path: root/.config/nvim/lua/core
diff options
authorGustaf Rydholm <>2021-08-25 23:27:45 +0200
committerGustaf Rydholm <>2021-08-25 23:27:45 +0200
commitf93bad12f1b4feeeee007ceab4a350eb1aa26c1e (patch)
tree15b9edf259fc93da70a599dec47de3cfea551a95 /.config/nvim/lua/core
parentf52dce93777c41671217ced2894c28d6da9114a0 (diff)
Updates from lvim, remove legacy
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/core')
26 files changed, 848 insertions, 519 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/autocmds.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/autocmds.lua
index 33dea53..036cc80 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/autocmds.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/autocmds.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
local autocommands = {}
+local config = require "config"
options.autocommands = {
_general_settings = {
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ options.autocommands = {
"setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o",
- { "BufWritePost", USER_CONFIG_PATH, "lua require('utils').reload_config()" },
+ { "BufWritePost", config.path, "lua require('utils').reload_config()" },
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/autopairs.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/autopairs.lua
index afd6e28..f8bdfd1 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/autopairs.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/autopairs.lua
@@ -1,53 +1,69 @@
--- if not package.loaded['nvim-autopairs'] then
--- return
--- end
-local Log = require "core.log"
-local status_ok, _ = pcall(require, "nvim-autopairs")
-if not status_ok then
- Log:get_default().error "Failed to load autopairs"
- return
+local M = {}
+function M.config()
+ options.builtin.autopairs = {
+ active = true,
+ on_config_done = nil,
+ ---@usage map <CR> on insert mode
+ map_cr = true,
+ ---@usage auto insert after select function or method item
+ -- NOTE: This should be wrapped into a function so that it is re-evaluated when opening new files
+ map_complete = ~= "tex",
+ ---@usage check treesitter
+ check_ts = true,
+ ts_config = {
+ lua = { "string" },
+ javascript = { "template_string" },
+ java = false,
+ },
+ }
-local npairs = require "nvim-autopairs"
-local Rule = require "nvim-autopairs.rule"
--- skip it, if you use another global object
-_G.MUtils = {}
+M.setup = function()
+ -- skip it, if you use another global object
+ _G.MUtils = {}
+ local autopairs = require "nvim-autopairs"
+ local Rule = require "nvim-autopairs.rule"
-vim.g.completion_confirm_key = ""
-MUtils.completion_confirm = function()
- if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0 then
- if vim.fn.complete_info()["selected"] ~= -1 then
- return vim.fn["compe#confirm"](npairs.esc "<cr>")
+ vim.g.completion_confirm_key = ""
+ MUtils.completion_confirm = function()
+ if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0 then
+ if vim.fn.complete_info()["selected"] ~= -1 then
+ return vim.fn["compe#confirm"](autopairs.esc "<cr>")
+ else
+ return autopairs.esc "<cr>"
+ end
- return npairs.esc "<cr>"
+ return autopairs.autopairs_cr()
- else
- return npairs.autopairs_cr()
-if package.loaded["compe"] then
- require("nvim-autopairs.completion.compe").setup {
- map_cr = true, -- map <CR> on insert mode
- map_complete = true, -- it will auto insert `(` after select function or method item
+ if package.loaded["compe"] then
+ require("nvim-autopairs.completion.compe").setup {
+ map_cr = options.builtin.autopairs.map_cr,
+ map_complete = options.builtin.autopairs.map_complete,
+ }
+ end
+ autopairs.setup {
+ check_ts = options.builtin.autopairs.check_ts,
+ ts_config = options.builtin.autopairs.ts_config,
-npairs.setup {
- check_ts = true,
- ts_config = {
- lua = { "string" }, -- it will not add pair on that treesitter node
- javascript = { "template_string" },
- java = false, -- don't check treesitter on java
- },
+ require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup { autopairs = { enable = true } }
+ local ts_conds = require "nvim-autopairs.ts-conds"
-require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup { autopairs = { enable = true } }
+ -- TODO: can these rules be safely added from "config.lua" ?
