path: root/text_recognizer/criterion
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authorGustaf Rydholm <>2021-10-27 22:41:39 +0200
committerGustaf Rydholm <>2021-10-27 22:41:39 +0200
commitbec4aafe707be8e5763ad6b2194d4589f20594a9 (patch)
tree506517ca6a17241a305114e787d1b899a48a3d86 /text_recognizer/criterion
parent9a8044f4a3826a119416665741b709cd686fca87 (diff)
Rename to criterion
Diffstat (limited to 'text_recognizer/criterion')
5 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/text_recognizer/criterion/ b/text_recognizer/criterion/
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index 0000000..5b0a7ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text_recognizer/criterion/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Module with custom loss functions."""
diff --git a/text_recognizer/criterion/ b/text_recognizer/criterion/
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index 0000000..42a0b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text_recognizer/criterion/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+"""CTC loss."""
+import torch
+from torch import LongTensor, nn, Tensor
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+class CTCLoss(nn.Module):
+ """CTC loss."""
+ def __init__(self, blank: int) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.blank = blank
+ def forward(self, outputs: Tensor, targets: Tensor) -> Tensor:
+ """Computes the CTC loss."""
+ device = outputs.device
+ log_probs = F.log_softmax(outputs, dim=2).permute(1, 0, 2)
+ output_lengths = LongTensor([outputs.shape[1]] * outputs.shape[0]).to(device)
+ targets_ = LongTensor([]).to(device)
+ target_lengths = LongTensor([]).to(device)
+ for target in targets:
+ # Remove padding
+ target = target[target != self.blank].to(device)
+ targets_ =, target))
+ target_lengths =
+ (target_lengths, torch.LongTensor([len(target)]).to(device)), dim=0
+ )
+ return F.ctc_loss(
+ log_probs,
+ targets,
+ output_lengths,
+ target_lengths,
+ blank=self.blank,
+ zero_infinity=True,
+ )
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index 0000000..5b3a47e
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+"""Implementations of custom loss functions."""
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from torch import Tensor
+class LabelSmoothingLoss(nn.Module):
+ r"""Loss functions for making networks less over confident.
+ It is used to calibrate the network so that the predicted probabilities
+ reflect the accuracy. The function is given by:
+ L = (1 - \alpha) * y_hot + \alpha / K
+ This means that some of the probability mass is transferred to the incorrect
+ labels, thus not forcing the network try to put all probability mass into
+ one label, and this works as a regulizer.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, ignore_index: int = -100, smoothing: float = 0.0, dim: int = -1
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ if not 0.0 < smoothing < 1.0:
+ raise ValueError("Smoothing must be between 0.0 and 1.0")
+ self.ignore_index = ignore_index
+ self.confidence = 1.0 - smoothing
+ self.smoothing = smoothing
+ self.dim = dim
+ def forward(self, output: Tensor, target: Tensor) -> Tensor:
+ """Computes the loss.
+ Args:
+ output (Tensor): outputictions from the network.
+ target (Tensor): Ground truth.
+ Shapes:
+ Returns:
+ (Tensor): Label smoothing loss.
+ """
+ output = output.log_softmax(dim=self.dim)
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ true_dist = torch.zeros_like(output)
+ true_dist.scatter_(1, target.unsqueeze(1), self.confidence)
+ true_dist.masked_fill_((target == 4).unsqueeze(1), 0)
+ true_dist += self.smoothing / output.size(self.dim)
+ return torch.mean(torch.sum(-true_dist * output, dim=self.dim))
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index 0000000..a9f47f9
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+"""Pix2pix discriminator loss."""
+from torch import nn, Tensor
+from text_recognizer.networks.vqvae.norm import Normalize
+class NLayerDiscriminator(nn.Module):
+ """Defines a PatchGAN discriminator loss in Pix2Pix."""
+ def __init__(
+ self, in_channels: int = 1, num_channels: int = 32, num_layers: int = 3
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.num_channels = num_channels
+ self.num_layers = num_layers
+ self.discriminator = self._build_discriminator()
+ def _build_discriminator(self) -> nn.Sequential:
+ """Builds discriminator."""
+ discriminator = [
+ nn.Sigmoid(),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=self.in_channels,
+ out_channels=self.num_channels,
+ kernel_size=4,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ ),
+ nn.Mish(inplace=True),
+ ]
+ in_channels = self.num_channels
+ for n in range(1, self.num_layers):
+ discriminator += [
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=in_channels * n,
+ kernel_size=4,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ ),
+ # Normalize(num_channels=in_channels * n),
+ nn.Mish(inplace=True),
+ ]
+ in_channels *= n
+ discriminator += [
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=self.num_channels * (self.num_layers - 1),
+ out_channels=1,
+ kernel_size=4,
+ padding=1,
+ )
+ ]
+ return nn.Sequential(*discriminator)
+ def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
+ """Forward pass through discriminator."""
