path: root/text_recognizer
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-13Add axial encoderGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-05Update conv perceiverGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-05FormatGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-05Remove mask from perceiver ioGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-05Remove mask from perceiver attentionGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-05Update normGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-05Steal lucidrains axial encodingGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-05Add absolute pos embeddingGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-03Update perceiverGustaf Rydholm
2022-09-03Add perceiverGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-27Add vq transformer networkGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-27Add quantizerGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-27Add vq transformer modelGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-27Update default output lengthGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-22Update efficient net configGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-22Add extra conv layer to stemGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-22Add logging when loading optimizerGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-20Fix configuration of lr schedulerGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-20Update block args for efficient netGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-20Remove stridesGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-20Update eff net configGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-19Fix variable namesGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-19Fix lr and optim confGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-19Add stride and extra layer to effnetGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-19Remove support fileGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-18Refator loading of scheduler and optimGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-16Set defaultsGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-15Calculate cer and acc in val stepGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-12Remove conformerGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-11Update ff importGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-11FormatGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-11Fix emnist mappingGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-10Fix check for pos embGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-10Add importsGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-10Fix typo in conv transformerGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-10Add importsGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-10Move mlp to ffGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-10Fix efficientnetGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-09Remove abstract lightning moduleGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-09Refactor paddingGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-09Remove unused importGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-09Fix conformerGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-09Remove abstract mappingGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-08Fix conformer netGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-08Add efficient self attentionGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-08Fix bug in lit conformerGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-08WIP mappingsGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-07Add subsampler layerGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-06Add lit conformer modelGustaf Rydholm
2022-06-06Rename lit modelsGustaf Rydholm