+ -- press % => %% is only inside comment or string
+ autopairs.add_rules {
+ Rule("%", "%", "lua"):with_pair(ts_conds.is_ts_node { "string", "comment" }),
+ Rule("$", "$", "lua"):with_pair(ts_conds.is_not_ts_node { "function" }),
+ }
-local ts_conds = require "nvim-autopairs.ts-conds"
+ if options.builtin.autopairs.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.autopairs.on_config_done(autopairs)
+ end
--- press % => %% is only inside comment or string
-npairs.add_rules {
- Rule("%", "%", "lua"):with_pair(ts_conds.is_ts_node { "string", "comment" }),
- Rule("$", "$", "lua"):with_pair(ts_conds.is_not_ts_node { "function" }),
+return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/bufferline.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/bufferline.lua
index 6306614..68b08ce 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/bufferline.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/bufferline.lua
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ local M = {}
M.config = function()
options.builtin.bufferline = {
active = true,
+ on_config_done = nil,
keymap = {
normal_mode = {
["<S-l>"] = ":BufferNext<CR>",
@@ -15,6 +16,10 @@ end
M.setup = function()
local keymap = require "keymappings"
+ if options.builtin.bufferline.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.bufferline.on_config_done()
+ end
return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/builtins/init.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/builtins/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32f96af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/builtins/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+local M = {}
+local builtins = {
+ "keymappings",
+ "core.which-key",
+ "core.gitsigns",
+ "core.compe",
+ "core.dashboard",
+ "core.dap",
+ "core.terminal",
+ "core.telescope",
+ "core.treesitter",
+ "core.nvimtree",
+ "core.project",
+ "core.bufferline",
+ "core.autopairs",
+ "core.comment",
+ "core.lspinstall",
+ "core.lualine",
+function M.config(config)
+ for _, builtin_path in ipairs(builtins) do
+ local builtin = require(builtin_path)
+ builtin.config(config)
+ end
+return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/commands.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/commands.lua
index c42b385..403194e 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/commands.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/commands.lua
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ M.defaults = {
+ [[command! LvimInfo lua require('').toggle_popup(]],
M.load = function(commands)
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/comment.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/comment.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a97018d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/comment.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+local M = {}
+function M.config()
+ options.builtin.comment = {
+ active = true,
+ on_config_done = nil,
+ -- Linters prefer comment and line to have a space in between markers
+ marker_padding = true,
+ -- should comment out empty or whitespace only lines
+ comment_empty = false,
+ -- Should key mappings be created
+ create_mappings = true,
+ -- Normal mode mapping left hand side
+ line_mapping = "gcc",
+ -- Visual/Operator mapping left hand side
+ operator_mapping = "gc",
+ -- Hook function to call before commenting takes place
+ hook = nil,
+ }
+function M.setup()
+ local nvim_comment = require "nvim_comment"
+ nvim_comment.setup(options.builtin.comment)
+ if options.builtin.comment.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.comment.on_config_done(nvim_comment)
+ end
+return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/compe.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/compe.lua
index 14fba1a..19e49e0 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/compe.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/compe.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
local M = {}
-local Log = require "core.log"
M.config = function()
options.builtin.compe = {
- enabled = true,
+ active = true,
+ on_config_done = nil,
autocomplete = true,
debug = false,
min_length = 1,
@@ -73,11 +74,7 @@ end
M.setup = function()
vim.g.vsnip_snippet_dir = options.vsnip_dir
- local status_ok, compe = pcall(require, "compe")
- if not status_ok then
- Log:get_default().error "Failed to load compe"
- return
- end
+ local compe = require "compe"
@@ -94,6 +91,17 @@ M.setup = function()
+ local is_emmet_active = function()
+ local clients = vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()
+ for _, client in pairs(clients) do
+ if == "emmet_ls" then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
-- Use (s-)tab to:
--- move to prev/next item in completion menuone
--- jump to prev/next snippet's placeholder
@@ -104,8 +112,9 @@ M.setup = function()
return t "<Plug>(vsnip-jump-next)"
elseif check_back_space() then
return t "<Tab>"
+ elseif is_emmet_active() then
+ return vim.fn["compe#complete"]()
- -- return vim.fn["compe#complete"]() -- < use this if you want <tab> to always offer completion
return t "<Tab>"
@@ -127,6 +136,10 @@ M.setup = function()
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("s", "<Tab>", "v:lua.tab_complete()", { expr = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<S-Tab>", "v:lua.s_tab_complete()", { expr = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("s", "<S-Tab>", "v:lua.s_tab_complete()", { expr = true })
+ if options.builtin.compe.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.compe.on_config_done(compe)
+ end
return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/dap.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/dap.lua
index a325c7c..6179ea3 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/dap.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/dap.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
local M = {}
-local Log = require "core.log"
M.config = function()
options.builtin.dap = {
active = false,
+ on_config_done = nil,
breakpoint = {
text = "",
texthl = "LspDiagnosticsSignError",
@@ -13,11 +14,7 @@ M.config = function()
M.setup = function()
- local status_ok, dap = pcall(require, "dap")
- if not status_ok then
- Log:get_default().error "Failed to load dap"
- return
- end
+ local dap = require "dap"
vim.fn.sign_define("DapBreakpoint", options.builtin.dap.breakpoint)
dap.defaults.fallback.terminal_win_cmd = "50vsplit new"
@@ -38,6 +35,27 @@ M.setup = function()
s = { "<cmd>lua require'dap'.continue()<cr>", "Start" },
q = { "<cmd>lua require'dap'.close()<cr>", "Quit" },
+ if options.builtin.dap.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.dap.on_config_done(dap)
