. icons :info)
- :other (. icons :other)}
- :use_diagnostic_signs false
- ;; enabling this will use the signs defined in your lsp client
- })
+ :use_diagnostic_signs true})
{1 :folke/trouble.nvim
- ; :cmd [:Trouble :TroubleToggle]
+ :cmd [:TroubleToggle :Trouble]
+ : opts
:keys [{1 :<leader>jt
2 "<cmd>TroubleToggle workspace_diagnostics<cr>"
- :desc :Trouble}]
- : opts}
+ :desc :Trouble}]}
diff --git a/fnl/plugins/icons.fnl b/fnl/plugins/icons.fnl
index 870aa3d..329cceb 100644
--- a/fnl/plugins/icons.fnl
+++ b/fnl/plugins/icons.fnl
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
:git-delete "_"
:git-top-delete "‾"
:git-change-delete "~"
+ :git-untracked "┆"
:telescope ""
:caret ">"
:cmd ""