AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-11Add rotary embeddingGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-11Update convnextGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-11Update importsGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-11Update notebooksGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-03Revert "Delete convnext"Gustaf Rydholm
2023-09-03Update lit modelsGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-03Update importsGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-03Delete lapropGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-03Update confs and callbacksGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-03Update notebook: test gpu, etcGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-03Delete scratch notebookGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-03Delete convnextGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-02Update lockGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-02Bump hydra versionGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-02Update configsGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-02Refactor wandb callbacksGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-02Rename contextGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-02Fix bug in decoderGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-02Refactor lit modelsGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-02Update in notebooksGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-02Fix importsGustaf Rydholm
2023-09-02Update tokenizer with logits and batch decodingGustaf Rydholm
2023-08-25Update reqsGustaf Rydholm
2023-08-25Update training stuffGustaf Rydholm
2023-08-25Rename and add flash attenGustaf Rydholm
2023-08-25RenameGustaf Rydholm
2023-08-25Update notebooksGustaf Rydholm
2023-01-29Update lockGustaf Rydholm
2023-01-29Update readmeGustaf Rydholm
2023-01-29Add lapropGustaf Rydholm
2023-01-29Update importGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-04Add greedy decoder configGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-04Update notebookGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-04Update paragraph configGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-04Add greedy decoderGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-04Format and rewording docstringGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-04Update stem import pathsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Fix hydra configGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Update dependenciesGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Update READMEGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Move stems to transformsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Update hydra confGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Update docstringsGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Fix lr sheduler loadingGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Add experiment as default to confGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Fix train scriptGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Add support for hydra 1.2, add metadata fileGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Add sweep confGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Update lines experiment confGustaf Rydholm
2022-10-02Add commentsGustaf Rydholm