+ end
+-- TODO put this up there ^^^ call in ftplugin
+-- M.dap = function()
+-- if then
+-- local dap_install = require "dap-install"
+-- dap_install.config("python_dbg", {})
+-- end
+-- end
+-- M.dap = function()
+-- -- gem install readapt ruby-debug-ide
+-- if then
+-- local dap_install = require "dap-install"
+-- dap_install.config("ruby_vsc_dbg", {})
+-- end
+-- end
return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/dashboard.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/dashboard.lua
index efbb790..f9eec22 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/dashboard.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/dashboard.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
local M = {}
-M.config = function()
+M.config = function(config)
options.builtin.dashboard = {
active = false,
+ on_config_done = nil,
search_handler = "telescope",
+ disable_at_vim_enter = 0,
+ session_directory = os.getenv "HOME" .. "/.cache/options/sessions",
custom_header = {
" ##############..... ############## ",
" ##############......############## ",
@@ -30,23 +34,27 @@ M.config = function()
command = "Telescope find_files",
b = {
+ description = { " Recent Projects " },
+ command = "Telescope projects",
+ },
+ c = {
description = { " Recently Used Files" },
command = "Telescope oldfiles",
- c = {
+ d = {
description = { " Find Word " },
command = "Telescope live_grep",
- d = {
- description = { " Settings " },
- command = ":e ~/.config/nvim/config.lua",
+ e = {
+ description = { " Configuration " },
+ command = ":e " .. config.path,
M.setup = function()
- vim.g.dashboard_disable_at_vimenter = 0
+ vim.g.dashboard_disable_at_vimenter = options.builtin.dashboard.disable_at_vim_enter
vim.g.dashboard_custom_header = options.builtin.dashboard.custom_header
@@ -56,26 +64,17 @@ M.setup = function()
options.builtin.which_key.mappings[";"] = { "<cmd>Dashboard<CR>", "Dashboard" }
- -- f = {
- -- description = { " Neovim Config Files" },
- -- command = "Telescope find_files cwd=" .. CoptionsFIG_PATH,
- -- },
- -- e = {description = {' Marks '}, command = 'Telescope marks'}
+ vim.g.dashboard_session_directory = options.builtin.dashboard.session_directory
- vim.cmd "let g:dashboard_session_directory = $HoptionsE..'/.config/nvim/.sessions'"
- vim.cmd "let packages = len(globpath('~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start', '*', 0, 1))"
+ vim.cmd "let packages = len(globpath('~/.local/share/lunarvim/site/pack/packer/start', '*', 0, 1))"
- let g:dashboard_custom_footer = ['LuaJIT loaded '..packages..' builtins']
+ let g:dashboard_custom_footer = ['LunarVim loaded '..packages..' plugins  ']
- -- file_browser = {description = {' File Browser'}, command = 'Telescope find_files'},
- -- vim.g.dashboard_session_directory = CACHE_PATH..'/session'
- -- vim.g.dashboard_custom_footer = optionsdashboard.footer
require("core.autocmds").define_augroups {
_dashboard = {
-- seems to be nobuflisted that makes my stuff disappear will do more testing
@@ -93,6 +92,10 @@ M.setup = function()
{ "FileType", "dashboard", "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :q<CR>" },
+ if options.builtin.dashboard.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.dashboard.on_config_done()
+ end
return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/galaxyline.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/galaxyline.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f7fa8c9..0000000
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/galaxyline.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
--- if not package.loaded['galaxyline'] then
--- return
--- end
-local Log = require "core.log"
-local status_ok, gl = pcall(require, "galaxyline")
-if not status_ok then
- Log:get_default().error "Failed to load galaxyline"
- return
--- NOTE: if someone defines colors but doesn't have them then this will break
-local palette_status_ok, colors = pcall(require, options.colorscheme .. ".palette")
-if not palette_status_ok then
- colors = options.builtin.galaxyline.colors
-local condition = require "galaxyline.condition"
-local gls = gl.section
-gl.short_line_list = { "NvimTree", "vista", "dbui", "packer" }
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- ViMode = {
- provider = function()
- local alias = {
- n = "NORMAL",
- i = "INSERT",
- c = "COMMAND",
- V = "VISUAL",
- [""] = "VISUAL",
- v = "VISUAL",
- R = "REPLACE",
- }
- local alias_mode = alias[vim.fn.mode()]
- if alias_mode == nil then
- alias_mode = vim.fn.mode()
- end
- return alias_mode .. " "
- end,
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-vim.fn.getbufvar(0, "ts")
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- GitIcon = {
- provider = function()
- return " "
- end,
- condition = condition.check_git_workspace,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- GitBranch = {
- provider = "GitBranch",
- condition = condition.check_git_workspace,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- DiffAdd = {
- provider = "DiffAdd",
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- DiffModified = {
- provider = "DiffModified",
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- icon = " 柳",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- DiffRemove = {
- provider = "DiffRemove",
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- Filler = {
- provider = function()
- return " "
- end,
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
--- get output from shell command
-function os.capture(cmd, raw)
- local f = assert(io.popen(cmd, "r"))
- local s = assert(f:read "*a")
- f:close()
- if raw then
- return s
- end
- s = string.gsub(s, "^%s+", "")
- s = string.gsub(s, "%s+$", "")
- s = string.gsub(s, "[\n\r]+", " ")
- return s
--- cleanup virtual env
-local function env_cleanup(venv)
- if string.find(venv, "/") then
- local final_venv = venv
- for w in venv:gmatch "([^/]+)" do
- final_venv = w
- end
- venv = final_venv
- end
- return venv
-local PythonEnv = function()
- if == "python" then
- local venv = os.getenv "CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
- if venv ~= nil then
- return "  (" .. env_cleanup(venv) .. ")"
- end
- venv = os.getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV"
- if venv ~= nil then
- return "  (" .. env_cleanup(venv) .. ")"
- end
- return ""
- end
- return ""
-table.insert(gls.left, {
- VirtualEnv = {
- provider = PythonEnv,
- event = "BufEnter",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- DiagnosticError = {
- provider = "DiagnosticError",
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- DiagnosticWarn = {
- provider = "DiagnosticWarn",
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- DiagnosticInfo = {
- provider = "DiagnosticInfo",
