path: root/text_recognizer/data/
diff options
authorGustaf Rydholm <>2021-03-28 22:02:24 +0200
committerGustaf Rydholm <>2021-03-28 22:02:24 +0200
commit46a1472d33d3a4180798492e819f2ec02bc3b1a3 (patch)
tree22322ed0d8f9f803966ea745ec5bb8c759f8db64 /text_recognizer/data/
parent8248f173132dfb7e47ec62b08e9235990c8626e3 (diff)
Add refactor of iam lines
Diffstat (limited to 'text_recognizer/data/')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/text_recognizer/data/ b/text_recognizer/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..391075a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text_recognizer/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+"""Class for IAM Lines dataset.
+If not created, will generate a handwritten lines dataset from the IAM paragraphs
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+import random
+from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple
+from loguru import logger
+from PIL import Image, ImageFile, ImageOps
+import numpy as np
+from torch import Tensor
+from torchvision import transforms
+from torchvision.transforms.functional import InterpolationMode
+from import (
+ BaseDataset,
+ convert_strings_to_labels,
+ split_dataset,
+from import BaseDataModule, load_and_print_info
+from import emnist_mapping
+from import IAM
+from import image_utils
+SEED = 4711
+PROCESSED_DATA_DIRNAME = BaseDataModule.data_dirname() / "processed" / "iam_lines"
+class IAMLines(BaseDataModule):
+ """IAM handwritten lines dataset."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ augment: bool = True,
+ fraction: float = 0.8,
+ batch_size: int = 128,
+ num_workers: int = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ # TODO: add transforms
+ super().__init__(batch_size, num_workers)
+ self.augment = augment
+ self.fraction = fraction
+ self.mapping, self.inverse_mapping, _ = emnist_mapping()
+ self.dims = (1, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH)
+ self.output_dims = (89, 1)
+ self.data_train: BaseDataset = None
+ self.data_val: BaseDataset = None
+ self.data_test: BaseDataset = None
+ def prepare_data(self) -> None:
+ """Creates the IAM lines dataset if not existing."""
+ return
+"Cropping IAM lines regions...")
+ iam = IAM()
+ iam.prepare_data()
+ crops_train, labels_train = line_crops_and_labels(iam, "train")
+ crops_test, labels_test = line_crops_and_labels(iam, "test")
+ shapes = np.array([crop.size for crop in crops_train + crops_test])
+ aspect_ratios = shapes[:, 0] / shapes[:, 1]
+"Saving images, labels, and statistics...")
+ save_images_and_labels(
+ crops_train, labels_train, "train", PROCESSED_DATA_DIRNAME
+ )
+ save_images_and_labels(crops_test, labels_test, "test", PROCESSED_DATA_DIRNAME)
+ with (PROCESSED_DATA_DIRNAME / "_max_aspect_ratio.txt").open(mode="w") as f:
+ f.write(str(aspect_ratios.max()))
+ def setup(self, stage: str = None) -> None:
+ """Load data for training/testing."""
+ with (PROCESSED_DATA_DIRNAME / "_max_aspect_ratio.txt").open(mode="r") as f:
+ max_aspect_ratio = float(
+ image_width = int(IMAGE_HEIGHT * max_aspect_ratio)
+ if image_width >= IMAGE_WIDTH:
+ raise ValueError("image_width equal or greater than IMAGE_WIDTH")
+ if stage == "fit" or stage is None:
+ x_train, labels_train = load_line_crops_and_labels(
+ )
+ if self.output_dims[0] < max([len(l) for l in labels_train]) + 2:
+ raise ValueError("Target length longer than max output length.")
+ y_train = convert_strings_to_labels(
+ labels_train, self.inverse_mapping, length=self.output_dims[0]
+ )
+ data_train = BaseDataset(
+ x_train, y_train, transform=get_transform(IMAGE_WIDTH, self.augment)
+ )
+ self.data_train, self.data_val = split_dataset(
+ dataset=data_train, fraction=self.fraction, seed=SEED
+ )
+ if stage == "test" or stage is None:
+ x_test, labels_test = load_line_crops_and_labels(
+ )
+ if self.output_dims[0] < max([len(l) for l in labels_test]) + 2:
+ raise ValueError("Taget length longer than max output length.")
+ y_test = convert_strings_to_labels(
+ labels_test, self.inverse_mapping, length=self.output_dims[0]
+ )
+ self.data_test = BaseDataset(
+ x_test, y_test, transform=get_transform(IMAGE_WIDTH)
+ )
+ if stage is None:
+ self._verify_output_dims(labels_train, labels_test)
+ def _verify_output_dims(self, labels_train: Tensor, labels_test: Tensor) -> None:
+ max_label_length = max([len(label) for label in labels_train + labels_test]) + 2
+ output_dims = (max_label_length, 1)
+ if output_dims != self.output_dims:
+ raise ValueError("Output dim does not match expected output dims.")