+ return self.discriminator(x)
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index 0000000..9d1cddd
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+"""VQGAN loss for PyTorch Lightning."""
+from typing import Optional, Tuple
+import torch
+from torch import nn, Tensor
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from text_recognizer.criterions.n_layer_discriminator import NLayerDiscriminator
+def _adopt_weight(
+ weight: Tensor, global_step: int, threshold: int = 0, value: float = 0.0
+) -> float:
+ """Sets weight to value after the threshold is passed."""
+ if global_step < threshold:
+ weight = value
+ return weight
+class VQGANLoss(nn.Module):
+ """VQGAN loss."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ reconstruction_loss: nn.L1Loss,
+ discriminator: NLayerDiscriminator,
+ commitment_weight: float = 1.0,
+ discriminator_weight: float = 1.0,
+ discriminator_factor: float = 1.0,
+ discriminator_iter_start: int = 1000,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.reconstruction_loss = reconstruction_loss
+ self.discriminator = discriminator
+ self.commitment_weight = commitment_weight
+ self.discriminator_weight = discriminator_weight
+ self.discriminator_factor = discriminator_factor
+ self.discriminator_iter_start = discriminator_iter_start
+ @staticmethod
+ def adversarial_loss(logits_real: Tensor, logits_fake: Tensor) -> Tensor:
+ """Calculates the adversarial loss."""
+ loss_real = torch.mean(F.relu(1.0 - logits_real))
+ loss_fake = torch.mean(F.relu(1.0 + logits_fake))
+ d_loss = (loss_real + loss_fake) / 2.0
+ return d_loss
+ def _adaptive_weight(
+ self, rec_loss: Tensor, g_loss: Tensor, decoder_last_layer: Tensor
+ ) -> Tensor:
+ rec_grads = torch.autograd.grad(
+ rec_loss, decoder_last_layer, retain_graph=True
+ )[0]
+ g_grads = torch.autograd.grad(g_loss, decoder_last_layer, retain_graph=True)[0]
+ d_weight = torch.norm(rec_grads) / (torch.norm(g_grads) + 1.0e-4)
+ d_weight = torch.clamp(d_weight, 0.0, 1.0e4).detach()
+ d_weight *= self.discriminator_weight
+ return d_weight
+ def forward(
+ self,
+ data: Tensor,
+ reconstructions: Tensor,
+ commitment_loss: Tensor,
+ decoder_last_layer: Tensor,
+ optimizer_idx: int,
+ global_step: int,
+ stage: str,
+ ) -> Optional[Tuple]:
+ """Calculates the VQGAN loss."""
+ rec_loss: Tensor = self.reconstruction_loss(reconstructions, data)
+ # GAN part.
+ if optimizer_idx == 0:
+ logits_fake = self.discriminator(reconstructions)
+ g_loss = -torch.mean(logits_fake)
+ if
+ d_weight = self._adaptive_weight(
+ rec_loss=rec_loss,
+ g_loss=g_loss,
+ decoder_last_layer=decoder_last_layer,
+ )
+ else:
+ d_weight = torch.tensor(0.0)
+ d_factor = _adopt_weight(
+ self.discriminator_factor,
+ global_step=global_step,
+ threshold=self.discriminator_iter_start,
+ )
+ loss: Tensor = (
+ rec_loss
+ + d_factor * d_weight * g_loss
+ + self.commitment_weight * commitment_loss
+ )
+ log = {
+ f"{stage}/total_loss": loss,
+ f"{stage}/commitment_loss": commitment_loss,
+ f"{stage}/rec_loss": rec_loss,
+ f"{stage}/g_loss": g_loss,
+ }
+ return loss, log
+ if optimizer_idx == 1:
+ logits_fake = self.discriminator(reconstructions.detach())
+ logits_real = self.discriminator(data.detach())
+ d_factor = _adopt_weight(
+ self.discriminator_factor,
+ global_step=global_step,
+ threshold=self.discriminator_iter_start,
+ )
+ d_loss = d_factor * self.adversarial_loss(
+ logits_real=logits_real, logits_fake=logits_fake
+ )
+ log = {
+ f"{stage}/d_loss": d_loss,
+ }
+ return d_loss, log