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = { colors.yellow, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- DiagnosticHint = {
- provider = "DiagnosticHint",
- icon = "  ",
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- TreesitterIcon = {
- provider = function()
- if next( ~= nil then
- return " "
- end
- return ""
- end,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = {, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-local function get_attached_provider_name(msg)
- msg = msg or "LSP Inactive"
- local buf_clients = vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()
- if next(buf_clients) == nil then
- return msg
- end
- local buf_client_names = {}
- for _, client in pairs(buf_clients) do
- if ~= "null-ls" then
- table.insert(buf_client_names,
- end
- end
- local null_ls = require "lsp.null-ls"
- local null_ls_providers = null_ls.list_supported_provider_names(
- vim.list_extend(buf_client_names, null_ls_providers)
- return table.concat(buf_client_names, ", ")
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- ShowLspClient = {
- provider = get_attached_provider_name,
- condition = function()
- local tbl = { ["dashboard"] = true, [" "] = true }
- if tbl[] then
- return false
- end
- return true
- end,
- icon = " ",
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- LineInfo = {
- provider = "LineColumn",
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- PerCent = {
- provider = "LinePercent",
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- Tabstop = {
- provider = function()
- local label = "Spaces: "
- if not vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "expandtab") then
- label = "Tab size: "
- end
- return label .. vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "shiftwidth") .. " "
- end,
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- BufferType = {
- provider = "FileTypeName",
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- FileEncode = {
- provider = "FileEncode",
- condition = condition.hide_in_width,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.right, {
- Space = {
- provider = function()
- return " "
- end,
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.grey, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.short_line_left, {
- BufferType = {
- provider = "FileTypeName",
- separator = " ",
- separator_highlight = { "NONE", colors.alt_bg },
- highlight = { colors.alt_bg, colors.alt_bg },
- },
-table.insert(gls.short_line_left, {
- SFileName = {
- provider = "SFileName",
- condition = condition.buffer_not_empty,
- highlight = { colors.alt_bg, colors.alt_bg },
- },
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/gitsigns.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/gitsigns.lua
index 0b72689..d9c9187 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/gitsigns.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/gitsigns.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
local M = {}
local Log = require "core.log"
M.config = function()
options.builtin.gitsigns = {
signs = {
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/log.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/log.lua
index e6f7afe..35ba4be 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/log.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/log.lua
@@ -10,11 +10,7 @@ function Log:new(opts)
local obj = require("plenary.log").new(opts)
- local path = string.format(
- "%s/%s.log",
- vim.api.nvim_call_function("stdpath", { "cache" }),
- opts.plugin
- )
+ local path = string.format("%s/%s.log", vim.api.nvim_call_function("stdpath", { "cache" }), opts.plugin)
obj.get_path = function()
return path
@@ -27,7 +23,7 @@ end
--- based on Plenary.log
---@return log handle
function Log:get_default()
- return Log:new { plugin = "nvim", level = options.log.level }
+ return Log:new { plugin = "lunarvim", level = options.log.level }
return Log
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/lspinstall.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lspinstall.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79c7502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lspinstall.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+local M = {}
+M.config = function()
+ options.builtin.lspinstall = {
+ active = true,
+ on_config_done = nil,
+ }
+M.setup = function()
+ local lspinstall = require "lspinstall"
+ lspinstall.setup()
+ if options.builtin.lspinstall.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.lspinstall.on_config_done(lspinstall)
+ end
+return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/colors.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/colors.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92e37ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/colors.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+local colors = {
+ bg = "#0D0D0D",
+ fg = "#D0D0D0",
+ grey = "#D0D0D0",
+ blue = "#569CD6",
+ green = "#608B4E",
+ yellow = "#DCDCAA",
+ orange = "#FF8800",
+ purple = "#C586C0",
+ magenta = "#D16D9E",
+ cyan = "#4EC9B0",
+ red = "#D16969",
+ error_red = "#F44747",
+ warning_orange = "#FF8800",
+ info_yellow = "#FFCC66",
+ hint_blue = "#9CDCFE",
+return colors
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/components.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/components.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4777392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/components.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+local conditions = require "core.lualine.conditions"
+local colors = require "core.lualine.colors"
+return {
+ mode = {
+ function()
+ local alias = {
+ n = "NORMAL",
+ i = "INSERT",
+ c = "COMMAND",
+ V = "VISUAL",
+ [""] = "VISUAL",
+ v = "VISUAL",
+ R = "REPLACE",
+ }
+ local alias_mode = alias[vim.fn.mode()]
+ if alias_mode == nil then
+ alias_mode = vim.fn.mode()
+ end
+ return alias_mode .. " "
+ -- return " "
+ end,
+ left_padding = 0,
+ right_padding = 0,
+ condition = function()
+ return true
+ end,
+ color = { fg = colors.fg, bg = },
+ },
+ branch = {
+ "branch",
+ icon = " ",
+ condition = function()
+ return conditions.hide_in_width() and conditions.check_git_workspace()
+ end,
+ color = { gui = "bold", fg = colors.fg, bg = },
+ },
+ filename = {
+ "filename",
+ condition = function()
+ return true
+ end,
+ color = { fg = colors.fg, bg = },
+ },
+ diff = {
+ "diff",
+ symbols = { added = "  ", modified = "柳", removed = " " },
+ color_added = { fg = },
+ color_modified = { fg = colors.yellow },
+ color_removed = { fg = },
+ condition = conditions.hide_in_width,
+ color = {},
+ },
+ python_env = {
+ function()
+ local utils = require "core.lualine.utils"
+ if == "python" then