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ """Return information about the dataset."""
+ basic = (
+ "IAM Lines dataset\n"
+ f"Num classes: {len(self.mapping)}\n"
+ f"Input dims: {self.dims}\n"
+ f"Output dims: {self.output_dims}\n"
+ )
+ if not any([self.data_train, self.data_val, self.data_test]):
+ return basic
+ x, y = next(iter(self.train_dataloader()))
+ xt, yt = next(iter(self.test_dataloader()))
+ data = (
+ "Train/val/test sizes: "
+ f"{len(self.data_train)}, "
+ f"{len(self.data_val)}, "
+ f"{len(self.data_test)}\n"
+ f"Train Batch x stats: {(x.shape, x.dtype, x.min(), x.mean(), x.std(), x.max())}\n"
+ f"Train Batch y stats: {(y.shape, y.dtype, y.min(), y.max())}\n"
+ f"Test Batch x stats: {(xt.shape, xt.dtype, xt.min(), xt.mean(), xt.std(), xt.max())}\n"
+ f"Test Batch y stats: {(yt.shape, yt.dtype, yt.min(), yt.max())}\n"
+ )
+ return basic + data
+def line_crops_and_labels(iam: IAM, split: str) -> Tuple[List, List]:
+ """Load IAM line labels and regions, and load image crops."""
+ crops = []
+ labels = []
+ for filename in iam.form_filenames:
+ if not iam.split_by_id[filename.stem] == split:
+ continue
+ image = image_utils.read_image_pil(filename)
+ image = ImageOps.grayscale(image)
+ image = ImageOps.invert(image)
+ labels += iam.line_strings_by_id[filename.stem]
+ crops += [
+ image.crop([region[box] for box in ["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"]])
+ for region in iam.line_regions_by_id[filename.stem]
+ ]
+ if len(crops) != len(labels):
+ raise ValueError("Length of crops does not match length of labels")
+ return crops, labels
+def save_images_and_labels(
+ crops: Sequence[Image.Image], labels: Sequence[str], split: str, data_dirname: Path
+) -> None:
+ (data_dirname / split).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ with (data_dirname / split / "_labels.json").open(mode="w") as f:
+ json.dump(labels, f)
+ for index, crop in enumerate(crops):
+ / split / f"{index}.png")
+def load_line_crops_and_labels(split: str, data_dirname: Path) -> Tuple[List, List]:
+ """Load line crops and labels for given split from processed directoru."""
+ with (data_dirname / split / "_labels.json").open(mode="r") as f:
+ labels = json.load(f)
+ crop_filenames = sorted(
+ (data_dirname / split).glob("*.png"),
+ key=lambda filename: int(Path(filename).stem),
+ )
+ crops = [
+ image_utils.read_image_pil(filename, grayscale=True)
+ for filename in crop_filenames
+ ]
+ if len(crops) != len(labels):
+ raise ValueError("Length of crops does not match length of labels")
+ return crops, labels
+def get_transform(image_width: int, augment: bool = False) -> transforms.Compose:
+ """Augment with brigthness, sligth rotation, slant, translation, scale, and Gaussian noise."""
+ def embed_crop(crop: Image, augment: bool = augment, image_width: int = image_width) -> Image:
+ # Crop is PIL.Image of dtype="L" (so value range is [0, 255])
+ image ="L", (image_width, IMAGE_HEIGHT))
+ # Resize crop.
+ crop_width, crop_height = crop.size
+ new_crop_height = IMAGE_HEIGHT
+ new_crop_width = int(new_crop_height * (crop_width / crop_height))
+ if augment:
+ # Add random stretching
+ new_crop_width = int(new_crop_width * random.uniform(0.9, 1.1))
+ new_crop_width = min(new_crop_width, image_width)
+ crop_resized = crop.resize(
+ (new_crop_width, new_crop_height), resample=Image.BILINEAR
+ )
+ # Embed in image
+ x = min(28, image_width - new_crop_width)
+ y = IMAGE_HEIGHT - new_crop_height
+ image.paste(crop_resized, (x, y))
+ return image
+ transfroms_list = [transforms.Lambda(embed_crop)]
+ if augment:
+ transfroms_list += [
+ transforms.ColorJitter(brightness=(0.8, 1.6)),
+ transforms.RandomAffine(
+ degrees=1,
+ shear=(-30, 20),
+ interpolation=InterpolationMode.BILINEAR,
+ fill=0,
+ ),
+ ]
+ transfroms_list.append(transforms.ToTensor())
+ return transforms.Compose(transfroms_list)
+def generate_iam_lines() -> None:
+ load_and_print_info(IAMLines)