+ local venv = os.getenv "CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"
+ if venv then
+ return string.format("  (%s)", utils.env_cleanup(venv))
+ end
+ venv = os.getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV"
+ if venv then
+ return string.format("  (%s)", utils.env_cleanup(venv))
+ end
+ return ""
+ end
+ return ""
+ end,
+ condition = conditions.hide_in_width,
+ color = { fg = },
+ },
+ diagnostics = {
+ "diagnostics",
+ sources = { "nvim_lsp" },
+ symbols = { error = " ", warn = " ", info = " ", hint = " " },
+ condition = conditions.hide_in_width,
+ color = {},
+ },
+ treesitter = {
+ function()
+ if next( then
+ return "  "
+ end
+ return ""
+ end,
+ condition = conditions.hide_in_width,
+ color = { fg = },
+ },
+ lsp = {
+ function(msg)
+ msg = msg or "LSP Inactive"
+ local buf_clients = vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()
+ if next(buf_clients) == nil then
+ return msg
+ end
+ local buf_ft =
+ local buf_client_names = {}
+ -- add client
+ local utils = require "lsp.utils"
+ local active_client = utils.get_active_client_by_ft(buf_ft)
+ for _, client in pairs(buf_clients) do
+ if ~= "null-ls" then
+ table.insert(buf_client_names,
+ end
+ end
+ vim.list_extend(buf_client_names, active_client or {})
+ -- add formatter
+ local formatters = require "lsp.null-ls.formatters"
+ local supported_formatters = formatters.list_supported_names(buf_ft)
+ vim.list_extend(buf_client_names, supported_formatters)
+ -- add linter
+ local linters = require "lsp.null-ls.linters"
+ local supported_linters = linters.list_supported_names(buf_ft)
+ vim.list_extend(buf_client_names, supported_linters)
+ return table.concat(buf_client_names, ", ")
+ end,
+ icon = " ",
+ condition = conditions.hide_in_width,
+ color = { fg = colors.fg, bg = },
+ },
+ location = {
+ "location",
+ condition = conditions.hide_in_width,
+ color = { fg = colors.fg, bg = },
+ },
+ progress = {
+ "progress",
+ condition = conditions.hide_in_width,
+ color = { fg = colors.fg, bg = },
+ },
+ spaces = {
+ function()
+ local label = "Spaces: "
+ if not vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "expandtab") then
+ label = "Tab size: "
+ end
+ return label .. vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "shiftwidth") .. " "
+ end,
+ condition = conditions.hide_in_width,
+ color = {},
+ },
+ encoding = {
+ "o:encoding",
+ upper = true,
+ condition = conditions.hide_in_width,
+ color = { fg = colors.fg, bg = },
+ },
+ filetype = { "filetype", condition = conditions.hide_in_width, color = {} },
+ scrollbar = {
+ function()
+ local current_line = vim.fn.line "."
+ local total_lines = vim.fn.line "$"
+ local chars = {
+ "__",
+ "▁▁",
+ "▂▂",
+ "▃▃",
+ "▄▄",
+ "▅▅",
+ "▆▆",
+ "▇▇",
+ "██",
+ }
+ local line_ratio = current_line / total_lines
+ local index = math.ceil(line_ratio * #chars)
+ return chars[index]
+ end,
+ left_padding = 0,
+ right_padding = 0,
+ condition = function()
+ return true
+ end,
+ color = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = },
+ },
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/conditions.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/conditions.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d2d81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/conditions.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+local window_width_limit = 80
+local conditions = {
+ buffer_not_empty = function()
+ return vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.expand "%:t") ~= 1
+ end,
+ hide_in_width = function()
+ return vim.fn.winwidth(0) > window_width_limit
+ end,
+ check_git_workspace = function()
+ local filepath = vim.fn.expand "%:p:h"
+ local gitdir = vim.fn.finddir(".git", filepath .. ";")
+ return gitdir and #gitdir > 0 and #gitdir < #filepath
+ end,
+return conditions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/init.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d67559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+local M = {}
+M.config = function()
+ options.builtin.lualine = {
+ active = true,
+ style = "options",
+ options = {
+ icons_enabled = nil,
+ component_separators = nil,
+ section_separators = nil,
+ theme = nil,
+ disabled_filetypes = nil,
+ },
+ sections = {
+ lualine_a = nil,
+ lualine_b = nil,
+ lualine_c = nil,
+ lualine_x = nil,
+ lualine_y = nil,
+ lualine_z = nil,
+ },
+ inactive_sections = {
+ lualine_a = nil,
+ lualine_b = nil,
+ lualine_c = nil,
+ lualine_x = nil,
+ lualine_y = nil,
+ lualine_z = nil,
+ },
+ tabline = nil,
+ extensions = nil,
+ on_config_done = nil,
+ }
+M.setup = function()
+ require("core.lualine.styles").update()
+ require("core.lualine.utils").validate_theme()
+ local lualine = require "lualine"
+ lualine.setup(options.builtin.lualine)
+ if options.builtin.lualine.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.lualine.on_config_done(lualine)
+ end
+return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/styles.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/styles.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014ba81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/styles.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+local M = {}
+local components = require "core.lualine.components"
+local styles = {
+ lvim = nil,
+ default = nil,
+ none = nil,
+ clean = nil,
+styles.clean = {
+ style = "lvim",
+ options = {
+ icons_enabled = true,
+ component_separators = "",
+ section_separators = "",
+ disabled_filetypes = { "dashboard" },
+ },
+ sections = {
+ lualine_a = {
+ components.mode,
+ },
+ lualine_b = {
+ components.branch,
+ components.filename,
+ },
+ lualine_c = {
+ components.diff,
+ components.python_env,
+ },
+ lualine_x = {
+ components.diagnostics,
+ components.treesitter,
+ components.lsp,
+ components.filetype,
+ },
+ lualine_y = {},
+ lualine_z = {
+ components.location,
+ components.progress,
+ components.encoding,
+ },
+ },
+ inactive_sections = {
+ lualine_a = {
+ "filename",
+ },
+ lualine_b = {},
+ lualine_c = {},
+ lualine_x = {},
+ lualine_y = {},
+ lualine_z = {},
+ },
+ tabline = {},
+ extensions = { "nvim-tree" },
+styles.none = {
+ style = "none",
+ options = {
+ icons_enabled = true,
+ component_separators = "",
+ section_separators = "",
+ disabled_filetypes = {},
+ },
+ sections = {
+ lualine_a = {},
+ lualine_b = {},
+ lualine_c = {},
+ lualine_x = {},
+ lualine_y = {},
+ lualine_z = {},
+ },
+ inactive_sections = {
+ lualine_a = {},
+ lualine_b = {},
+ lualine_c = {},
+ lualine_x = {},
+ lualine_y = {},
+ lualine_z = {},
+ },
+ tabline = {},
+ extensions = {},
+styles.default = {
+ style = "default",
+ options = {
+ icons_enabled = true,
+ component_separators = { "", "" },
+ section_separators = { "", "" },
+ disabled_filetypes = {},
+ },
+ sections = {
+ lualine_a = { "mode" },
+ lualine_b = { "branch" },
+ lualine_c = { "filename" },
+ lualine_x = { "encoding", "fileformat", "filetype" },
+ lualine_y = { "progress" },
+ lualine_z = { "location" },
+ },
+ inactive_sections = {
+ lualine_a = {},
+ lualine_b = {},
+ lualine_c = { "filename" },
+ lualine_x = { "location" },
+ lualine_y = {},
+ lualine_z = {},
+ },
+ tabline = {},
+ extensions = {},
+styles.lvim = {
+ style = "lvim",
+ options = {
+ icons_enabled = true,
+ component_separators = "",
+ section_separators = "",
+ disabled_filetypes = { "dashboard" },
+ },
+ sections = {
+ lualine_a = {
+ components.mode,
+ },
+ lualine_b = {
+ components.branch,
+ components.filename,
+ },
+ lualine_c = {
+ components.diff,
+ components.python_env,
+ },
+ lualine_x = {
+ components.diagnostics,
+ components.treesitter,
+ components.lsp,
+ components.filetype,
+ },
+ lualine_y = {},
+ lualine_z = {
+ components.scrollbar,
+ },
+ },
+ inactive_sections = {
+ lualine_a = {
+ "filename",
+ },
+ lualine_b = {},
+ lualine_c = {},
+ lualine_x = {},
+ lualine_y = {},
+ lualine_z = {},
+ },
+ tabline = {},
+ extensions = { "nvim-tree" },
+function M.get_style(style)
+ local style_keys = vim.tbl_keys(styles)
+ if not vim.tbl_contains(style_keys, style) then
+ local Log = require "core.log"
+ local logger = Log:get_default()
+ logger.error(
+ "Invalid lualine style",
+ string.format('"%s"', style),
+ "options are: ",
+ string.format('"%s"', table.concat(style_keys, '", "'))
+ )
+ '"lvim" style is applied.'
+ style = "lvim"
+ end
+ return vim.deepcopy(styles[style])
+function M.update()
+ local style = M.get_style(
+ if options.builtin.lualine.options.theme == nil then
+ options.builtin.lualine.options.theme = options.colorscheme
+ end
+ options.builtin.lualine = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", options.builtin.lualine, style)
+return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/utils.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/utils.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48756a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/lualine/utils.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+local M = {}
+function M.validate_theme()
+ local theme = options.builtin.lualine.options.theme
+ if type(theme) == "table" then
+ return
+ end
+ local lualine_loader = require "lualine.utils.loader"
+ local ok = pcall(lualine_loader.load_theme, theme)
+ if not ok then
+ options.builtin.lualine.options.theme = "auto"
+ end
+function M.env_cleanup(venv)
+ if string.find(venv, "/") then
+ local final_venv = venv
+ for w in venv:gmatch "([^/]+)" do
+ final_venv = w
+ end
+ venv = final_venv
+ end
+ return venv
+return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/nvimtree.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/nvimtree.lua
index 376ae56..c640583 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/nvimtree.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/nvimtree.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
local M = {}
local Log = require "core.log"
-M.config = function()
+function M.config()
options.builtin.nvimtree = {
+ active = true,
+ on_config_done = nil,
side = "left",
width = 30,
show_icons = {
@@ -46,8 +48,8 @@ M.config = function()
-M.setup = function()
+function M.setup()
local status_ok, nvim_tree_config = pcall(require, "nvim-tree.config")
if not status_ok then
Log:get_default().error "Failed to load nvim-tree.config"
@@ -59,6 +61,12 @@ M.setup = function()
g["nvim_tree_" .. opt] = val
+ -- Implicitly update nvim-tree when project module is active
+ if then
+ vim.g.nvim_tree_update_cwd = 1
+ vim.g.nvim_tree_respect_buf_cwd = 1
+ end
local tree_cb = nvim_tree_config.nvim_tree_callback
if not g.nvim_tree_bindings then
@@ -66,67 +74,46 @@ M.setup = function()
{ key = { "l", "<CR>", "o" }, cb = tree_cb "edit" },
{ key = "h", cb = tree_cb "close_node" },
{ key = "v", cb = tree_cb "vsplit" },
- { key = "q", cb = ":lua require('core.nvimtree').toggle_tree()<cr>" },
-M.focus_or_close = function()
- local view_status_ok, view = pcall(require, "nvim-tree.view")
- if not view_status_ok then
- return
+ options.builtin.which_key.mappings["e"] = { "<cmd>NvimTreeToggle<CR>", "Explorer" }
+ local tree_view = require "nvim-tree.view"
+ -- Add nvim_tree open callback
+ local open =
+ = function()
+ M.on_open()
+ open()
- local a = vim.api
- local curwin = a.nvim_get_current_win()
- local curbuf = a.nvim_win_get_buf(curwin)
- local bufnr = view.View.bufnr
- local winnr = view.get_winnr()
+ vim.cmd "au WinClosed * lua require('core.nvimtree').on_close()"
- if view.win_open() then
- if curwin == winnr and curbuf == bufnr then
- view.close()
- if package.loaded["bufferline.state"] then
- require("bufferline.state").set_offset(0)
- end
- else
- view.focus()
- end
- else
- if
- package.loaded["bufferline.state"] and options.builtin.nvimtree.side == "left"
- then
- require("bufferline.state").set_offset(options.builtin.nvimtree.width + 1, "")
- end
+ if options.builtin.nvimtree.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.nvimtree.on_config_done(nvim_tree_config)
-M.toggle_tree = function()
- local view_status_ok, view = pcall(require, "nvim-tree.view")
- if not view_status_ok then
- return
+function M.on_open()
+ if package.loaded["bufferline.state"] and options.builtin.nvimtree.side == "left" then
+ require("bufferline.state").set_offset(options.builtin.nvimtree.width + 1, "")
- if view.win_open() then
- require("nvim-tree").close()
- if package.loaded["bufferline.state"] then
- require("bufferline.state").set_offset(0)
- end
- else
- if
- package.loaded["bufferline.state"] and options.builtin.nvimtree.side == "left"
- then
- require("bufferline.state").set_offset(options.builtin.nvimtree.width + 1, "")
- end
- require("nvim-tree").toggle()
+function M.on_close()
+ local buf = tonumber(vim.fn.expand "<abuf>")
+ local ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(buf, "filetype")
+ if ft == "NvimTree" and package.loaded["bufferline.state"] then
+ require("bufferline.state").set_offset(0)
function M.change_tree_dir(dir)
- if vim.g.loaded_tree then
- require("nvim-tree.lib").change_dir(dir)
+ local lib_status_ok, lib = pcall(require, "nvim-tree.lib")
+ if lib_status_ok then
+ lib.change_dir(dir)
return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/project.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/project.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7eacde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/project.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+local M = {}
+function M.config()
+ options.builtin.project = {
+ ---@usage set to false to disable project.nvim.
+ --- This is on by default since it's currently the expected behavior.
+ active = true,
+ on_config_done = nil,
+ ---@usage set to true to disable setting the current-woriking directory
+ --- Manual mode doesn't automatically change your root directory, so you have
+ --- the option to manually do so using `:ProjectRoot` command.
+ manual_mode = false,
+ ---@usage Methods of detecting the root directory
+ --- Allowed values: **"lsp"** uses the native neovim lsp
+ --- **"pattern"** uses vim-rooter like glob pattern matching. Here
+ --- order matters: if one is not detected, the other is used as fallback. You
+ --- can also delete or rearangne the detection methods.
+ detection_methods = { "lsp", "pattern" },
+ ---@usage patterns used to detect root dir, when **"pattern"** is in detection_methods
+ patterns = { ".git", "_darcs", ".hg", ".bzr", ".svn", "Makefile", "package.json" },
+ ---@ Show hidden files in telescope when searching for files in a project
+ show_hidden = false,
+ ---@usage When set to false, you will get a message when project.nvim changes your directory.
+ -- When set to false, you will get a message when project.nvim changes your directory.
+ silent_chdir = true,
+ ---@usage list of lsp client names to ignore when using **lsp** detection. eg: { "efm", ... }
+ ignore_lsp = {},
+ ---@type string
+ ---@usage path to store the project history for use in telescope
+ datapath = CACHE_PATH,
+ }
+function M.setup()
+ local project = require "project_nvim"
+ project.setup(options.builtin.project)
+ if options.builtin.project.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.project.on_config_done(project)
+ end
+return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/status_colors.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/status_colors.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 71b6277..0000000
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/status_colors.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-options.builtin.galaxyline = {
- active = true,
- colors = {
- alt_bg = "#0A0A0A",
- grey = "#D0D0D0",
- blue = "#569CD6",
- green = "#608B4E",
- yellow = "#DCDCAA",
- orange = "#FF8800",
- purple = "#C586C0",
- magenta = "#D16D9E",
- cyan = "#4EC9B0",
- red = "#D16969",
- error_red = "#F44747",
- warning_orange = "#FF8800",
- info_yellow = "#FFCC66",
- hint_blue = "#9CDCFE",
- },
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/telescope.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/telescope.lua
index 513665e..d394884 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/telescope.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/telescope.lua
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
local M = {}
-local Log = require "core.log"
-M.config = function()
+function M.config()
+ -- Define this minimal config so that it's available if telescope is not yet available.
+ options.builtin.telescope = {
+ ---@usage disable telescope completely [not recommeded]
+ active = true,
+ on_config_done = nil,
+ }
local status_ok, actions = pcall(require, "telescope.actions")
if not status_ok then
- options.builtin.telescope = {
- active = false,
+ options.builtin.telescope = vim.tbl_extend("force", options.builtin.telescope, {
defaults = {
find_command = {
@@ -82,16 +88,20 @@ M.config = function()
override_file_sorter = true,
- }
+ })
-M.setup = function()
- local status_ok, telescope = pcall(require, "telescope")
- if not status_ok then
- Log:get_default().error "Failed to load telescope"
- return
- end
+function M.setup()
+ local telescope = require "telescope"
+ if then
+ telescope.load_extension "projects"
+ end
+ if options.builtin.telescope.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.telescope.on_config_done(telescope)
+ end
return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/terminal.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/terminal.lua
index ff3f95e..80dc9d0 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/terminal.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/terminal.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
local M = {}
-local Log = require "core.log"
local utils = require "utils"
M.config = function()
options.builtin["terminal"] = {
+ on_config_done = nil,
-- size can be a number or function which is passed the current terminal
size = 20,
-- open_mapping = [[<c-\>]],
@@ -46,20 +46,15 @@ M.config = function()
M.setup = function()
- local status_ok, terminal = pcall(require, "toggleterm")
- if not status_ok then
- Log:get_default().error "Failed to load toggleterm"
- print(terminal)
- return
- end
+ local terminal = require "toggleterm"
for _, exec in pairs(options.builtin.terminal.execs) do
require("core.terminal").add_exec(exec[1], exec[2], exec[3])
-local function is_installed(exe)
- return vim.fn.executable(exe) == 1
+ if options.builtin.terminal.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.terminal.on_config_done(terminal)
+ end
M.add_exec = function(exec, keymap, name)
@@ -85,12 +80,9 @@ end
M._exec_toggle = function(exec)
local binary = M._split(exec)[1]
- if is_installed(binary) ~= true then
- print(
- "Please install executable "
- .. binary
- .. ". Check documentation for more information"
- )
+ if vim.fn.executable(binary) ~= 1 then
+ local Log = require "core.log"
+ Log:get_default().error("Unable to run executable " .. binary .. ". Please make sure it is installed properly.")
local Terminal = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/treesitter.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/treesitter.lua
index ba70b70..59adda4 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/treesitter.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/treesitter.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
local M = {}
local Log = require "core.log"
M.config = function()
options.builtin.treesitter = {
+ on_config_done = nil,
ensure_installed = {}, -- one of "all", "maintained" (parsers with maintainers), or a list of languages
ignore_install = {},
matchup = {
@@ -70,6 +73,10 @@ M.setup = function()
+ if options.builtin.treesitter.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.treesitter.on_config_done(treesitter_configs)
+ end
return M
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/core/which-key.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/core/which-key.lua
index 775ea67..7ea86a8 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/core/which-key.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/core/which-key.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
local M = {}
-local Log = require "core.log"
M.config = function()
options.builtin.which_key = {
- active = false,
+ ---@usage disable which-key completely [not recommeded]
+ active = true,
+ on_config_done = nil,
setup = {
plugins = {
marks = true, -- shows a list of your marks on ' and `
@@ -66,9 +68,8 @@ M.config = function()
["q"] = { "<cmd>q!<CR>", "Quit" },
["k"] = { "<cmd>CommentToggle<CR>", "Comment" },
["c"] = { "<cmd>BufferClose!<CR>", "Close Buffer" },
- ["e"] = { "<cmd>lua require'core.nvimtree'.toggle_tree()<CR>", "Explorer" },
["f"] = { "<cmd>Telescope find_files<CR>", "Find File" },
- ["n"] = { '<cmd>let @/=""<CR>', "No Highlight" },
+ ["n"] = { "<cmd>nohlsearch<CR>", "No Highlight" },
b = {
name = "Buffers",
j = { "<cmd>BufferPick<cr>", "jump to buffer" },
@@ -156,14 +157,8 @@ M.config = function()
p = {
name = "Peek",
d = { "<cmd>lua require('lsp.peek').Peek('definition')<cr>", "Definition" },
- t = {
- "<cmd>lua require('lsp.peek').Peek('typeDefinition')<cr>",
- "Type Definition",
- },
- i = {
- "<cmd>lua require('lsp.peek').Peek('implementation')<cr>",
- "Implementation",
- },
+ t = { "<cmd>lua require('lsp.peek').Peek('typeDefinition')<cr>", "Type Definition" },
+ i = { "<cmd>lua require('lsp.peek').Peek('implementation')<cr>", "Implementation" },
q = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_loclist()<cr>", "Quickfix" },
r = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<cr>", "Rename" },
@@ -173,18 +168,31 @@ M.config = function()
"Workspace Symbols",
- I = {
+ i = {
name = "+nvim",
- k = {
- "<cmd>lua require('keymappings').print()<cr>",
- "View nvim's default keymappings",
+ c = {
+ "<cmd>edit ~/.config/nvim/config.lua<cr>",
+ "Edit config.lua",
+ k = { "<cmd>lua require('keymappings').print()<cr>", "View LunarVim's default keymappings" },
i = {
"<cmd>lua require('').toggle_popup(<cr>",
"Toggle nvim Info",
+ l = {
+ name = "+logs",
+ D = { "<cmd>edit ~/.cache/nvim/lunarvim.log<cr>", "Open the default logfile" },
+ n = { "<cmd>lua require('core.terminal').toggle_log_view('lsp')<cr>", "view lsp log" },
+ N = { "<cmd>edit ~/.cache/nvim/log<cr>", "Open the Neovim logfile" },
+ l = { "<cmd>lua require('core.terminal').toggle_log_view('nvim')<cr>", "view neovim log" },
+ L = { "<cmd>edit ~/.cache/nvim/lsp.log<cr>", "Open the LSP logfile" },
+ p = {
+ "<cmd>lua require('core.terminal').toggle_log_view('packer.nvim')<cr>",
+ "view packer log",
+ },
+ P = { "<cmd>edit ~/.cache/nvim/packer.nvim.log<cr>", "Open the Packer logfile" },
+ },
s = {
name = "Search",
b = { "<cmd>Telescope git_branches<cr>", "Checkout branch" },
@@ -211,14 +219,7 @@ M.config = function()
M.setup = function()
- -- if not package.loaded['which-key'] then
- -- return
- -- end
- local status_ok, which_key = pcall(require, "which-key")
- if not status_ok then
- Log:get_default "Failed to load whichkey"
- return
- end
+ local which_key = require "which-key"
@@ -228,10 +229,12 @@ M.setup = function()
local mappings = options.builtin.which_key.mappings
local vmappings = options.builtin.which_key.vmappings
- local wk = require "which-key"
+ which_key.register(mappings, opts)
+ which_key.register(vmappings, vopts)
- wk.register(mappings, opts)
- wk.register(vmappings, vopts)
+ if options.builtin.which_key.on_config_done then
+ options.builtin.which_key.on_config_done(which_key)
+ end
return M